The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

J.T. Smith
valentina HZ
Shakira Zainudin
Ali Shaw
Julie Murphy
Micah Clasper-Torch
Nicole Elliott
Alexis Maze
Liam Mercer
Beau Bachety
JennyBess Chaim
Marcus Kowal
Persephone Brooks
Snarf Mcduty
Michelle LaBuwi
Brian Leibold
Tara Sindler
Felicia Travieso
Leah Catching
Chloe Nash
Zoë Kosovic
Ashley Browne
Emily Stepro
Trent Farr
T. M. A.
Amber Rose Cason
Andrew Gilley
Vicki Myers
Balwin Ratra
Emilia Hedlund
Kristen Stephen
Beth Haynie
Tara Jensen
Kristen Dean
Ben Majest
philip lightfoot
Sophie Albert
Mary Banda
Sarah Jacklin
Jessica Casteel
Colleen McGillicuddy Coles
Levit Mendoza
Ruby Kate Allender
Cole Martin
Erica S Olson
Austin Senseman
Emily Chen
Sharon Arhin
Bradley Hogle
Lea Grassi
Ed Hodson
Sarah Eppler
Patrick Woodall
Tristan Paul Mack Wilds
Alek Buta
Jennie Egerdie
Micah Ann
Diane Yolo
Samantha Eisen
taryn dubreuil
Kathryn Witherington
Noah Ryan
Jane Barnes
Yuxi Wang
Rob Wilson
Kai Jellinghaus
Megan Skye
Jen Varino
Sophia Katz
Rene Bee
James Swanton
Josh Chong
LD Green
Virat Kapur
Joelle Suess
Sue Dix
Sasha Flynn
Reena Spansail
shake it with julie schatz zumba
Heather M Guith
vanessa hunt
Keith Cooper
Augustine Blaisdell
Emily Fasold
Patrick Fang
Kristen Kearby

Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup

There is a strange and unique sense of peace when writing here. And peace followed by hard analytics is really why we do this, isn’t it?

Testimonial Note from Valentin Frank on Sat, Nov 05
5 cups

It’s been almost 10 years since my ex and I agreed to separate. I was using 750words already, but once I was on my own, it became an anchor in my new life. I’ve come back to it over and over as I’ve gradually made my life my own. Writing is the one practice I can be certain I’ll do every day, and I’m grateful 750words is always here to help me do it. Thank you.

Testimonial Note from Merri-Todd Webster on Fri, Oct 28
77 cups
way to reset/archive badges

I want to archive the badges that I have and start fresh after a long break. Ideally, it would be nice to be able to see the old ones somewhere, but I’m willing to just live with a screenshot and start fresh fully.

New Feature Request Note from Sarah Brown on Tue, Oct 25
10 cups
More badges for accomplishments
New Feature Vote from Sarah Brown on Tue, Oct 25
50 cups

Today marks six years of writing on 750 Words. Found this site via The Write Life blog. I was six weeks into retirement, definitely drifting. Sitting down to write every day was something I had always wanted to do, but…

750 Words saved me. It provided the place to try out ideas, to record all sorts of family memories to be shared with the nieces and nephews, to rant about the state of the world and politics, to work through fears and worries, to first draft all sorts of tech comm activities, to record joyful times and the delights of living with always-fascinating cats.

Thank you every day to Buster and to Kellianne for making this safe place for all us to grow and succeed.

Testimonial Note from marcia shannon on Tue, Oct 18
1 cup

I fall off for weeks, months or a year, but I always return. This is the best site to keep my goals going. Thanks, guys!😎💖

Testimonial Note from Susi Frances on Sat, Oct 08
12 cups

750 words is a safe place for me to come and let loose. It’s a mindfulness practice.

Testimonial Note from Benny Wallington on Thu, Oct 06
1 cup

This is indeed a great site. It has helped me in many ways as far as dumping the things on the mind at the time and when I feel I have a story to tell. I love the challenge of the 750 as it pushes you to make it happen

Testimonial Note from Tamara Johnson-Dunston on Tue, Oct 04
1 cup

So, been doing this for 30 days now and already written more words for my novel than I dod in the previous 5 years – works for me!!

Testimonial Note from Andrew Wright on Thu, Sep 22
7 cups

Hello all you beautiful writers out there!
I’m fresh from a repaired streak, and I realized that this deserved a Note of Inspiration
I started writing 750 words the September before last (I’ll never forget, seven days after my baby sister was born!) and I’m on a 700-somethin day streak (with the appropriate days off, mostly for travel days, hard to write when you’re on a road trip).
Just a few days ago, my computer made a huge gaffe and DELETED my entry which I’d copied over from a different site. I was TRAUMATIZED. I’m the sort of person who starts new hobbies all the time and is amazed when they actually follow-through for more than a month. 750 words is one of the only things I do on a day-to-day basis, with few or no skips. The only other thing that comes close is my daily Rosary, so I was miserable. I literally had an upset stomach for two days.
BUT. It made me consider how important this is in my life, especially since when I look at all the random story ideas I came up with back then I shudder (Oh gosh, they’re so bad, all you authors can empathize), and I’m pretty sure my writing has improved (although the me of two years hence will probably shudder)
The point of this rambling note is…
Thank you, 750 words, for helping me process through all the trauma of moving back and forth, helping sharpen my writing AND typing skills (Seriously, I was typing 15 wpm when I started), and just helping me become a better version of myself. I was never good at keeping a journal before you.
OH, and thanks a whole lot to Kellianne who puts up with my emails for fixed streaks after malfunctions (Or power outages). You’re a magnificent person!

