The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

David Colman
Jeff Murray
Elaine Garven
Terry Sample
Kate Crofford
Dalton Emery
Renee Bernier
Laurie Phipps
Grace C
Jessica Goldhammer
Kay Jay
Seth R.
Deidra Newbrough
Ciara Briggs
Jenny Montoya Tansey
K Lawrence
Nicole M Bergstrom
Sang Leng Trieu
Laura Clark
Dan Digna
Adrese Ramsaran
Heather Stang
Julie Kramer
Francisco Rengel
Mary Martha Grizzle
Kate Brennan
Francesca Phillips
Carolyn Gretton
Douglas C Ward
Debbra B
Brian Freia
Clairliz Pierre-Louis
Susan Piver
Naveh Shetrit
Sars Book
Alison Smart
Laura Carter-Stone
Peter Mc Cullagh
Terrence Mcgowin
Grace Hobbs
John Wayne
Mohneet Ahuja
Calvin Harris
Michelle Greene
Janna Roloff
John Lee
Daniel Bourke
Matthew Speiser
Marisa Brandt
Katie Bowles
Ade Sango
Sarah Young Imbert
Lori Martin
Ana Alonso
Not Telling
Matthew T.S. Rousseau
Joelle Carson
Wendy Lenhart
Caris Miller
Isabelle Hobbs
Nigel Lowe
Kelsey Strauch
Erin L
Ian Murton
E Singer
Adam Summers
Rhonda Walsingham-Colonna
Lee Rusch
Victoria Cousins
Jennifer Hoffman
Emily Lynne Clare Sheridan
Noora Anwahi
Eda Chen
Julia Moak
Marilyn Green Faulkner
James Lopez
Miffy Roo
William Ames
Andrew Stead
Katherine Majewski
Cass Adair
Shea O'Donnell Root
Leah Meadows
Christopher Hunn

Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup

I like the stats feature because it gives me that feeling of someone else seeing my writing without actually having to share it with anyone else. :)

Testimonial Note from Colin Barrett on Mon, Jan 31
1 cup
I learned about this site by watching Mel Robbins motivational talks. It turns out that she has utilized this site as an inspirational tool to practice her writing skills and vent. I have been flirting with the idea of writing for a while now but mostly as an outlet. I had to try it. My first night writing I only reached a mere 189 words, but it was the start I needed. My second night, 932 words! I unloaded! Now that I needed! For now I use it as a personal outlet, but I’m spawning ideas for stories and hopefully to write a book at some point. And upon that second night and 932 words later, I became a member. You only get better by writing…whatever. Just writing. My thanks to the creators of this site. I don’t know of anything else out there like it and at this point I would not bother to look. On that note, write on my friends…write on!
Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Fri, Jan 28
1 cup
More text analysis

Would love to see how today’s text compares to my past text analysis (for example, am I growing increasingly more positive? am I mentioning a specific word more often? and so on)

New Feature Vote from Michaela Kerem on Thu, Jan 27
1 cup
Improve the writing page

Easier text formatting

New Feature Vote from Annette G on Tue, Jan 25
1 cup
Improve the writing page

Easier text formatting

New Feature Vote from Annette G on Tue, Jan 25
8 cups

There really is no replacement for this site!

I’ve been using 750words on and off for a long time. Sometimes I told myself I’d better just type it all on a word document instead… and end up quitting writing altogether until I come back here. There’s something to this site that always brings me back. You help me get things off my chest, get my ideas straight, and give me an excuse to transcribe my manuscript journal so my memories aren’t lost to time if I ever lose that little notebook.

Not to mention you’ve taught me how far a little work each day will get you. I went over 80k words some time ago – enough to fill a book – just by writing whatever came to my mind for half an hour each day!

Whether it’s the challenge to maintain the streak or that next shiny badge, you keep me writing. And that’s all that matters!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Thu, Jan 20
16 cups

I blew it yesterday and didn’t copy and past in the project I worked on all afternoon, therefore I’ve lost my streak, again. Here are all my cups. I’ll start again today.

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Thu, Jan 20
2 cups

I am back here after a break of several years. And I trusted that if I kept showing up, then I would start to find useful things to write about lurking in my brain, not just moans. And after about two weeks of doing it consistently, as well as taking a walk every day, it’s starting to happen. Keep the faith!

Testimonial Note from Louise Marston on Tue, Jan 18
2 cups

I started writing here back in 2012 when I was a lonely undergraduate student interning in DC. I have written here sporadically over the years, but my most recent stint, beginning in the summer of this year, has been my most consistent and longest period of writing so far. I really appreciate how this site has given me a space to process emotions, reflect on my experiences, and puzzle through work issues. I write every morning now and it is my favorite time of day. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Sam Smith on Fri, Jan 14
1 cup

I started using 750 words again after a multiple-year gap and I’ve found it incredibly helpful in the following ways: 1) fights the perfectionism with minimalist design, 2) prevents editing on past days so I can focus on the present, 3) metrics that I can track over time for comparing symptoms such as mood or anxiety and word analytics that helps me assess my state of being, common themes, thinking traps, and emotions (no other site or app offers this feature.) After years of silence, I am finally finding my voice. Thank you from the bottom of my cup <3

Testimonial Note from Sara Maximus on Thu, Jan 13
1 cup
A better mobile site
New Feature Vote from Tonya R Hernandez on Wed, Jan 12
1 cup
Consolidated Data

The results of your writting are only available to see day by day, it would be great if we could have a summarize by a range of dates, or month to date, or weekly. I refer to the stats that show the words that most is used, the feelings while writing, etc….

