The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup

750 Words has given me the motivation and opportunity to sit down on a daily basis and WRITE. I’m a College Freshman, and this is the best tool for ADD I’ve seen in my life. You’ve rocked my world, the past week, and I’m seven for seven. Thanks a ton. I’m an addict, and loving it.

Testimonial Note from Ian Daniher on Tue, Mar 16
2 cups

Thanks for making this site, Buster. It makes me happy daily.

Testimonial Note from Heather Burgess on Tue, Mar 16
1 cup

I was so impressed with the 826 Seattle program that I jumped at the opportunity to help them out even more. Talk about a great community. 750 Words is life changing.

Double Down on Charity Note from Kellie Miller on Tue, Mar 16
1 cup
Secure server for writing

I get to the office early in the morning, usually around 5:30am. I like to do my writing then when I’m least distracted, however, I have to deal with nosey network admin’s sometimes and if the things I do aren’t over SSL they’ll notice :(

New Feature Vote from Craig Wickesser on Tue, Mar 16
1 cup

It’s funny – I dread writing my 750 words every day. It feels like some sort of pointless addiction.

However, when I’m done, I always feel better, lighter. I’m very glad for this site – if you don’t feel like somebody who will benefit from writing, just give it a shot and see what happens – I’ve never been disappointed yet!

Testimonial Note from Viperino McFantastic on Tue, Mar 16
4 cups

A round on me, to the winners of April’s challenge.

One Month Challenge Bounty from Shane Fera on Tue, Mar 16
1 cup

I was in need of a little extra focus in this phase of my life. Turns out a daily dose of about 20 minutes of writing is just what the doctor ordered! I especially like the points and badges system; it’s a little like Pokemon for grownups. Who says we have to give up games when we grow up?

Testimonial Note from Edd Hendricks on Mon, Mar 15
1 cup

750 Words had allowed me to fulfill a long-held dream of writing every day that I could never make happen. Without the daily reminder and word target, I would not be able to write even now; I seem to respond only when there’s an ‘external’ obligation. I’m surprised to see how easily the words flow when I get down to it. I would never have found out if it wasn’t for 750 Words.

Testimonial Note from Jeanne Subramaniam on Mon, Mar 15
1 cup

Hi Buster – I am a fan of “The Artist’s Way” and an off and on morning pager for many years. More off than on I’m afraid especially as my business took me toward more techie tools and the pen and paper seemed harder to pick up. I am loving 750 words as I can get my morning pages done significantly faster and start my day with a clear head! I love the little tokens too – it’s a silly way to feel a sense of accomplishment. I even felt bragging rights for my Flamingo. Thanks!!

Testimonial Note from Lisa-Marie Dowler Cabrelli on Mon, Mar 15
1 cup

Love the site. Pure, simple, clean, don’t have to think to use it.

Outstanding feature: Graphs.
Feature needed: https & 1way encryption.

Could do it by running the text through the assessment engines, indexing the text, and THEN encrypting it.


Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Mon, Mar 15
4 cups

750 Words has helped me in more ways than can be written down. It’s filled the gap between text documents and blogs: a place where one can simply get all of their thoughts down on (metaphorical) paper. At night, when I get most of my work done, it’s nice to have a spot to ramble on about things or work out ideas for half an hour before I get to work. The point system is also a great motivator for continuing to write every day. I think everyone needs a place to just get all of their thoughts out of their system.

Thank you.

Testimonial Note from Jake Mates on Mon, Mar 15
4 cups
American Strange

we are a self starting band, i play bass for this band, and i write on, please check us out, if you like then feel free to fan us on facebook or myspace or, we just want you to know we exist and are doing shows in DFW all summer, updates as they happen.

Self-Promotional Note from Matthew Robinson on Tue, Mar 16
1 cup

I have been working through a few minor mental setbacks. Discovering 750 words earlier this week has been a huge help and relief to me.

Thank you Buster.

Testimonial Note from Mrs. Frank McGurk on Mon, Mar 15
1 cup
Ability to delete old text

Given some of my more stream-of-consciousness entries, I get a little nervous about my words sitting around in plaintext on the 750words server forever. In the absence of real encryption for entries, how about adding the ability to delete a month’s text once you’ve exported it? You could still keep the stats and points, and just remove the content.

Thanks for the site, it’s the most essential app that I’ve discovered this year!

