The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

Marc Tretin
Buster Benson
kate beswick
Christine Degner
Karl Schembri
Robert John Metcalf
Lily Marks
James Edward Hervey
SK Gaski
JG de Vries
Noah Stetzer
net banking
Carol Ladewig
Chris Davidson
Fuzzy Violette
Sam Young
Christine Leal Walsh
Miss Tea
Grant Faulkner
Chris A.
Shelby Gibbs
Neeraj Hirani
Nick S.
Ilus Elu
David Michaels
Jesse Bowline
Alison Bartley
Suzi Steffen
Katherine Holmes
Brian Hodson
Chad Michael Eyer
Mary Warner
Steve Fife-Adams
Jim Sharp
Kaimipono Wenger
Francis Floyd Occena
Janna Marlies Maron
Paul Schingle
Derrick Woolfson
Donna Grace Noyes
Steven Goldman
Dan Mertz
Erik Kastner
Mary Lee Luskin
Bill Archibald
Nancy Carlzen
Carla Weiss
Nan S
Gary Chou
Erin Brown-John
Anne Dunham
Nils Davis
Liz Demaree
Chris Cooper
Ransom Noble
Shania Hougher
Marc Majcher
Bart Post
Liz Zélandais
Bryan Tocarz
Barbara Stevens
Hal Tepfer
Yvette Keller
Kellianne Benson
Jose A. Palma
Maile Pedersen
Barbara 'Birdy' Cox-Diamond, BardicRaven
James Matsuzaki
Kim A.
Daniel Russo
Carol Kubota
David matthew czukiewski
Rees Davidson
Glenn Yuyama Hansen
anna thompson
Scotty A
Sean Isaacs
Amina Omari
Nawrie Meigs-Brown
Ashley Hutt
Michael Wayne Cole
John Holcroft
James wood
Caitlin S
Crystal Darby
Lew Geer
Ianthe M. Belisle Dempsey
Laura K
Effuah Gbor
Josephine Kay
Elise Edwards
Fortunato Longok
Betsy Devine
Karen Bachmann

Notes of inspiration from members

22 cups

well well well i got to 1000 days and broke my streak, and I feel ok about it. I am hella proud that i got that done. And I continue. If i am lucky enough to have another 100 or 1000 or 10,000 days in my life, I will be grateful for this space to write privately, the gunk, the dreams, the anger, the joy. Fear and love, tiny things and large things. ALLLLLL of the dang life that life offers us, with a baseball bat to the head or gut, or a bouquet of flowers. Hahaha you can see that writing for 1000 days does NOT help with editing but that is not what it is for. It is for process. And, witnessing. I am here. And you are too! THANKS Kellianne and Buster— eternal gratitude!!!

Testimonial Note from nancy s on Tue, May 28
1 cup

I joined 750 words a long time ago. I originally thought I would write a book. I found I love reading much, much more. I did find that 750 words does help clear my mind when I need it to. I am a sporadic writer so to become a hundred day writer is almost beyond my belief set. But, the site was always here when I needed it. Thank you

