The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

Dave Beck
Brandon Lorenz
Julie Hodges
Tina Lear
John Hatanaka
Autumn Valente
Laura Ellen
Alon Bar
Billye Roberts
Katie Monroe
Lisa Chan
Terry Knapp Jr.
Coffee Monster
Bridgit Colleran
W Hazard
Sidewalk Cat
Joshua Biggs
Kamlesh Hinduja
Julie JordanScott
Candy Fernaux
Michelle Braiden
Lily Chien-Davis
Charles Rice
Jeremy Wong
Dina Ranade
Brandy S
Carrie Smith
AFC Zelden
Vex Kaztro
Sharon Steen
shelley kingma-kitchen
Conrad Greiner-Bechert
Antonia Marquez Anguita
Ms. T
Jessica Arjet
Andrew Bleeker
m neal olmstead
Pat McNutt
Kate Mulcahy
Scari Sari 🎬
mark carter
Beckie Wood
Gavin Black
Linda Boney
Sally Logan
Jane Donaldson
Liz Flynn
Sarah S
Nicholas Kiddle
Allen Crowley
Hezekyah Huang
Jo Hornsey
Jessica Kosai
Maya Acuna
Alexandra Willcox
Rooie Mulligan
Michael Wells
Tara Whitney
Victoria Lee
Brett Beasley
Shona Benson
Sofia Zagzoule
Elizabeth Elgin
Kate W
Clair Ryu
Tara Kolla
David Bomse
Tatyana White-Jenkins
Roy Diggory
Zihao Chen
Serena DeStefani
KimMarie Saxon
Virginia Purdy
Adam Chiarella
Joshua Mononoetoe
Karen Bourg
Nikki Flionis
Mike watts
Joey Salehi
Elaina Whitesell
Joseph Petrarca
Joanna Susskind
Sam Blackwell
Aron Dahl
Yelena Kaminsky
Ricardo Antonio

Notes of inspiration from members

10 cups

Thank you so much Kellianne for fixing my broken streak. I’d got up to 1647 days when I came home tired from travelling, fell asleep at 1800 and didn’t wake up until after midnight. The way my heart sank when I realised I’d broken my streak! But one desperate plea to Kellianne later and it was all fixed and I can keep rolling towards that 2000 day goal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Testimonial Note from Nicholas Kiddle on Sat, Feb 25
7 cups

Thank you 750 Words! Doing the Challenges has hooked me into a habit. I like to write in the mornings, first thing if I can but my cats usually demand my attention first thing and sometimes my spouse and I are up at the same time and I have to put my writing on hold, but then I get to my desk, my computer looks at me. I look at it and away we go!
Sometimes I write with ease. Sometimes it’s like pulling teeth, without ease. I save each thing I write in Notebook on Evernote, where I create tags for what I’ve written about. Because I’m trying to write newsletters (blogs) on a regular basis on Substack. And I need subjects and written words!
To all the writers here, and especially the writers just jumping in for the first time: Confidence comes from doing the thing. The more you do it — it’s not so much that it gets easier, but you feel braver about what you write and the ability to push through the difficult parts.
Yesterday, I wrote a bunch of fiction for something I’ll probably try to workshop during NaNoWriMo.
We’ll see when we get there.
Welcome aboard, newbies and big hugs to all of us on the journey!

Testimonial Note from Eri Zeitz on Fri, Feb 24
1 cup
A better mobile site

hopefully to see traditional chinese version and japanese word counts

New Feature Vote from violet suen on Wed, Feb 22
1 cup

I’ve been a Patron for a long time and I’m grateful for this place. Thank you. more soon.

Testimonial Note from Rebecca Harris on Sat, Feb 11
1 cup

I’ve been a writer since I was a kid, but in the past it was hard for me to establish consistency in my work. I would write when I had random extra time, and so my practice was well, kind of random. Today is the 7th day of using 750words and I finally feel intentional in one of the most important practices of my life. This space is cute, well-designed and inspirational. 750words knows what makes us human is a need to connect to one another and a need to note our own progress in order to keep moving forward. I feel very grateful and deeply in awe. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Fri, Feb 10
1 cup
A better mobile site
New Feature Vote from Joe Loh on Wed, Feb 08
7 cups

