The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

Darryl Parks
Gemma Painter
Christina Fang
Obden mondesir
Ruth Simone
Konstantin Antipenko
Molly Duncan
Megan Sajjad
Kelly YUAN
Melody Bennett
Riley Daniels
Bay Lovett
Rahel Kadosh
Anastasia Morton
Virginia Ann Grant
Kaitlin W
Hayley Turner
Caitlyn Schwimmer
Marina Sampanes Peed
Catarina Serra
Gideon Vale
Adrienne Keller
Michelle Cho
Yasmeen Awadh
Marcos Gabriel Chisholm
Poppy T.
Tiong Hee Khoo
Lucinda Light
Glenn R. Cochran
Colleen Green
Melanie Reef
Nancy Bird
Stephanie Brossmann
Jonathan Musselwhite
Jennifer Byer
Jennifer Mason
Jack Dolinar
Hillary Horvath
Charlotte Preston
Cathy Bellanca
Stephanie Graham-Lyda
Ryan Barber
Philip Neil Eldred
Matthew Espinoza
Daath Boucher
Kathia Abba Gana
Eleanor Loomis
Matthew Romain
Melissa Kerker
Cassandra Habert
Kelli Thompson
Sue Scott
Sterre van der Hee
John J Kocan
LB Mahan
Marsha Shandur
Jaymi Bryant
R. J. Deen
Becky L
Chelsea Terris Scott
Hannah Clare
William Gibson
niall marshall
Carolyn R Jackson
Cara Carnes
Suzanne C Dubus
"B" Cann
Jamie Windham
Alexandra Booth
Vivian Iva
Carrie Martin
Sarah Griffin
Jordan Ryskamp
Tanya Fouts
Shaan Rafiq
Teesa Houston
Roger Ward
Melissa Scalf
Catherine Butler
Todd Krieger
Jessie Stepan
Joseph Kane
Nathanael James Bacott
Paul Curson
Ana Matamoros
Michelle A Mazur
Amy Todd

Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup

This site is needed for me as I have tried to do without it I find myself right back here. The thing is if you are a writer that indeed needs to get things out this is what you do you write and you have a strong desire to do it just like that. This helps when you want to be better because the way to get better is to just do it all the time.

Testimonial Note from Tamara Johnson-Dunston on Sun, Jul 03
1 cup
A better mobile site
New Feature Vote from Joe Welker on Fri, Jul 01
5 cups

Just a short note to say that I am now a fully paid up member of v2 of the site so I can leave this version behind. As always Kellianne was there to help with my queries while transitioning. Loving v2 so far. Onwards and upwards to my Flying Squirrel (eventually).

Testimonial Note from Kate Sanders on Fri, Jul 01
1 cup

I cannot express how much I love this site, nor how much money it’s saved me in therapy. It’s the mainstay of my mental health. Whenever I’m worried, overwhelmed, delighted, confused… this is where I come. I write it out, and I sort it out. It’s blissful. Thank you so much. Please always keep it going.

Testimonial Note from Sarah Griffin on Sat, Jun 25
5 cups

Even when I skip writing for weeks at a time, I always come back, and I’m always delighted by the community here. Buster and Kellianne, you have both done such a fantastic job of making this a cozy place to return to again and again. Thank you!!

Testimonial Note from Cameron Welsh on Wed, Jun 22
16 cups

i’m migrating over to the new site and so pouring my cups of patronage here as a strong brew of encouragement to others and of thanks for the persistent but not too pushy encouragement offered by this site to keep on writing. i don’t know what will happen to all the words, but i feel thankful that they are held here for us to use or not, as we choose. best wishes to all, and see you on the other side!

Testimonial Note from Peregrine on Fri, Jun 17
50 cups

Thank you for restoring my streak! I’ve been here since 2009. My first streak ended at 364 days because i forgot to write on the 365th day, the second streak at 1000+ days because my goal was the million word mark, and I am aiming at 1500 days for this streak — onward!

Testimonial Note from Ti Locke on Fri, Jun 03
1 cup

Writing here is the best mental health therapy that I do. Just reached my first million words and the clarity and inspiration that I get from this habit is truly life changing

Testimonial Note from Meg Clippingdale on Thu, Jun 02
1 cup
Testimonial Note from hua mai nguyet minh on Wed, Jun 01
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I think i need more game-components to get back into writing after the pandemic. I’ve lost my groove.

New Feature Vote from Pat Moran on Tue, May 31
4 cups

For years and years, I’ve used as a digital form of “Morning Pages” to clear my head, flesh out my thoughts, vent and just type. It’s not really writing and it’s meant to be journaling in the “Artist’s Way” prescription: stream-of-consciousness, moving of the fingers, not really WRITING. And I have loved doing it. I use it as a warm up to real writing sometimes but it is also a sign of a commitment to writing and a commitment to making time for my own thoughts.