Testimonial Note from Sarah Lillian Friedl on Tue, Sep 20
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Karla Lorena on Sat, Sep 17
1 cup

750 words has made me a better writer in a way I never thought possible. I was almost down when I couldn’t pay for my subscription, and I was blocked. Became relieved as soon as it was paid. Thanks for 750 words.

Testimonial Note from OLAGOLDEN SEMIYU on Wed, Sep 07
111 cups

It took me this many cups to write 10 thousand pages. I worked towards this goal for 9 years. Surreal that it finally happened. Now what do I do?

Testimonial Note from mohit jaswal on Sun, Sep 04
1 cup

The power of words and community is a life force. Thank You, Buster. Eternally indebted. Now to stay committed!

Testimonial Note from Chetana Deorah on Wed, Aug 31
3 cups
Move "write" option to top level

Having to click the “Today” menu option, then select “Write,” feels cumbersome. I’d prefer the menu to have a separate “Write” field (so that the menu would be Write – Today – This Month – Help – Settings – [member count]).

Functionality is already quite nice, I’m just asking for perfection. :P

New Feature Request Note from Björn Paulsen on Tue, Aug 30
10 cups

Today I reached 4 million words and am celebrating by sharing this note. Morning pages have been part of my life for many years — and 750 words for quite a few. It has been a way to clear my head each morning, to document my days, and to talk with my self and sort myself out over a period of change. Over many periods of change, actually.
In January my husband died, and I’ve been learning how to move through grief and learn to live on my own and part of this process has been daily writing about the feelings and lessons of learning to live again, learning who I am on my own.
Thank you for this — 750 words has been a saving grace for me.

Testimonial Note from Karen Kowalski Singer on Mon, Aug 29
1 cup

My brain feels more spacious since i started writing on here. I look forward to the practice of letting things flow from my head to the screen and i appreciate you so much. Thanks for giving me this opportunity. It feels like therapy.

Testimonial Note from Move Your Spirit with Elena on Sun, Aug 28
1 cup
Improve the homepage
New Feature Vote from Michelle Kozycz on Sun, Aug 28
2 cups

After a long respite away from this site, I’ve decided to come back with cautious optimism. I’ve always had difficulty focusing on tasks, but my time with 750Words was one of the most productive periods in my life i’d ever had. I hope to continue that pattern again, for good, now that I’m back.

Writing is one of the few things in this life I truly, honestly cherish, both as an escape and as a mouthpiece for creativity. If I want to share that love, I suppose it’s best that I get to work! Thank you for making this site the best it could be for so many people, especially those like me.

Testimonial Note from Nicholas Dionisio Day-Lopes on Fri, Aug 26
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app

I don’t always have time to sit down in front of my computer, but I always have my phone handy. An app would be life-changing because I’ve tried unsuccessfully to write entries on my phone.

New Feature Vote from Angie on Fri, Aug 26
1 cup

I’m back. I now realize how much getting out my thoughts is so important to healing. I’m so grateful to my friend for recommending 750Words, and for the opportunity to come back. Here’s to healing and the next chapter. Peace.

Testimonial Note from Kelly Nutty on Sun, Aug 21
1 cup

Thank you so much for this site. It has helped me work through block time and time again, and I love the positivity and support of this community.

Testimonial Note from Anne Robertson on Sun, Aug 14
1 cup
An android app

Please could we have a lovely android app. Thank you.

New Feature Request Note from Rosemarie Buttery on Sun, Aug 07
1 cup

Fell out of the August challenge immediately on Monday due to a very busy day and forgetting completely about it. Last night, realized pretty late that I had not yet written my words and sat down to write begrudgingly> Started out anxious and stressed, but by the end of my writing had such a different mindset! Today I was able to use it the same way. 750 Words is helping me develop the practice I have long wanted.

Testimonial Note from Katherine Ryan on Wed, Aug 03
13 cups

Sometimes I use my daily writing space for brain dumps and more mundane journaling. But lately I have been using it to write the first crappy draft of many books coming down the pike. I love that I have a safe space to work out my own thought leadership. Way to go!

Testimonial Note from Dr. Monikah Ogando on Fri, Jul 29
1 cup

A mobile friendly site that I can open in the browser, or a mobile app.

New Feature Request Note from anecdotist on Sun, Jul 24
2 cups

I subscribed to this site some time ago and I was motivated to write. Then, for whatever reason I started using DayOne and thought that it was pointless to write in 2 separate places. I was not once motivated to write 750 words since then. I am returning because 750 words motivates me to write 750 words every day.

Testimonial Note from ANNEZ on Tue, Jul 12
1 cup

Well, I broke my streak: and as promised, am making a donation. Happy to do it, as I am grateful to this site for existing and keeping me motivated. I will continue to show up every day, and hope you all do, too! WRITE ON!

Testimonial Note from Alex Wilcox on Mon, Jul 11
26 cups

After ten years of writing every day, I decided to delete my account for my own safety.

Please do not stop writing and supporting Ukraine! <3

Testimonial Note from 1231ewrwer on Fri, Jul 08
12 cups

Saying goodbye to the old page today – I did it, I reached my 1000 day streak – because of a slight glitch day in May of this year, it’s only showing as a 52 day streak on this version, but that’s ok, I have my Flying Squirrel on the new site. Many thank-yous to Buster and Kellianne for making this community and this writing place possible. See you on the new site.

Testimonial Note from Tara Baxendale on Mon, Jul 04