The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

David Nguyen
Lauren Cooper
Atticus Harris
Mary H
Elan Irving
Steven Morgan
Lucy Gordon
Megan Falley
Emily Drum
Megan Riordan
Jennifer Wilson
Noga Lew
Hannah Peterson
Allyson Hoover
Brad Pickard
Laura Chance
Caitlin Aamodt
Joseph Borland

Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup

I have found it difficult to focus on prayer, to take time out from the day and spend time taking my thoughts to God. This is an amazing way of doing it – clearing my mind, writing down things that would have gone unsaid, uncovering deep longings and concerns that would have gone unnoticed. Thank you for a great site.

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Sat, Sep 05
2 cups

This is the second time I joined 750 words. My first attempt clearly shows lack of interest. But after what I heard from mentors about the benefits of writing daily. Immediately this site is top of mind. And so far I like how it’s making an impact on how I can make my thoughts organize and it gives me clarity because I can just throw everything here. Thanks to the admins for their assistance on my inquiries. Plus, I love the badges. It gives me a clear view of the goal I want to achieve.

Testimonial Note from Kikoman on Sat, Sep 05
1 cup
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from Professor SS19 on Fri, Sep 04
4 cups

Here are the other 4 cups I meant to use on this note.

Testimonial Note from Kate Sanders on Fri, Sep 04
1 cup

I don’t drink much coffee, but when I do I like it very strong, hence spending most of my cups on this entry. I’ve just earned my Phoenix badge and am super-proud!
Thank you 750 words for giving me some focus in my life. I began at the end of May after discovering you by chance. The lockdown (confinement as we say here in France) was nearly 3 months in and many were getting cabin fever, needing some new routines. As others have already said, it has been my lifeline. For me too it’s being accountable to myself for sitting at my desk, usually very early in the morning while it’s quiet, putting finger to keyboard, before cats start demanding food or my partner stirs and I make a second pot of tea. I’ve had competitions with myself. How fast can I write my entry? Can I change to writing at a different time of day so that I can get another badge? What’s my best time of day for writing? The badges, the wall of awesomeness, seeing how many remain in a monthly challenge, seeing my days of writing stack up. All these have encouraged me when I don’t know what words will come out from day to day. I’ve struggled sometimes with a loss of internet connection meaning that my entry for that day was stopped half way through and begun again many hours later.
What of the future? Will I work to increase my typing speed and go for the Cheetah badge? I quite fancy writing a lot more each day and reaching for the NaNo (50,000 words in a month is a lot though.) There are many possibilities. I just plan for the moment to keep going towards my next goal, the Pterodactyl, and to know that maybe I do have a book idea inside me. Kellianne and Buster I salute you.

Testimonial Note from Kate Sanders on Fri, Sep 04
1 cup
Improve the homepage
New Feature Vote from Cawnen on Thu, Sep 03
3 cups
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Cawnen on Thu, Sep 03
3 cups
A better mobile site
New Feature Vote from Cawnen on Thu, Sep 03
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app

Having an iPhone app would be a dream come true! There are times where I’m not in front of my computer. However, I always have my phone with me. Can you please make it happen?

New Feature Vote from Ilaria Mangiardi on Thu, Sep 03
1 cup

750 helps me get rid of all the thoughts that plague me lol.

Testimonial Note from Amy Marie Ansell on Thu, Sep 03
2 cups

Resurrecting my daily writing practice has really helped me get a routine going these past months. My work has pretty much disappeared and although I’m fairly easily amused, I was in danger of falling into an abyss of getting up late and spending all day making dinner. 750 words has helped me get some focus and inspired me to learn to be a better writer.

Testimonial Note from E Brookes on Wed, Sep 02
1 cup

Thank you, Thank you, Than you. This takes the books Bird by Bird and writing down the Bones and puts them to work. The book proceeds day by day entry by entry. First person, third person practice. Deaths in the family
Cancer, it matters not. Covid I see it as “God’s little time out” for the world. Write, tell your stories fellow writers… thank you Buster and Kelliann,

Testimonial Note from Joseph Kane on Tue, Sep 01
1 cup

I finally finished a monthly challenge! Better yet, I got a proposal drafted!

Testimonial Note from Robin Tanamachi on Tue, Sep 01
1 cup

To everyone out there who is scared to tell your truth, keep writing. The world needs your words.