You can also schedule time off, which I had to do back in 2016 when I went on a trip to the Grand Canyon. But I used this sparingly and only when I was truly off-line. Sometime over the pandemic though, I started to feel burdened by having this assignment on weekends and I decided that a tool is meant to be used the way you wanna use it. So I started excusing myself on the weekends, only pasting in dummy text to maintain my streak. This way, I knew my commitment was there, the streak and my own specific rules about the streak were being followed. But yesterday I messed it up and I’ve decided that a streak that is not-really-a-streak is a crutch I don’t need right now. 2586 days in a row (sorta). That’s just a skootch over 7 years of typing every day, plus a little cheating.

I’ve contemplated controlled failure earlier and decided against it, but I think it’s fitting now. Streak over. I can always decide to get back on it if I commit to it, or even my old “weekends off” streak. But I don’t need the badge or the streak to maintain the habit.
The website shows you how long a streak you have and for years I’ve maintained a streak. You can also schedule time off, which I had to do back in 2016 when I went on a trip to the Grand Canyon. But I used this sparingly and only when I was truly off-line. Sometime over the pandemic though, I started to feel burdened by having this assignment on weekends and I decided that a tool is meant to be used the way you wanna use it. So I started excusing myself on the weekends, only pasting in dummy text to maintain my streak. This way, I knew my commitment was there, the streak and my own specific rules about the streak were being followed. But yesterday I fucked it up and I’ve decided that a streak that is not-really-a-streak is a crutch I don’t need right now. 2586 days in a row (sorta). That’s just a skootch over 7 years of typing every day, plus a little cheating.

I’ve contemplated controlled failure earlier and decided against it, but I think it’s fitting now. Streak over. I can always decide to get back on it if I commit to it, or even my old “weekends off” streak. But I don’t need the badge or the streak to maintain the habit.

Testimonial Note from Douglas Moe on Tue, May 31
15 cups

Yesterday was my last day writing on version one of 750 Words, but I’ll be continuing my journey over on the new site from today.

I began writing here at the end of May 2020 so on this my second anniversary I thought that I would take a leap into the unknown. As someone here recently said, the site means the world to me too. It’s been the one habit that I’ve continued since life changed for us all with the pandemic.

750 words has been my strength and focus so life without it would be much poorer. I’m looking forward to many more years of writing, aiming to publish something one day. Many thanks Buster and Kellianne for keeping everything running smoothly, sorting out our issues and giving us our shiny, new place for our words.

Testimonial Note from Kate Sanders on Tue, May 31
50 cups

This will be my last night writing in version one of 750 Words, but I will be continuing my journey over on the new version. As of August, I will have been using this site (almost) daily and it means the world to me.

I can’t imagine life without it anymore, and that is a wonderful thing. I am looking forward to many more years of writing on version two, and so many thanks to Buster and KelliAnne for not only keeping everything running smoothly, but also giving us a new, improved version that works great with my iPad!

Keep on writing, every day! Peace and Love, Rebecca

Testimonial Note from Rebecca Rose on Sun, May 29
10 cups

I am here, and that is how I begin many of my entries. Trying for gratitude and presence for at least one mini sentence a day, then I have free reign to write all kinds of angry and sad and boring and miraculous and awful and fabulous and mundane crap along with what I hope yields a speck of personal growth, getting things out of the muddle so I can connect the dots of the worlds I struggle with. I haven’t been ready to hop over to the new spot, but who knows, maybe tomorrow? I will be eternally grateful that this small dumping-and-building ground exists. I wish all the badges were ACTUAL badges that I could iron on a jacket! Because I would wear it proudly! But I am immensely pleased with all the ones I earned and can beam proudly at if I make it into this space. THANK YOU!! Everyone maintaining, everyone writing. We are here.

Testimonial Note from nancy s on Mon, May 23
1 cup

I’m super happy developing my daily writing habit using 750words. It’s been less than a month and I’m noticing results. It helps me to test potential articles and iterate ideas day by day. Ideas become more evident once I put them in words, even if they are not perfectly redacted. Personally, I love numbers, badges, and stats so I look at them every day and try to improve.

Testimonial Note from Nahuel Garbezza on Mon, May 16
1 cup

Good to be with others. I am finding this opportunity each morning to be illuminating and helpful. Best wishes for all

Testimonial Note from Wayne Peck on Mon, May 16
3 cups

I’ve been using 750 words on and off since 2011. It’s been with me through so many ups and downs and I would be pretty crushed if it was to disappear someday. It’s not a constant part of my life, but it’s an integral part of my life. 750 words, never change!

Testimonial Note from Kevin Bradley on Wed, May 11
1 cup
A better mobile site

Improve ability of website to scroll typewriter style (to keep cursor in middle-ish of screen) and Also to have the word count float at the bottom of the screen (sometimes gets hidden for some reason).

