The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

Lindsay Brooks
Derek Moeller
Rose Reyes
Jodi Scott Elliott
Ava Rose
Michelle Hayes
Kim Maureen Kleeman
Dianne Ronnow
Dan Dawson
carolina marquez-sterling
Joseph Souligna Nontanovan
Susan Benesch
David Iscoe
Patricia Lavelle
Krista Parkinson
Vicki Saunders
Kira Harvey
Meredith Roach
Catherine Theriault
Deborah Albert
Jenny Stewart
Kerri Villiard
Carol Richmond
Melissa Aldrich
Katherine Kittler
Lise Marita Sande
Caitlee Martindale
Jason Lampert
Minna Ojala
Ian Sanabria
Jacquelynne Fontes
Bettina Carey
Maureen Murphy
Jolene Malinowski-Brackett
Margaret LaRose
Mariah McHale
Shaun Davison
Meg Mac
Pete Schramm
Victoria Reeve
Nicola Matthews Barron
Nick G
Sarah Alto
Nefertiti Jenkins
ananda kientz
Jane Elliott
Rebecca TY
Paul Sighman
Lucia Gannon
Colleen Cox
Nicole Edwards
Marika Edwards
Ingrid A
Genevieve Amina Gideonse
da ni el
Rob Gronbeck
Karen Steinkraus
Kaivan Wadia
Kevin Collins
Thomas Murphy
Mike Rinard
Amanda Clark
Connor Sullivan
lou rooney
Carrie Welch
Jillian Mueller
Mike Arps
Elizabeth Morris
Diane Falcone
Bridgette Day Tuckfield
Joshua Reitz
Liam Antonopoulos
cara nocero
Nadira Hira
Robin Eriksson
Gina Paoloni
Ken Neth
Alexander Wolff
Laura Beaty
Melissa Miller
Martin Arroyo
Karl B Warfel
Ayo Oyewusi
Andrew D
Jenn Kimball
Amelia Bedelia
Richard Snyder
Charles Wotton
Kait E

Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Kim Highsmith on Mon, Oct 04
1 cup

I recognize that everyone uses 750Words differently. As both a creative writer and academic, I tend to feel guilty if I use up my words on random lists or journaling. Also, somedays I’ll be working on editing, grading, or sending my writing to publishers—it should be less about quantity than quality. At the same time, I want to maintain a daily practice, and 750Words is a great platform and concept. My idea is a version for fewer words, maybe a minimum of 300 for slower writers who may otherwise become overwhelmed and drop the habit entirely.

New Feature Request Note from Scop Wallace on Sat, Oct 02
1 cup

Pretty incredible that this site has helped keep me accountable in writing everyday! It’s helped me get into a groove and start to understand my writing tone & voice. And sharpen my craft altogether. The best part is the mental clarity & space from having somewhere to just capture and process the craziness going on in my head sometimes! Thanks so much to the creators of this wonderful tool. xoxo

Testimonial Note from Marcy Lynn on Sat, Oct 02
1 cup

I am not a consistent or regular writer. Sometimes I think I’d like to be. But I usually find 750 words takes more time than I’ve allowed and I often go days without writing at all. Nevertheless, I keep coming back here and treasure the gift it is.

Testimonial Note from Paraic Bergin on Sat, Oct 02
1 cup

It has been so good to see how the word count rises, and realize that I can be a real writer, and write as many books as I want (I have already written 3 nonfiction but I am struggling to write a romance novel). Getting to the million word count was a big moment for me, but now that I’m well on the way to almost two million… it’s starting to seem inevitable that my dreams of finishing a 3 romance novel series will come true! Thank you Buster Benson and Kelliann!

Testimonial Note from Mazarine on Sat, Oct 02
1 cup

It has been so good to see how the word count rises, and realize that I can be a real writer, and write as many books as I want (I have already written 3 nonfiction but I am struggling to write a romance novel). Getting to the million word count was a big moment for me, but now that I’m well on the way to almost two million… it’s starting to seem inevitable that my dreams of finishing a 3 romance novel series will come true! Thank you Buster Benson and Kelliann!

Testimonial Note from Mazarine on Sat, Oct 02
1 cup

I am grateful to this site for getting me back on the proverbial writing bicycle. This month’s challenge – and my two missed days of it, Gaah! – has shown me how easy it is to forget to write, AND how great it is to have a daily writing practice. October will be my second monthly challenge – looking forward to writing each day and strengthening those muscles! To those of you who wrote every day for a month, year, decade – holy cats but y’all are such inspirations! And to those of us who miss a day and come right back – y’all are HUGE inspirations! Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Jeannel King on Thu, Sep 30
1 cup
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from F on Fri, Sep 24
2 cups

¡Cinco estrellas! Este sitio me gusta mucho, desde que lo conocí me atrapó el concepto, siento que escribir en esta página me ayuda a descargar mi mente y aclarar ideas… a veces siento que me ayuda también a procesar algunas emociones.