Hey everybody! I wanted to say how truly amazing this site is, for improving your writing, self-awareness, and general happiness! It has helped me through some rough times, and Miss Kellianne is always so pleasant about fixing broken streaks, despite almost incoherent emails by hysterical people. This site has helped me grow so much.
My first year, my entries looked something like this: this week is going horrible. horribly . I hate the moth month of February. so dreary with everything gray and yucky. Ilgh. Ick Ick Ick!! and I broke one of my brackets off. wlll more ccurtaely accurately One of my brackets broke off for no reason.
Yes, I didn’t know how to type. The second year, it was better (no typos!) but my writing was worse. More robotic.
This year, my punctuation is much improved: If a parent randomly decided to kill their teenager, it would be murder; if they decided to kill their toddler or newborn, it would still be murder, but if you take it back to a single day before, that would be called abortion.
You have no idea how hard it is to use semicolons correctly if you’ve never tried it, or if you’ve tried it and never let anyone correct your writing. They are so hard! And yet, now, partially through your influence, I can employ them with ease.
Thank you, Kellianne and Buster, for a truly wonderful and unique experience, where I can express my ideas without fear of anyone spying or being nastily judgmental. You’ve really impacted my life in a wonderful way.
~Sarah L.

Testimonial Note from Sarah Lillian Friedl on Wed, Feb 08
1 cup

I am amazed at how 750 words have helped me write more, and release the thoughts in my head allowing me to clear the clutter that floats around. I can dump the bad thoughts and have a better day now that I am writing here every day. I know I could do this with 750 words, but I don’t think I would do it every day without this website. Thank you

Testimonial Note from David Wakeman on Wed, Feb 08
1 cup

Maravilloso lugar. Me ayuda a poner orden en mi cabeza, a centrarme y desahogarme :-) ¡Gracias!

Testimonial Note from Mari Reme on Mon, Feb 06
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from Kathy Fryman on Mon, Feb 06
1 cup
Prompts for future entries or slow days

Two possibilities: One would be a personal note board where you could post thoughts that you want to return to. For example, something is running through your head at work and you jot down a quick note for future journaling. The second is a communal board where members post journalling prompts and writing ideas to encourage each other when they are having a blocked moment.

New Feature Request Note from Jennifer Frida on Mon, Feb 06
5 cups

I have been struggling to write for a very long time. I became a member in 2020, during the pandemic, but I was so down I could not write a single word. But I started writing from the 1st of January, 2023. And I have been able to keep up the streak! I have even got the Night Bat, Cheetah, and Hamster badges in addition to the Albatross and The Turquoise Horse. And these tiny little achievements mean the world mean to me. I hope I can keep up this pace throughout this year. Much love <3

Testimonial Note from Ru3eyedRaven on Thu, Feb 02
1 cup

This was recommended by a friend.It was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted an online place to keep a journal and keep up a writing practice. This even has a reward system and feedback section. So simple and so needed.

Testimonial Note from Julie Troop on Sun, Jan 29
1 cup

Very glad to have found this site back in 2012. I did a NaNoWriMo, journaled about my youth, and now over a decade later I am back again for daily practice. Thank you for keeping a gem of the old internet alive <3
Very proud of everyone who’s on here. You are all rockstars!

Testimonial Note from Marg P. on Sun, Jan 29
2 cups

It’s been so lovely to use this site for over a decade now. Today I was again reminded of just how nurturing it is to write my words in this space. I send clients here and wish all who land here joy, insights, reflection and growth. Thank you 750 Words team for keeping this possible. The reflections that occur for the writers who engage here are changing the world for the better.

Testimonial Note from Tony Esteves on Tue, Jan 24
50 cups

750 words has inspired me to think and write a different kind of journal and I have appreciated the way the badges have improved my persistence. So thanks for restoring a streak broken by technical internet problems and thanks for a way to think through issues and problems and construct sermons. Here is a 50 cup salute!!

Testimonial Note from Margaret W. Franke on Wed, Jan 11
10 cups

“I love logging into 750 words and seeing all of the x’s checking off the days that I’ve completed so far. It’s a beautiful thing to see the visual evidence of me taking time for myself. Of me making myself the most important thing on my todo list.”

This was how I started my writing today. I’ve started a new morning routine of meditation and writing as soon as I wake up and I have been feeling so much more positive and hopeful for the future. Thank you for this awesome tool that helps make my days brighter.