Testimonial Note from Cindy M on Thu, May 23
1 cup

Last Thursday I think I had a real cathartic experience for the first time in the history of my treatment. I was thinking about my difficulty to write the report. I was telling Joe about my reaction to Arnold’s offer to send me his own psychoanalytic report. I described how anxious and insecure it made me feel at first. I was also worried about Joe’s reaction to this situation and how he might disapprove it as if that would be just another distraction to look at someone else’s writing rather than be focusing on my own. I just looked at the time and it’s 10:10. Woo-hoo. Good sign that I am doing something good. This number means everything is working out for me, I am working towards higher purpose. Anyway, I got distracted a bit but now back to my session experience last Thursday. I observed how my immediate anxiety to Arnold’s offer subsided after a read his own psychoanalytic case report for the second time and realized that it actually helped me to better understand how to structure my report and how psychoanalytic writing should look like. I continued thinking how I always struggled with procrastination, as long as I remembered myself I made it so difficult for my self to progress with my learning because I would not study or would do it the last minute so that it would be difficult to absorb and let the material settle in my mind, instead I was distracted by stress and anxiety about my performance. Joe was listening to me and then asked me if I thought I learnt something in my classes. I didn’t respond but got silent. He asked me what made it difficult to answer that question. I observed myself being kind of stuck and unresponsive. He thought about the word that I used in the previous session – finality – something that he said communicated perhaps my awareness that the work with my supervisors and my analysis with Joe would end at some point, he thought that perhaps I was having a hard time with that because it would evoke a strong sense of loss that I was defending against because it was too painful to acknowledge the loss of my father. I was conflicted about writing the report and presenting it to my supervisors and being able move on and mature but instead I perceived myself as a little girl who could not grew up and move on and so I didn’t have to face the loss. When Joe stopped talking I started sobbing with such intensity and emotionality that at first I could not consciously understand. My body was reacting before my mind could get a sense of what was happening. I shared that with Joe and he said that it will catch up eventually. I was so astonished with my reaction and how Joe’s interpretation just hit the core of my internal conflict, this difficulty to use my mind and move on. I felt such a strong sense of relief that I haven’t experienced for a long time. It was like a heavy weight was off my shoulders and I felt a sense of lightness and clarity and ease. Things seemed not as complicated as I always felt before. After the session I thought so good and so inspired. I understood how the erratic and irregular meetings with my father were so short lived. When I saw him sober and present, I would just listen to his stories and interesting scientific facts, but I could not allow myself to think that I could use my own mind in the same way and be inspired to learn and thrive. The only thing I could allow myself is to remain that passive little girl, who listened and didn’t talk or express herself. I got stuck in his emotional experience of a little child without a mind of her own because it would mean to lose my father, it would mean that I don’t need him. I also thought about my fantasy of an exciting and handsome man watching me from a distance. This fantasy was constructed as a result of my longing for my father who was never around and who would often be absent, who would appear handsome, attractive and charismatic on the photos. He was looking at me from these pictures and that was very sad and hopeless that I could to have him appear this was in my life. I miss my father. I never allowed myself to mourn the loss of my father. I think I am able to grieve his absence in my life. I would like to relate to men in a different way. I would like to feel like a woman and not a little girl. I am capable to feel attractive, successful and interesting. I can make choices and be more active in relation to a man. I still have to feel more relaxed and uninhibited.

Testimonial Note from Polina Mariani on Tue, May 14
5 cups

750 words is truly a key part of my mental health practice. Writing everyday, about anything, important or trivial, notes, reminders, or just gibberish, is the best way (for me) to get some quiet time, headspace, mindfulness. I appreciate this site, literally, everyday. Please keep up the good work!

Testimonial Note from Richard Badge on Wed, May 01
2 cups

Today my writing on went through 2 million words. That’s an average of showing up here 192 days/year and writing just short of 1,000 words a day over the ten and a half years I’ve been writing – although it hasn’t been a linear writing pathway by any means! is part of my morning routine. I use it to get my somewhat overwhelmed and full head down onto the virtual page to be able to sort through what I’ve got going on mentally, practically and emotionally. I’m very grateful that it exists and that every day it provides me with the E M Forster opportunity to ‘see what I say’ in order to ‘know what I think’. Thank you all.

Testimonial Note from Janet Wilkinson on Fri, Apr 05
1 cup

Just completed my first month streak here! So exciting. If I can do it, anyone can :)

Testimonial Note from katie m on Mon, Apr 01
2 cups
An iPhone/iPad app

Thank you Buster and Kelliane for this website. I have had an account for over 10 years and though I took a pretty long break I hope to write here as long as service is supported. Right now I am working on a rough draft of a book 100% in 750words and sometimes I want to check in on my ideas while away from my laptop. For those times a dedicated app or at least mobile support would be really great. Of course even without those features I appreciate this site beyond words.

New Feature Vote from Arc on Thu, Mar 28
1 cup

Reflect on whats next form me

New Feature Request Note from Claudine Mai on Tue, Mar 05
1 cup
A better mobile site

I am particularly interested in how words and emotions are reflected in my writing….what are linked to motivational words and words that reflect my movement.