New Feature Vote from Kevin Bradley on Wed, May 11
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app

Being able to store entries locally without having to export them everyday. Also being able to use the site offline of course.

New Feature Vote from Kevin Bradley on Wed, May 11
1 cup

Wow – such a powerful resource this is. To let go into the digital journal from anywhere is beautiful. I get to ‘vent’ here instead of to anyone else or in a relationship.

The attitude I have EVERYWHERE is an attitude of GRATITUDE and that’s been developed through constant REFLECTION – that’s happened, in large part, on! So Thank You with Love!

Testimonial Note from Darshan Patel on Tue, May 10
1 cup

I first joined 750w Words in 2012. Since then, I have used it to journal, to vent, to process ideas, and to write fiction. I have earned badges and built up streaks, and I have forgotten about it for months and months on end. But every time, I come back! There’s something comforting and welcoming about this simple, quiet little site that lets me pour out whatever’s inside of me — no formatting, no distractions, just writing words that I never have to look at again.

Testimonial Note from Ginny Di on Tue, May 10
1 cup
More text analysis

I’d like to be able to see a big word cloud/statistics page (like the one that comes up for any given day) for the entire set of words I’ve written, or for a date range that I specify.

New Feature Vote from Angel Belsey on Sat, May 07
1 cup

very grateful for this website, been here off and on since 2012, it has helped tremendously. keep you up the great karma work! xoxo

Testimonial Note from leanna Kith on Fri, May 06
6 cups

I’ve been on this site since 2012. I haven’t necessarily been here every day since a few years after that, but I have found it useful to do my brain dump in the morning. I don’t like change at all, but I suppose I will go figure out where we are going next, uh, next. I really appreciate that the site owners gave some of us a legacy status here oh so long ago. I paid when I could, but most months, that still isn’t possible for me. I’ll miss the simplicity of this site, that it does feel very private to me, and that I don’t have to “be social” at all when I come here to write. Those things are incredibly important to me, with the way both the world and the internet are today. Here, I can write badly, type ugly or angry words that need to be said, empty my brain of stress and vitriol and worry. Yes, that act has a strong, positive effect on the rest of my day. I hope the new site is as simple and unobtrusive as this one. Thanks for everything you’ve done for us over the past 10+ years.

Testimonial Note from Ari Summerland on Wed, Apr 27
10 cups

Every once in awhile, I come by here out of sheer gratitude for this amazing, under-sung and under-appreciated tool that has been a part of my life for SO many years now.

Keeping it brief. Just know that this site is BELOVED by myself and others. Can’t wait to see the new version, but want to continue to share a HEARTY THANK YOU to Buster, Kellianne and the others that have kept it up and running all this time!

Testimonial Note from Eric Nentrup on Thu, Apr 21
1 cup

I am living in a third world country and can feel very lonely and isolated at times. At the moment I am struggling with my mental health. 750 words can give me a reason to get up in the morning. Writing is helping me clear the fog and put one foot in front of the other. Thank you 750 Words :)

Testimonial Note from claire maley on Mon, Apr 11
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

Yes, I would love for you to have more badges for accomplishments. If you had a daily writing prompt question or theme, then I can choose from a few questions and write about one of them to get a daily badge! That would be fun!

New Feature Vote from Heidi on Thu, Apr 07
10 cups
Have the new site have the same functionality as the old site

I wrote this as a feedback note on the new site, but as no one ever responds to feedback over there, at least this way I get to set it down.

I hadn’t realised the new site was going to have inferior functionality to the old site. I was 50 words off finishing when my time ran out: on the old site I could just have adjusted my finishing time and all’s well – but the new site’s limited and inferior functionlity doesn’t have that option. I’m going back to the old site now – let me know when the new site is at least as good as the old one,

Also, I’ve been interrupted every hundred characters or so typing this on the new site’s feedback form as the new site moves me away from the feedback form on to the new day page.

New Feature Request Note from Yonmei onIJ on Tue, Apr 05
1 cup

750 words helped me to have good mood

Testimonial Note from zahira chouiba on Mon, Apr 04
1 cup

Hello, I wanted to give a shout out to Kelliane. I had an unbroken streak of 796 days until last week when a migraine descended and I missed a day. I wrote to Kelliane who responded quickly and in my favour. It has made me realise how incredibly important this site is for me. In my 60s, on the death of my younger brother in December 2019, I decided to fulfil a dream that began in my 20s – to write a novel. I’m not there yet, but not far off (on 3rd rewrite) and I know that I wouldn’t be at this stage without the routine of writing 1000 words first thing (I like to have parity between days and thousand words)) Also I suspect, this habit gives me the best chance of maintaining a sense of balance in life,
A huge thank you to Kelliane and for the very existence of

Testimonial Note from Clare Howard on Mon, Apr 04