Testimonial Note from Anne Robertson on Tue, Sep 01
1 cup

I’ve been on this site for 6 years now. Keep up the good work everyone!

Testimonial Note from Dalia on Mon, Aug 31
1 cup
Improve the writing page

Maybe some more customization options, stickers, buttons, anything subtly interactive and engaging.

New Feature Vote from pat ricia on Mon, Aug 31
2 cups
Writing prompts embedded in the page

It could be a button you press for the daily prompt in case you needed inspiration for your 750 words that day. I could be a question such as “What are you grateful for today?” or “What happened at 3pm today?” or “Why are you inspired to write today?” etc

New Feature Request Note from pat ricia on Mon, Aug 31
10 cups

Today I reached my ten-year streak! I could not have believed ten years ago that I would still be writing my 750 words each and every day. It has been an interesting decade, to say the least, love, loss, new beginnings and yet many of the same hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Thank you Buster and Kellianne.

Testimonial Note from Ken McCarthy on Sun, Aug 30
1 cup

It has helped me work through and think through problems differently! I love using this website.

Testimonial Note from Katherine Tolleson on Sat, Aug 29
2 cups
More badges for accomplishments
New Feature Vote from Jacqueline B. on Fri, Aug 28
1 cup
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from Reddy on Wed, Aug 26
10 cups
More badges for accomplishments

Something between 500 and 1000 would be awesome!

New Feature Vote from Charity Jennings on Wed, Aug 26
1 cup
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from Tommy Hart on Wed, Aug 26
10 cups

This last year has been hellish…. with a child in and out of the hospital, divorce, assault, a parents death… just barely keeping myself together. And through it all, every month the note pops up in my email – “You’ve made a contribution to 750words” and its served as a sort of promise to myself that one day I will get to the other side of this hurt, and one day I will be able to return to my writing passion.
Thank you Buster and Kellianne for being here, for making this site and holding the promise for me when I couldn’t hold it for myself.

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Tue, Aug 25
10 cups

I hit 1000 days on Saturday August 22nd, 2020. It hasn’t always been easy or pretty. There have been days where I’ve written through gritted teeth. Days when I’ve dictated my entry on my phone at 11:40. At least two fixed streaks because I don’t know what week I’m on (and I can’t even blame Covid, because they were last year).

Having this place where I can come and spew has been amazing for my mental health. Thank you for creating this special and safe place. I have recommended your website to all my workshop participants for the past year and a half.

I pay for it happily, because it’s game changing.

Keep up the good work.


Testimonial Note from Shadowsinger on Mon, Aug 24
1 cup

I’m new to the site. I’ve been quickly breaking chains, though. This site has been helpful in breaking away from the idea that a complete novel or non-fiction book should flow immediately from my fingertips. This site just gets you writing. Write, no matter what the content. As with exercise, you can then discern patterns, shift things, focus on things that are working. I love that! No one is perfect. This isn’t published. It’s you! Just you and your writing.

Testimonial Note from LaTonya Gibbs on Sun, Aug 23
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

Would love to see a badge between The Space Bird (500 days) and The Flying Squirrel (1000 days) because that’s too long without a badge and could easily have people fall off. I do love working towards a badge so I’d totally benefit on this.

New Feature Vote from Niki Torres on Sun, Aug 23
5 cups
Streak freeze option for scheduled time off

Currently, scheduled time off gets counted such that it’s as if you wrote 750 words on those days. This is nice, but it makes it a bit too easy to increase your streak just by scheduling time off. It would be great if there could be a streak freeze option for scheduled time off, so that the streak will stay the same (neither increase nor go to 0). This way, we can be more motivated to extend our streaks by actually writing, and the feeling of accomplishment when earning streak badges would feel more genuine, even if we had to take some days off.
Thank you!

New Feature Request Note from Monti Cello on Thu, Aug 20
5 cups
More badges for accomplishments
New Feature Vote from Tayla Gittins on Thu, Aug 20
1 cup

This is the chance to write some thing, and this is the opportunity to learn and write something, If you write everyday you become like master in few months all you need dedication and commitment, I encourage to every one try to write everyday something like your daily plans and future goals, pain, happiness and sad whatever it is just start write

Testimonial Note from svas pola on Tue, Aug 18