New Feature Vote from Claudine Mai on Tue, Mar 05
1 cup

750 words has affected my life by giving a reason to visibly acknowledge what is on my heart, mind, and soul….it allows me to reflected on a daily inspiration and to continue to push forward.

Testimonial Note from Claudine Mai on Tue, Mar 05
20 cups

I honestly don’t know what I would do without this website. Coming onto here always feels like a safe space to barf out all my pent up thoughts and maintain my sanity. I’ve been using it for the past decade; it’s a documentation of my teenage years and transition into adulthood. So many fragments of myself over the past 10-11 years that would have been otherwise lost memories. Reading back is always a surprise- oh, I used to think like this, ah, I used to be like that.

I am so grateful 750words exist, and that I’ve been lucky enough to come across it. Thank you!!

Testimonial Note from Andi Lim on Sat, Feb 03
1 cup
protecting your information

Don’t invite anyone to go look at the new site without telling them to protect the password of the old 750 words account. Losing your original old-site password messes everything up

New Feature Request Note from Octave below Alto on Tue, Jan 30
57 cups

Just crossed 1 million words. Hard to believe. Just shows the value of consistent practice and even the days where I didn’t hit 750 words, the work counted towards progress. A good lesson for life. Hope everyone has a lovely 2024!

Testimonial Note from Shawn Gervais on Wed, Jan 03
25 cups

Yesterday I got to 4000 days writing every day on 750. I had no idea when I started so long ago that I’d ever get to that point, I’d check to see how long others had been doing their writing, and honored what I thought of as “the old timers”. Now i’m one to them. It has changed my life to write every day through rain or shine, ups and downs. I’m so grateful to Buster and Kellianne for this site, and tor all the other writers who are doing this along with me. Happy New Year to everyone? Let’s keep writing!

Testimonial Note from Bhavani on Wed, Jan 03
7 cups

I cannot fully express my gratitude to 750 Words. I have been a part of this online community and practice for more than a decade and it has taught me so much. It has helped my personal life and career. I am going to be moving on to other formats, but I will always be grateful for this site and practice. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Elizabeth Sharon on Sun, Dec 31
10 cups

750 words saved my sanity during some of the darkest times of my life. It enabled me to release emotions and thoughts I didn’t even know I carried and helped me to have a new outlook as I put in the practice each day. I only hope to discipline myself further in the practice to keep up the momentum. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Lara M on Mon, Dec 25
5 cups
Improve the writing page

I don’t like the emoticons in the new website, because they look too “teenagerish” and unserious. In the old one, we had just words expressing the general feeling, but now those extra emoticons kill the beauty of the website. Therefore, I didn’t move to new website and I enjoy the older one more. I don’t say symbols shouldn’t exist, but there could be better ones than standard emojis or just none. Please consider if possible, or at least you could create a feature for the members to disable/enable those on the frontend. Thanks for consideration!

New Feature Vote from Jim Wilde on Sun, Dec 10
1 cup

Thank you so much, Kellianne, for fixing my broken streak (due to a computer glitch, the words were there the whole time). I am SO close to a Double Griffin (2,000 straight days of writing) I can practically TASTE it (which I wouldn’t do because I’m vegan).

I told a friend about 750Words yesterday and she asked, “What do you write about?” I said, “Everything! When you’re over-thinking, write, and when you’re under-thinking, read.”

Testimonial Note from Sue Ann Wolff on Tue, Nov 28
1 cup

You are awesome!

Testimonial Note from Max Gogats on Mon, Nov 06
1 cup

Thank so much for this platform….before coming on here, I had many thoughts and fears trapped in my mind….I had no where to go where I could release those thoughts safely….I felt if I talk to my friends or family, I would be judged harshly and without any compassion….I was just stuck with no where to go….but one day as I was search for a journal….your website populated…I was intrigued so I continued to navigate through your site….I then decided to take advantage of the free trial and see if this would help me….and it did….I was able to write down all my thoughts, dreams and even my fears without being judged or treated differently….I was able to write in a safe environment….Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I truly appreciate each and everyone who monitors and keep the site going. Thank you! ❤️