Testimonial Note from Miguel Manzanares Morales on Mon, Sep 20
1 cup
Firefox login problems

Hello, I’ve been struggling to log in on Firefox for a while now. Just me or is this a known issue?

New Feature Request Note from aguirre on Mon, Sep 20
1 cup
3 Million Words Badge

So it’s hard for me to believe, but I have written three million words. Wow. Is it possible to get a three million word badge on board?

New Feature Request Note from Jennifer Kathleen Gibbons on Sat, Sep 18
10 cups

Oh hi. I just earned my 1,000-day streak squirrel badge. I can’t believe it. I feel so free. I love that I have a record of what I’ve been doing and how I’ve been feeling over the past 3.5 years (I started my current streak after breaking a 200-day streak). So many days I struggled to reach 750 words. Others I had a hard time stopping at 2,000. I know this site has made me a better stream-of-consciousness writer. A faster writer, a clearer writer. I’ve gotten to know myself better. I think I might take a break now. Anyway, thanks for making this site, writing every day for 1,000 days has been a really fun journey for me!

Testimonial Note from Victoria Okay on Fri, Sep 17
4 cups

Just a few weeks ago, I decided to start 750 words seriously and try to see what my writing streak would be. In addition to being on a 40+ day streak, I have found the writing stats to be most helpful. I like the stats showing mindset, etc. and it has helped me direct (guide) myself out of those days of funk and into a much better mindset. Enough so that I have encouraged family and friends to take advantage of this site and become members.

Additionally, it is aiding me to get into gear for NaNo (National Novel Writing Month) for which I have participated in since 2008. Another added benefit has been the ability to see where certain struggles have been in my life and work on those. When you write from the heart and mind, it really does help see the soul and self-reflect on areas that may need work.

And lastly, when I write down all my thoughts daily it allows me to feel more rested and relaxed…like a weight has been lifted. Not to mention all the snippets of short stories, poetry, and novel ideas that seem to appear. Did I mention characters too?

Write on friends!

Testimonial Note from Renda on Thu, Sep 16
1 cup
Improve the writing page

It would be great to have the option to hide the word count until you hit 750!

New Feature Vote from Jennifer Gigantino on Thu, Sep 16
1 cup

I’ve been writing on this site since 2013 off and on, and it’s always helped my creative flow and helped me process some major life events too. My mom is currently dying of brain cancer and being able to write out my thoughts every morning is helping keep me grounded and present. It really helps knowing my writing is private, and that even I probably won’t go back and read most of it. It allows me to feel free to dump anything and everything onto the page. I would definitely feel lost without this site right now. Thank you so much for creating this space.

Testimonial Note from Elaine on Mon, Sep 13
1 cup

After my transplant, it was recommended I start seeing a therapist. While waiting to get an appointment, this site was recommended to me to help clear my mind and think through things. I’m glad I did. It’s been a great way to empty my brain at the end of a day.

Testimonial Note from Marianne E Schmidt on Sun, Sep 12
6 cups

Thank you, Buster and Kellianne. After nearly nine years, I’m still using this site consistently to process my thoughts, practice writing, and as a scratch pad for ideas. This site is a blessing to me. And I am grateful!

Testimonial Note from William on Sun, Sep 12
1 cup

The generosity of the free trial helped to appreciate both: the benefit and value of the 750 Words! Today, 9/10/2021, I am pleased to join and celebrate the owner’s entrepreneurial endeavor to offer a creative platform to celebrate the writer’s community spirit.

Testimonial Note from Ruth Simone on Fri, Sep 10
1 cup

I first joined 750 Words in 2011, but hadn’t used it for many, many years before restarting my practice this spring as part of a larger process of personal development. I plan to continue with this process, and I’d like to write a novel at some point, but 750 Words has just been a morning “brain dump” and a piece of my growing self-discipline. I’m happy to have it, and have signed up to be a paying member in honor of getting to my first 100 day streak.