New Feature Request Note from Joe Hughes on Mon, Mar 15
1 cup

I’m still figuring out the best way to use my 750 words – brain dump, therapist, stream-of-consciousness – every day brings something new, it seems. I love it!

Testimonial Note from Ingrid Turk on Mon, Mar 15
1 cup

Thank you.

Double Down on Charity Note from Lindsey Arnold on Mon, Mar 15
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I love the badges. just another cool little motivational trick that I think is fantastic. Just wondering actually. What are the requirements for the Speedy Typist Badge? (Heck, while I’m at it, how about the “Undistractible” requirements as well.)

New Feature Vote from Anonymous on Mon, Mar 15
1 cup

I initially came across 750words on Twitter – and it has quickly become my favorite (or one of my favorite) parts of my day. Even if I don’t have much to write about – just unloading whatever is in my brain is a great release. I love the stats, checking on my typing speed (such as it is) and just the general opportunity to do something I enjoy every morning.
Also, I am positively giddy about getting my albatross tag today!
Keep up the good work!

Testimonial Note from Martha Maddox on Sun, Mar 14
1 cup

One of my best friends and I were talking over dinner about how to overcome various creative blocks, and our frustration with ourselves about quitting on good creative habits. A few days later, as if in answer to this discussion, came across my Twitter stream and I’ve been writing every day since.

This is notable in the fact of it, and also in the ease (so far). The simple tracking mechanisms and intriguing stats give me the impetus to keep the streak going in ways that writing in a notebook never have. I’m not sure what that says about me, but at this point I’m just delighted that it works.

Testimonial Note from Carol Gunby on Sun, Mar 14
1 cup

This site is soooo much better (and cheaper) than a therapist. Keep it up!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Sun, Mar 14
1 cup

I’d just decided to commit to daily writing to work through a career issue (and hopefully unlock some creativity) when I heard about I love the simplicity, security and statisitcs that are a part of using This has been really fulfilling for me, so when I heard that dontaions were welcomed to help keep the site going, it was a no-brainer! I’m getting lots more out of the site than the $ I put into it.

Testimonial Note from Christine Heflinger on Sun, Mar 14
1 cup

What I love about 750 Words: (1) I get to indulge my right brain creativity and then wake up my left brain with charts & statistics about what I just wrote. (2) It’s like a coffee shop that I get to take with me wherever I tote my Macbook and there’s wifi, even on the patio in my jammies. (3) It offers privacy and solitude with a smidgeon of community. And that’s just the first three things that come to mind.

Testimonial Note from Debora Palmer on Sat, Mar 13
5 cups

“Value given for value received,” said my college professor when defining marketing.

Nine days ago I discovered and thought, “This is cool.” By the fourth day I said, “This is going to be a valuable tool to help me sort through emotions, situations, relationships, goals—all sorts of things.”

Making a donation was simple—I just put my money where I was getting value! My prof was right.

Thanks, Buster.

Testimonial Note from Ken Bosma on Sat, Mar 13
4 cups

Not only has writing every day dramatically improved my grades, but it’s also helped me finally flesh out all the project ideas that were stuck in my head.

Thanks, Buster!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Sat, Mar 13
2 cups

Thanks so much for 750 words. Ive been using it everyday and the process has been a revelation. It’s really helping me to live and live well. Thanks.

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Sat, Mar 13
1 cup

I love 826 Seattle. It’s the Seattle branch of a great organization that helps improve the written communication skills of youth. Also, each of their centers doubles as a store of some sort. In Seattle it’s a Space Travel stores. Other cities have Super Hero stores, Pirate stores, etc. Check them out.

Double Down on Charity Note from Buster Benson on Fri, Mar 12
1 cup

This is my official blog that covers all my various projects, in case anyone’s interested.

What happens when I write a long note?

Self-Promotional Note from Buster Benson on Fri, Mar 12
1 cup

The key to getting a long streak going is to do the writing in the morning.

One Month Challenge Bounty from Buster Benson on Fri, Mar 12
1 cup
Secure server for writing

I just need a to cover the cost of the actual certificate, which is about $125/year.

New Feature Vote from Buster Benson on Fri, Mar 12
2 cups
Add a way for people to help support the site

Something involving cups, and notes, and lots of random capitalization. It made sense in my dream.

New Feature Request Note from Buster Benson on Fri, Mar 12