Testimonial Note from To Eat Yer Broccoli on Sun, Jan 08
1 cup

750 Words has, slowly, over many years, allowed me to develop a more regular habit of writing and self-examination, and for this I am eternally grateful.

Testimonial Note from Noah J. on Sat, Jan 07
1 cup

I’ve started and stopped on this site about a dozen times. Today, it’s for reals. Writing makes me happy, it’s a new year, and it’s time I stick to this. Yay me.

Testimonial Note from EmKay on Sat, Jan 07
20 cups

750 Words is an awesome resource. I have used it to compose chapters for my books, to brainstorm, and to practice positive self talk. I love to do word purges in the stream-of-consciousness style, see what comes up from my mind onto the page and then address that in writing to reframe and orient myself towards my best life and the experiences or ideals I want to embody. This site is streamlined and effective, and through these simple daily pages I have grown, created, and learned a lot about myself. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Jack Dolinar on Fri, Jan 06
57 cups

Burning all my cups here before I end my membership, to say how great this site been for me and how it might work for anyone else out there having a hard time getting started.

It took me many, many false starts to get in the habit of actually writing literally every day. Sometimes I’d try it for just a day or two, then take a break. Sometimes I’d pledge for the month then only keep it up for a week, or get tantalizingly close to the end only for something to mess it up. But I kept at it, and kept having another try on the challenge next month.

Finally, one month I did it. Then I kept it up for the next month. And the next month. Then for a full year.

When I finally slipped up again, I decided improving my bad sleep habits (that got me to sleep through a deadline) were a lot higher priority than making sure I got words in before midnight no matter what. So I won’t be pursuing the goal here of writing each day anymore. But while I work on that, I can look back on that badge and that solid year of writing now to remind myself that it is possible to build new habits, even if you keep falling off the wagon at first.

Thanks for providing such a simple streamlined site that made this happen for me!

Testimonial Note from MaryJo Wood on Wed, Jan 04
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from raselgeuse on Tue, Jan 03
1 cup

It’s been a great tool and recommended by my therapist. I find it super helpful to be able to write out my thoughts, worries and whatever else is on my mind. This practice really does help clear my head and the swirling, sometimes consuming thoughts and emotions that may be on my mind.

Testimonial Note from Ashley Browne on Thu, Dec 22
1 cup

In a way totally unbeknownst to me, that is how 750 Words has affected me. Tapping into my world of personal writing daily – spiritual, mental, emotional realms have expanded exponentially. Like no kidding ! Merci beaucoup.

Testimonial Note from JuneAnn Kellogg on Wed, Dec 21
1 cup
More text analysis

Hi! It’s been a minute since I’ve had my subscription, but any kind of text analysis might be helpful… but really, it’s pretty awesome as is. Thanks for creating this site. I just can’t do the long hand thing :)

New Feature Vote from Vincenzo Wey on Mon, Dec 19
1 cup

I’m back. I want to start writing daily again and I was so so glad to have this PLACE to come back to. So grateful. trying to do it in conjunction with mediation and just read the article thanks for that.

Testimonial Note from Rebecca Harris on Sat, Dec 10
1 cup

I want to be very honest here, and I think this is the page to do that. For the past month I have contemplated suicide almost daily, as my life has imploded around me. But this page has held me together, has allowed me to create such a life line such a mooring line to life. I am so appreciative of this page, as it holds me accountable and holds me to believe in yet another tomorrow.

Testimonial Note from Mitchell Smith on Thu, Dec 08
50 cups

750 words is my therapist that I visit every day. Writing my morning words gives me a daily chance to redirect my thoughts, take perspective on my life and explore my challenges. I also love how it gets my fingers moving for the day and all my emails and messages get written so much faster.

Testimonial Note from Mark Rudin on Thu, Nov 24
1 cup

I have enjoyed the challenge of getting 750 words written down. I do find it hard to get all the boxes checked, and that is disappointing to me. I want to continue to use this site as a way to improve my writing and become more prolific.

Testimonial Note from Erna Boehs on Tue, Nov 22
1 cup

This is an amazing way to become a prolific writer and to begin to write and sort my way through my daily life. Thank you for making this site for writers like me

Testimonial Note from Ellen How on Sat, Nov 12