New Feature Request Note from Michel C Machado on Wed, Jan 12
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from Annerz on Mon, Jan 10
1 cup

It’s been 8 years, 5 states, 2 kids, and a cat since I discovered this incredible site + community. And although I haven’t been writing consistently that entire time, 750 words is always something I come back to when I need space to sort myself out. Thank you Kellianne and Buster for all you have done and continue to do. Cheers!

Testimonial Note from Annerz on Mon, Jan 10
1 cup
Improve the writing page

Sometimes I wish the writing page had a margin on BOTH sides: left and right.
I find WIDE sentences with LOTS of words difficult to read. Reading them is a chore, kind of like this:

New Feature Vote from Toni Merflag on Mon, Jan 10
4 cups

One of the things I love about 750words is starting with a blank sheet. No judgement, no prior expectations, doesn’t matter how long it’s been since I last wrote, it’s there – ready and waiting and welcoming.

Testimonial Note from Paraic Bergin on Sat, Jan 08
1 cup

It’s given me a quiet space at the end of busy days to sit down and clear my thoughts, and get back in the habit of writing after falling out of it. I can write about what I’ve read, done, or start sketching out drafts of stories, and just knowing that that’s waiting for me before I go to bed means I’m much more settled for my next day. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Freya Sacksen on Fri, Jan 07
12 cups

Wishing Buster, Kellianne and all my fellow writers a happy new year!

Testimonial Note from Ingeborg Kooiman on Thu, Jan 06
20 cups

I’ve been using this site on and off for ten years, and I can’t speak highly enough of it. As a place for clearing your mind, starting blogs, developing ideas… it’s unparalleled. It helps that Buster and Kellianne are so helpful too and obviously care about the site.

Testimonial Note from J. J. Knowles on Thu, Jan 06
1 cup

It is actually difficult to to state in few words how 750 words has helped me. Any writer who is worth that name should be on It is amazing how joining has turned my laziness in writing to 16

Testimonial Note from OLAGOLDEN SEMIYU on Thu, Jan 06
1 cup
Upload historical posts

Hi – I have been using another journaling tool for some time, and would like to be able to upload my old posts so that I can see the stats (like text analysis…I realise that streaks could not be part of this!) and easily look back at these entries to see how I have grown

New Feature Request Note from Adam Murray on Tue, Jan 04
10 cups

I am eternally grateful for this site as a safe place to land this past year.
Here’s to more light and love in 2022!

Testimonial Note from Rachel on Mon, Jan 03
10 cups
Improve the writing page

I would love rich text formatting options with many more font and paragraph choices. Fonts, colors, bullets, etc. Thank you!

New Feature Vote from Kara Ryan on Mon, Jan 03
1 cup

i find it easier and easier to see my moods, what makes me have a good day, and how writing every day gets all the gunk out of my head. Thank you so much 750Words!

Testimonial Note from Mazarine on Mon, Jan 03
10 cups

Happy New Year!
I paid my two missed challenges to 750 words – two because I was remiss paying the last time I fell out of the challenge. Not sure where I would be without this site I realised how much it’s helped me practice writing. There was a time when I didn’t write for months and months ad infiinitum. Yet this last year, I’ve been inspired to get my words down not only hitting 500K words but completing NaNoWriMo. Showing up to 750, I learned my best writing times, it’s at the dining table, focused on what I want to say, sitting upright. Never would I’ve believed that for the paltry price of two coffees a month, I’d accomplish so much. Thank you, Buster and Kellianne!

Testimonial Note from Evelyn Marentette on Mon, Jan 03
1 cup
What’s going on with the badges?

The last time I got a badge was last July!

New Feature Request Note from Michael Wayne Cole on Sun, Jan 02
10 cups

Who has two thumbs and missed her words for the December challenge on December 30th??

This gal!

Seriously grateful to this site and those who produce/maintain it, seriously grateful for the accountability, motivation, and freedom it provides as well. On this first day of 2022 let’s ALL raise a cuppa to this crew!

Testimonial Note from Jeannel King on Sat, Jan 01
10 cups

wondering could there be an offer of Patronage/Membership for long serving members (after serving a period of time decided by the owners of

New Feature Request Note from Ms. T on Sat, Jan 01
2 cups

750words has been a background score to my life for over 10 years now. It helped me cope with bad days in college and through my 20’s. During the pandemic, I finally started to actually get more consistent about writing here and it helped me cope. This was my solace in this uncertain time. Thank you Buster and Kelliane – you gave me a space to record my triumphs and disasters and find the strength to treat those two imposters just the same. To everyone else using this site, thank you for your notes of inspiration – it helped me see that there are kindred spirits out there.

Testimonial Note from Dhiya Sadanandan on Sat, Jan 01
10 cups

This site allows me to settle my mind before the serious working of writing begins. I am back after almost a year away. I know that my return will bring more focus and productivity.

Testimonial Note from Lauren Roche on Fri, Dec 31