The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

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Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app

An iPhone app would be amazing! Having a very old MacBook, sometimes my computer doesn’t load very quickly and the WiFi is unstable at our house, so I’ve had to go elsewhere to finish my writing before. Which I don’t mind, but during these COVID times, not a lot of coffee shops are open and I’d like to feel safe while I pour my soul out into my writing. Of course, I like typing on my computer much better, but I’ll do whatever it takes to hit my 750 words each day!

New Feature Vote from Jillian Langston on Mon, Jul 06
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I love earning badges! I’d love to suggest more badges for writing a certain amount of words. Maybe a badge for completing your writing in a certain amount of time. And some fun badges would be awesome, too.

New Feature Vote from Jillian Langston on Mon, Jul 06
1 cup

750 words helps me maintain perseverance in writing tasks.

Testimonial Note from Vũ Thu Quỳnh on Mon, Jul 06
1 cup

750 Words has given me the opportunity to reflect during this difficult and potentially transformative time. Sometimes, I use the daily writing as a record of events taking place in my city and country as well as the world—first with COVID-19 hitting us and the lockdown and then the protests. I’ve also periodically started my writing with things I am grateful for as an intentional way to stay focused and more resilient. I also use the writing to work out ideas, to think about the role I can play in my society to make it more just and equitable and safe for everyone. And, sometimes, I write what I remember—stories from and about my Mom, things about my grandma, who I never met, that I was told over the years, memories of spending time with my godson (he’s going to college in the fall!), memories of places I’ve visited (I work internationally) and specific details about things I’ve done, places I stayed, streets I walked on, things I saw, food I ate, thoughts and feelings I had. It’s amazing to think that in a relatively short period of time, I’ve established this collection of thoughts and feelings, of memories, of history in the making, of daily life, of wishes and hopes. Thank you for creating this space. I don’t share my writing, but I know that I am part of a community, and I so appreciate it!

Testimonial Note from Karen Murphy on Mon, Jul 06
1 cup

I hadn’t taken 750 words seriously before a month ago, even though I had signed up more than a year back. I don’t know why I didn’t. Writing on a regular basis, just recapping my previous day or pouring my thoughts onto the page has helped me in numerous ways. It helps me to clarify my goals, remind myself to focus on what’s important, clear the junk thoughts on my mind, process my emotions, and even do some creative writing. The gamification features of 750words have inspired me to challenge myself to write more, and as I aspire to become a professional writing, I think this has been the best tool to help me achieve that goal. Thank you for putting together this app. I am proud to be a patron!

Testimonial Note from Johnny Vasquez on Fri, Jul 03
1 cup

There’s no better site to build the habit of writing than this site. Whether you’re writing a dissertation, a private note, a blog, a newsletter – - this site helps you build that habit. I had a 29 day streak before I broke it, but i’m getting back to it!

Testimonial Note from Paul Apivat on Fri, Jul 03
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app

I would love, love, love to see an app made for this. I’ve actually saved the website itself to my home screen to substitute and app (and to remind myself to write). But the mobile site can be wonky at times, and a well- constructed app would be a refreshing addition to this lovely community. Plus, I think it would allow the audience to grow. Sadly, not many people run across this website. I did completely by chance, and I’m quite thankful I have. It’s been important to me for years now. I want others who could benefit from this to learn about it as well.

New Feature Vote from Alex Harp on Thu, Jul 02
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I look forward to the future ones I can accomplish, but I really would love seeing new ones added! It adds a light, fun aspect to this even when sometimes my personal writings aren’t quite as fun, haha. It also helps encourage you to stay on the path and keep writing daily. It encourages good habits to form.

New Feature Vote from Alex Harp on Thu, Jul 02
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app

Ability to save in pdf and print format, and day or night background. Maybe ability to inset photos.

New Feature Vote from Sharon Auguste on Thu, Jul 02
3 cups

During these COVID days, I find myself looking each day for something to give to. Today it was 750 words, my go-to site for more years than I can remember. Will have to research that to even nail down how long it has been. As has happened before, I looked around for a donate button and couldn’t easily find it. It turns out that in the past, I have ended up e-mailing Kellianne to ask how I might donate, and she has guided me very sweetly to the members section, cups of patronage system, etc. For those of us oldtimers who were grandfathered in and have been riding free ever since, it would be nice to have a simpler, more direct, way to give on impulse. So, dear Buster and Kellianne, my gratitude is deep and I would still love it if you placed a donate button more prominently on the front page of this wonderful wonderful site! Many thanks. You da best!!!

Testimonial Note from Miriam Sonn Raabe on Thu, Jul 02
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app

I would love an app with offline functionality!!

