The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

Debra Bastedo
Johanna V Thorhallsdottir
Lisa Nickele
Sand Farnia
Fred Pullin
Amy Wu
Jason Katz
Don Copeland
Meryl Walker
Crystal Babb
Theodore Gorman
Josiah Authier
josh sonnier
Leah Mansfield
Deanna Yerichuk
jess bird
Lexie Heart
Mimisaurous Rex
Cameron Welsh
Peter Haugen
Kelly Salzo
Sarah Hannah-Spurlock
Alex Hamilton
Jenn Hayden
Amy C
Rebecca Little
Julia Crane
Matej Ken Matsunaga Sedmak
Ellen Inverness
Jessica Garrick
Mariposa Preciosa
Jessica Saidian
Anne Reifsnyder
audrius avizienis
Samuel Bakkila
Donna Herbster
Alisa Mirkin
Andi Lim
Rita Helen Lumsden
Andrew Ricketts
Noko Rose
Tina Bea
Patty Johnson
Priya Sridhar
Ginny Washborne
B Stagner
Amanda Marie Pingel Ramsay
Chris Munson
Judy Schu
Sean Bryant
Michele Howarth
George Abramson
Janet Naylor Vandenabeele
Richard Whitney
Joely Crow
Michael McCarthy
Bashu Naimi-Roy
Havi Echenberg
Shannon Garcia
Rita Ziman
Eileen Lane
Hannah R Bissex
Resa Moran
Michelle Linney
Susana Martinez-Conde
Grace Wojkiewicz-Wielgus
Lori Cox
Kathie Bien
John Blomquist
Alex Duchscher
Sue Ann Wolff
Merrilee Wineinger 😎
Carolyn T
Bao Quy Phan
B P Fernald
Chrissa Villanueva
Lori Miles
Amy Mathers
P.M. Ahern
Sophia Parsons
Jason Hoffman
Warwick Paul Onyeama
Heather MacDonald
Matt Russell
Carol Piraino

Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup

I have used 750words through the most exciting and difficult times in my life (marriage, babies, deaths, moves, pandemics…), and whether I logged in and wrote daily, or once a month, or only a couple of times a year, it has been such a wonderful landing pad for me to process and record my life. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Kelly Pinard on Sat, Jan 01
5 cups
Show finding in search results

Hi Buster!

When I use the search function, it currently shows the days when I wrote the search term, plus the first 250 characters of those days’ writing. But as I start each day with some metadata, this picture is about the same for every search hit.

It would be much more helpful if the list of the search hits could contain the 250 characters around the search term (or it first occurence in a day’s writing), say the 120 before and the 120 after.

Would be great if you might include that in one of the next rounds of improvements!

Thanks and all my best wishes to you and the family

New Feature Request Note from Hanno Scholtz on Thu, Dec 30
5 cups
A better mobile site
New Feature Vote from hlk on Thu, Dec 30
2 cups
Prev Entry - Next Entry Buttons

While the little boxes up top on the site are great when reading on a laptop, they are not so great when trying to read on mobile, especially since the hovering date sometimes doesn’t come up. It would be nice to have prev entry – next entry buttons somewhere on the page – maybe at the bottom? – to make navigating through close entries just that much easier. Thank you for your awesome work on the site!

New Feature Request Note from hlk on Thu, Dec 30
3 cups
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Louise Ankers on Thu, Dec 30
3 cups
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Louise Ankers on Thu, Dec 30
10 cups

10 cups for 10 years :)
I’ve been using it for 10 years since December 31st 2011. I find this website to be very inspirational, intellectually engaging and life enriching. The first year I lived on my own I journaled for the first 375 days straight without missing one day and did my 750 words each of those days. It really helped me refine my thought process and improve my overall quality of life I’ve fallen off the write everyday bandwagon but I do plan to do write everyday in 2022. Thank you Buster for creating this fabulous website. I hope that I’ll be using this website well into the 2030s and beyond.

Testimonial Note from CJ Fly on Tue, Dec 28
5 cups

I have always been an avid writer of thoughts and things. My tools have always been pen and paper. In the last year or so it has been difficult to keep up that practice. Lucky for me (and the rest of my fellow writers) Buster and Kellianne have provided this wonderful site for us to store our words and motivate us to keep on writing. I am proud to say that I earned my Phoenix (100 day) and my first flock (100,000 words) badges. But I am also grateful to have this place to sort through my thoughts and dreams and emotions. Thank you Buster and Kellianne!

Testimonial Note from Sharon Hart on Mon, Dec 27
27 cups

Who knew I would be able to write 750 words everyday for more than a year and not know what to say here? Other than thank you for contributing towards making that happen, and helping me look after my mental health everyday! Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Lauren Ann Easter on Sat, Dec 25
1 cup

been using this site since 2010. give me a blank 750 page and some free time and I’ll conquer the world. or at least the chaotic one in my head.

Testimonial Note from Jared Ewy on Sat, Dec 25
15 cups

Mainly I want to say that I hope everyone connected with this site, from Buster and Kellianne, to all my fellow writers, are having a meaningful holiday season in spite of all the craziness that is going on in the world. I also want to say Thank You—not just to Buster and Kellianne, who are awesome in maintaining this site, but to all who partake of it. A wise man once said that company is stronger than will power, and to me 750 Words is an example of that. As tricky as it seems at times to get my Words in, it helps that you are all writing as well. And I’m grateful for the centeredness and clarity of undersatnding that the site has given me over the many years that I’ve been present here every day. Peace and blessings to all in the New Year!