Testimonial Note from Claudine Mai on Thu, Nov 02
1 cup

750 words, the discipline I didn’t know I needed, helped me get my mojo back.
I was born with the gift of communicating and with years of binge drinking and social isolation, I lost it and went through a period of depression.
To preserve my memory for the future, to log down these moments and to articulate my thoughts so that maybe, I can speak my thoughts clearly again, I took up daily journaling.
I don’t know how but I read about 750 words in an article somewhere and took a visit on this site. While I was writing daily, I’ve never hit a word count 750 and surely nothing this big.
I took up the Oct. challenge and this discipline of showing up daily has shown me immense improvement in my communication, the flow of my words, and a new spark of creativity. $5/ a month to entirely change the trajectory of my life? I’m in.
Thank you so much for creating this platform and I hope you’ll touch many more lives.

Testimonial Note from chance on Tue, Oct 24
1 cup

I dropped from 750 words for a while and found that I struggled to write daily. I just returned as a paying member to help me keep on track with writing daily. The $5 a month is a drop in the bucket and well worth the price.

Testimonial Note from David Wakeman on Tue, Oct 03
5 cups

Kellianne has singlehandedly done more for my sanity than any other person on the planet! I’m so scatterbrained—all over the map, lots of unfinished projects—and I often write offline, hitting save only when I’m done with my 750. This is a ritual, a saving grace, a singlular point of focus in an otherwise tumultuous landscape.

It’s so silly, but having an unbroken streak makes me feel like I can be a person in the world. Like, at least I can do this thing right every day, and I am so, so grateful for the few times I’ve had an internet error, or glitch, or forgotten to hit “save,” and Kellianne has come through for me, helping me to feel like I’m back on track. I feel supported. This website has been a lifeline and essential resource for me since 2012, and I haven’t stopped writing. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Kellianne (and Buster) for all you do!

Testimonial Note from Rob Flax on Mon, Sep 18
53 cups

Because of my daily writing discipline I am now nearing 1000 consecutive writing days, I have written five books (NaNoWriMo style), and completed 12 academic papers for publication. After a while, it wasn’t just about stream of consciousness writing or brain dumping, it evolved to capturing my philosophy and frameworks on certain topics of my thought leadership and massaging here for publication.

I am so excited that my writing journey has evolved to mastery and it’s all thanks to 750words and consistency!

Testimonial Note from Dr. Monikah Ogando on Fri, Sep 01
20 cups
Secure server for writing

A secure server to protect my thoughts and creativity from being lifted and used by AI or other softwares from unsecured sites.

New Feature Vote from Ashley Burnside on Fri, Aug 04
1 cup

750words has been a great tool in making me show up to my writing every day. THe analysis I get at the end of a session is like therapy for me..I can see where I am at when I write stream of consciousness…750words..a gret way to start the day…helps us, writers, puts what’s first…writing.. Thank you, 750 Words.

Testimonial Note from Renee Gurley on Thu, Aug 03
1 cup

Ordinarily I’d be devastated that I missed a day of the challenge, but, in my defense, it was my birthday weekend, I had started writing and was distracted by cake (lie) with every intention of returning to the one paragraph I managed to input. But I feel redeemed because I bet $5 for 750 words if I failed, and I failed, so I donated the sawbuck and today is Day One of the August Challenge, and I will prevail! Plus, as part of my penance, I have to eat two apple fritters from Bob’s donuts on Polk St.

Testimonial Note from Vex Kaztro on Tue, Aug 01
1 cup

This site has really inspired me to work on my craft every day. It’s the perfect procrastination killer.

Testimonial Note from Alice Hojo on Sun, Jul 23
1 cup

This site has changed my habits! I am so glad that I’ve kept an account all these years!

Testimonial Note from Christian Smith on Tue, Jun 27
1 cup

I’ve had an account long enough to be a free member, but for so long I didn’t use it. Now I’m participating in the 1000 words of summer challenge, where the goal is to write 1000 words a day, every day, for two weeks. Instead of using Scrivener or even Word, I decided to use 750 Words. It’s been great to have not only the stats tracking, but to get out of my head, to quiet the editor when right now it’s the writer’s turn. It’s been great, and I’m grateful to 750 words for existing. So thanks.

Testimonial Note from Cathie on Sun, Jun 25