New Feature Vote from Nat Smith on Wed, Jul 01
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I find badges super motivating and exciting! I’ve gotten the majority of them now so it’s very hard to get a new one. I’d love some wacky badges, like “wrote the word ‘umbrella’ on 10 different days,” or new badges for every individual monthly challenge.

New Feature Vote from Nat Smith on Wed, Jul 01
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Robin Tanamachi on Wed, Jul 01
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments
New Feature Vote from Robin Tanamachi on Wed, Jul 01
2 cups

I started using 750words 107 days ago and haven’t stopped. It’s been so much more effective than handwriting in a notebook and has totally kept me sane during the time of covid. I recommend it broadly. Thank you, team!

Testimonial Note from Raccoon on Wed, Jul 01
2 cups

I have just completed my first monthly challenge, and I can feel the difference. I really look forward to writing every day, and it’s definitely helping me stick to other habits too. Whenever i’ve been writing it gives me a boost to my day. It’s such a different skill from songwriting (My Job) but it’s really helping that too. The practice of opening up your mind without judgement of what’s going to come out is an amazing feeling. Here’s to the next month!

Testimonial Note from Joe Revell on Tue, Jun 30
10 cups
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Nikki Cawley on Tue, Jun 30
2 cups
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from Anonymous on Tue, Jun 30
1 cup

I tried. I really did try to write every day but I just couldn’t do it. I did, however, get better at writing more regularly, not just when I had things on my mind. This site has become part of my morning ritual to get ready for the day. I write whatever comes to my head and what my intention is for the day and surprisingly I always feel so much better.

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Tue, Jun 30
5 cups

There are many kinds of writing I find myself needing and wanting to do, and for years 750 Words and my paper journals have jostled and battled for supremacy as the preferred destination for that all important practice. There has never been a winner! But each helps me think in a different kind of way, and I’m very grateful for 750 Words. Thank you for the site & for the community.

Testimonial Note from Tom Mepham on Sun, Jun 28
10 cups

This page has helped immensely with my writing. I am doing a Masters in Creative Writing and this helps me ingrain a daily writing habit and at times has been the place where I brainstorm my work, moving me towards the completion of my thesis. I love it, and the help I get when I mess up and save at the wrong time and need Kelli-Anne to help me. Thank you

Testimonial Note from Lauren Roche on Sat, Jun 27
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Rebekah Donohue on Sat, Jun 27
1 cup

I have been using this site to dump my thoughts and emotions since 2011. It’s been very helpful in allowing me to deal with stress. I have tended to write throughout the day.

Testimonial Note from Kristin F on Thu, Jun 25
2 cups

Today is a huge milestone for me – a 100-day writing streak! has been instrumental in being able to achieve this goal. The pared-down format keeps me focused on the words and writing instead of futzing about which, as someone who has ADHD, it’s easy to get off track. I’ve enjoyed the monthly challenges, which I’m using to prepare for NaNoWriMo. That 1,667ish words/day requirement has always been so daunting that I would give up about a third of the way through the month. But now, 750+ words feels like I’m just getting started! So, huge thanks, Buster and Kellianne, for this website!!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Mon, Jun 22
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from Jamile Balli on Mon, Jun 22
2 cups

I don’t know what I would do without 750words right now. I actually stopped writing here for a year, and came back this February, not realizing what lay ahead. This site has been a brain and emotion dump, it makes me feel stronger. I can write out my fears and see how crazy some of them are. The badges are silly, but silly is good right now when everything seems so damn serious. Thank you for a wonderful site and for all you do to keep it up and running.

Testimonial Note from Karen Gygli on Mon, Jun 22
31 cups

Today, I reached my 2000th day in a row. 750 words has become such an important part of my day and I just wanted to say thank you for creating such a great space for writers.

Testimonial Note from Laura Parish on Sun, Jun 21
1 cup

750words helped me go through my emotions. It’s easier now to understand myself and be more aware in everyday life!

Testimonial Note from Magdalena Angulska on Sun, Jun 21
5 cups

I found this site some time ago, but have only recently been more consistent with my writing. It has helped me to clear my head and has encouraged me to unlock and develop my creativity and imagination. I can see my mood and my unconscious thoughts a lot clearer on the page. I have recommended this site to friends in the hope that they too can feel the positive effects of thought dumping. it is great to see that there are so many members who are feeling the positive benefits too.

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Sat, Jun 20
1 cup

Couple of days without this and my mind is whirring and full to the brim!. I can notice and feel the difference when i don’t type it all.
love my daily psych dump!

Testimonial Note from Amy Marie Ansell on Thu, Jun 18