Testimonial Note from Bhavani on Sat, Dec 25
1 cup
SSL certificate

I would love to suggest getting an SSL certificate set up so that the connection between browser and server gets encrypted.

Could just be a Let’s Encrypt one, doesn’t have to infer any costs or a lot of work.

New Feature Request Note from Bart De Wachter on Wed, Dec 22
9 cups
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from Jo Hornsey on Mon, Dec 20
7 cups
More badges for accomplishments
New Feature Vote from Jo Hornsey on Mon, Dec 20
4 cups

Good morning my fellow wordsmiths and scribblers,
I just wanted to pop in here and say this 750 words site has helped keep me going strong on my daily writing habit. I have been doing my morning pages since 1997 when I came across The Artist’s way by Julia Cameron. that book helped change the whole course of my life. I have many many notebooks of morning pages, and that being said, I love the 750 word program! The badges are a simple concept but they help keep me on track becasue I want to get all the badges abd double stars every morning. so simple a thing but it works for me! and it’s encouraging to see so many others doing their writing as well. Community is a lovely thing. so i will continue on and if a miss a day and have to start over , i will laugh at myself and continue on! MY next target is a Pheonix and i have 20 more days to go to get there!
Happy writing!

Testimonial Note from Lauren Crosthwaite on Sat, Dec 18
4 cups
Improve the writing page

allow for different font styles such as italic, bold and sizing to be edited/seen in real-time of composition. Also, allow for different coloured font throughout. (also, just ideas of course and love the website!!! xo) maybe analysis that relates to how it might sound like you are feeling would be cool or synonyms/dictionary definitions of words you are using overlay to ensure you are accurate/precise/best with your verbiage (like what exactly does verbiage mean?) xxoxoxo

New Feature Vote from pat ricia on Thu, Dec 16
4 cups
Improve the writing page

allow for different font styles such as italic, bold and sizing to be edited/seen in real-time of composition. Also, allow for different coloured font throughout. (also, just ideas of course and love the website!!! xo) maybe analysis that relates to how it might sound like you are feeling would be cool or synonyms/dictionary definitions of words you are using overlay to ensure you are accurate/precise/best with your verbiage (like what exactly does verbiage mean?) xxoxoxo

New Feature Vote from pat ricia on Thu, Dec 16
1 cup
Font Updates

be able to update with bold/italic and strikethrough etc in real time. Use different coloured fonts throughout the work.

New Feature Request Note from pat ricia on Thu, Dec 16
5 cups

Very grateful for you, Buster and Kellianne, for creating this site and maintaining it. It’s been so helpful for me to use it daily, to check in with myself and discover what’s really going on with me. Since I can be highly reactive when situations upset me, this site gives me a ‘pause’ space to really think about things before reacting. My life is much more peaceful and present as a result. It’s an important service you provide. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Bridgit Colleran on Wed, Dec 15
1 cup

it helps me to think more clearly, and clear my head of unconscious negativity, to see things more clearly.

Testimonial Note from Buddy Luepke on Wed, Dec 15
20 cups
More badges for accomplishments

For anyone who has written for a long time, the badges are too few and far in between. More badges will help to keep motivating people.

New Feature Vote from Anonymous on Tue, Dec 14
10 cups

Thanks for the great recovery of our streaks and your hard work Buster and Kellie!! Life is clearer with those 750 words each day!!

Testimonial Note from Margaret W. Franke on Mon, Dec 13
10 cups

Thanks so much for all you do with this site. An example of your hard word and graciousness: the recent outage and how you got the site back up and fixed all broken streaks.

Testimonial Note from WhatKindofDog on Sun, Dec 12
1 cup

I found 750words at the time I feel out of energy, lonely and tired. I can’t see the road forward, no one has patient enough to listen to my sharing, no one can give me the way how I should step up. I go back to my inner and recheck everything, understanding myself first. I believe I will meet a brighter road ahead

Testimonial Note from thi bich phuong on Fri, Dec 10
1 cup

I quit writing here for a while… and turns out I just quit writing. Because I can’t write if it’s not here. *Sigh

The setup is simple -

And I have bipolar disorder, so I’m easily distracted because I think too much and worry too much – and get anxious too much SO…

I can easily/quickly change the size of the font and the color – and the color of the background. That way I can quickly get back to writing before I lose that drive. :)

I’d recommend 750 words to anyone who loves to write.

Testimonial Note from Danae on Fri, Dec 10
1 cup

I started writing on this page a month ago. I have been writing every single day. It has become my routine. I feel nice whenever I am writing here. It is my private time here. Thank you so much 750 words. I look forward to write every single day for the rest of my life. Much love.

Testimonial Note from NISHITHA KRISHNASWAMY on Wed, Dec 08
1 cup

Thank you so much for clearing up the recent outage so quickly, and for restoring my streak! I did not realize how emotionally invested I was in keeping it going until I thought it might have been broken. It was eye opening, and I will not be taking this site and all it offers for granted again.

Testimonial Note from Lynn Porter on Tue, Dec 07
2 cups

love your site – and glad it’s back on although sadly my statistic page is incomplete since outage ( no pie chart of feelings and main concerns) – thank you

Testimonial Note from katkat on Mon, Dec 06
10 cups

Thank you very much for fixing the outage so promptly AND fixing the graphing of metadata!

Testimonial Note from Kimberly Coleman Healy on Mon, Dec 06
10 cups

I’m still waiting for my streak to be fixing, and I know how hard you’re working! I have faith in you, Buster and Kellianne!
Thank you SO much for all of focus and communication.
I’m so grateful for this safe space every day to get the words down.
Thank you for creating this site for all of us.

Testimonial Note from Rachel on Sun, Dec 05