Testimonial Note from Stacey Kerr on Fri, Sep 10
1 cup

Yesterday, and although it will place me on the Wall of Shame for September, I let deliberately break my streak after 479 days, the second-longest one since I started writing on 750words five years ago. Over these years, having this writing challenge every day has helped me to write four books (adding to the two I had written in the twenty years before). However, I still had a blockade against visibility with my own work – none of the articles which I wrote next to these books has ever been accepted at a journal, and only those two of the books which were peripheral to my work were accepted by a publisher (a good one, at least). But was also the place to research this my own blockade – all the frequent rejections have a lot to do with the usual closeness of academic discourse, but I always knew that they had a lot to do with me, too. And so I delved and delved and delved deep into my own past, into the forgotten that popped up in my mind and even more into the pre-known that can be only extrapolated, with all the possible biases that come with extrapolations. was the right place to each day come back with a new fresh and critical perspective on the progress or seeming progress made so far, with only the diffuse emotions what feels right and what feels wrong as my beclouded lighthouse. And today, these diffuse emotions tell me that the recent progress was a critical one beyond all those in previous years. It will help me to launch, to become visible and understood, to be able to make my contribution to make the world a better place and to hold back environmental destruction, and along the way to avoid the poverty that is lurking at my door. Finally. I am so grateful for this progress. There are some addressees for this gratitude and some places to celebrate this breakthrough – but 750words is a most important one among them. I look forward to the next 479 and 622 and more days to come!

Testimonial Note from Hanno Scholtz on Fri, Sep 10
10 cups

A note of thanks for keeping this site up and running. I appreciate this very convenient and dependable way to maintain my small morning dose of writing-discipline. The site is simple, user-friendly, and has some valuable features, such as the ability to download plain text files of previous entries. I recommend this site to many people I know who are striving to keep a daily writing practice. Thanks for making a difference in so many lives.

Testimonial Note from WhatKindofDog on Thu, Sep 09
175 cups

Woah! Years in the making, I’m thrilled to have hit a nice round milestone today of 2,000 days of writing in a row. Next up, trying to get that next 50K words to hit 4,000,000 words; write another 188 days to hit 4,000 completed days since joining, and—who knows—maybe keep going for another 500 days to hit a 2,500 day streak.

I feel a great deal of gratitude to Buster & Kellianne (and all the site’s members) for keeping this place going. Through thick and thin, sickness and health, and some recent periods of great uncertainty, sitting down to write each morning has been a calming influence in my life. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Steven L Johnson on Wed, Sep 08
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Cawnen on Tue, Sep 07
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments
New Feature Vote from Cawnen on Tue, Sep 07
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I just like feeling accomplished.
Thanks so much for the great site!

New Feature Vote from Sara Kate Ladybug Whittemore on Sat, Sep 04
1 cup has been a part of my process for 10 years now and I almost need the introspection in the morning now. I like that I can metatag different things I’m working on like weight or income, and then see those metrics tracked over time. Plus, it’s a gold mine for creative inspiration that I can search back through the years. Thanks so much!

Testimonial Note from Benjamin Jenks on Thu, Sep 02
10 cups
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from WhatKindofDog on Wed, Sep 01
150 cups

Thank you Buster and Kellyanne for keeping this site up and running. Thanks especially to Kellyanne for fixing a few of the streak problems that happened earlier this year when Texas had that week or so of rolling blackouts, followed by my internet router getting toasted by some of the power surges when the power kept coming back on.

I’ve gone through a lot of not-so-great times during the course of this 1242 day streak I’m on, and for that matter during the more than 10 years of days that I’ve completed all time on here. But even though sometimes I just feel like I can’t do a damned thing right in the real world, here I am churning away at a pace that should get me to a total ten million words by the time I get the Great Griffin badge, two years from now. Currently, I’m a little over 7 and a half million words, much of it just drivel and brain dump stuff, but it’s so nice to have this site where I can go snivel and whine, then break out of it and put down my ideas and such in a private, secure place. It’s totally worth the five dollars a month.

Thanks again, and here’s hoping that I’ll be back to shout out my hurrahs when I reach the Griffin, and the ten million word mark!

Testimonial Note from Joseph Mayer on Sat, Aug 28
6 cups

G’day, writing hermits.How are you?
I have enjoyed reading your testimonials and notes of inspiration over the years. Gotta admit, sometimes I needed that little hug.
(Is it my turn now to say something kind?)
Eh, better to be honest.
I reached a 1500 day streak!
I CAN make the next 500 days to The Great Griffin.
However, I just don’t know WHY.
This milestone sigh isn’t a celebration. It reveals hundreds of hours of disposable written nonsense. Okay, with rare gems.
It was sluggish today. Perhaps easier sailing awaits tomorrow. ​
Just posting this here to affirm its okay to have days where you “have nothing to write.” And yet, BAM.

Testimonial Note from PS on Fri, Aug 27
2 cups
An iPhone/iPad app

I think a 750words app would be perfect because you could have push notifications to help you remember to write at certain times of day. Also, calendar reminders could be nice. Having the app on the home screen could be good motivation too.

New Feature Vote from Kari Kerby on Thu, Aug 26