The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

Jennifer Van Adrichem
Hadjar Homaei
Julie Hughes
samuel baugh
Eduard Lopez
Jeannel King
David Ubom
Miriam Young
Ben Talbot
Amy Aberdeen
Rebeca Lustgarten
Angela MG
Emily Elizabeth
Jua Rountree
Pam Wilder
Bill Wright
Jo Leath
Gurgen Tumanyan
Megan O'Neil
B S.
Tommo Greer
Jacqueline Texier
Bradley Ellis
Kathy Russo
Moshe Fohrman
Marianne Pownall
Jenny Rhodes
Kayla S
Dan Hammond
Rena Delgado
Erlinda Legaspi
Sureni Weerasekera
Jerry Sandusky
Connie Coin
Ioan Mitrea
Nishima Nzeru
Jenny Gorelick
LuAnne Holder
Joanie M
Eli Pekay
Cindy Webber
Lost Sailor
Carmen Isáis
Andrew Makin
Adam Berkovec
Jeff Thelen
Stephanie Tang
Tim Trueheart
Betty Perske
Loren Elkin
Nicholas Kim
Peter Auerhann Beissinger
Nicole Poweleit
Aryan Gustin
Holly White Roddam
Nancy Ingwersen
Jim Causey
Sky Matsuhashi
Ade Ayoola
Novera King
Dr J
Emily Flaherty
Toby McMaster
Jim Matlock
Janis Benstock
Paz Paulsen-Sacks
John G McHugh
Cynthia McChesney
Joseph Michael Culhane
Becca Burns
Rebecca Harris
Tracy Pellegrino
Jane Fisher
Tenley Sage
Daniel Munoz
Stephanie Lyon
M Medved
Joshua Pevner
Anna Cartella
R Michael Gadbaw
Hutton Henry
Stephanie Davis
M Sawa
Sara Shimazu
Shaun Saperstein
Ren Bacquie
Lindsey Rae
Ms CJ Janzen
Lynn Porter

Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup

Six Years Diligent
Winning Two Million Words Badge
Double Mega Flock

Testimonial Note from PS on Wed, Jun 14
1 cup

I take a lot of writing classes. Whenever I’m asked what I hope to get out of a particular class, I always say it’s to develop a writing practice. No matter how good or plentiful the advice I got, nothing worked, Until 750 words monthly writing challenges. Turns out all I needed to develop a hardcore, daily writing practice was a false deadline. I often wait until I only have an hour to start writing my words. That way I don’t go back and edit, which is the number one cause of my mini-writers blockages. I’ll often write a thousand words before I even look down at the bottom of the page to see my progress, For a habitual editor like me, that is a feat. Now I write during the day with a lot more fluidity and forgiveness. And I still do my 750 words+++ every single night just for the sake of writing without judgment.

Testimonial Note from Vex Kaztro on Mon, May 29
15 cups

I am here again to say thank you to Team 750 and all the people writing here! I keep writing, and keep showing up, and little by little this spot has helped me climb out of many holes, many challenges, and also go into holes, with courage, to see what the heck is inside?!! I have so much gratitude for this space that exists and helps me to know I have shown up for myself, so that I can also show up for those I love, and just, heck, be a good citizen of this ailing world that needs us all to show up! Thank you thank you thank you.

Testimonial Note from nancy s on Tue, May 23
2 cups
More stats on the Eternity page
New Feature Vote from Zack on Mon, Apr 24
1 cup

I just started using this site a couple of months and have found it very helpful in getting my thoughts out of my head so I can focus on other things. I have to say it has kept me writing when I needed it most. I have been going through a lot in my life and I am able to just express myself when I need to. I am glad I was introduced to the site. The cost of membership is less than coffee at Starbucks and better spent. Thank you

Testimonial Note from David Wakeman on Sun, Apr 23
100 cups

First: Thanks, Kellianne for fixing my streak this month; these last few weeks have been horrendous; writing daily helped keep me sane. Second: I’m so glad I came back to this site & committed to the daily write: so many good things are opening up, at least in my mind & spirit. From there, who knows? Blessings to all!

Testimonial Note from Nancy Carlzen on Fri, Apr 21
50 cups

Thank you so, so much for restoring my streak, Kellianne. I was amazed at how devastated I felt when I thought I’d lost my lovely Griffin. I’m still in a wheelchair for the time being, and I’m not able to get much business work done, but I’m back to writing every night—and I’m feeling wonderful about that. You have helped me in my healing journey, and I’m very grateful!

Testimonial Note from Bhavani on Tue, Apr 18
1 cup
Tech support

Maybe when a member has problems accessing the site, there could be some kind of response within five days? Not necessarily you two who started it…maybe a helper for an hour a day?

New Feature Request Note from Amy Haddow on Tue, Apr 18
1 cup

I completed the March challenge of writing daily and signed up for April which I’m on track to complete as well. Feels great!

Testimonial Note from Jessica Goldhammer on Mon, Apr 17
1 cup

I love this site! I suffer from a severe syndrome of procrastination and this has helped me to make time for writing. I have the hopes of completing my first book soon and I certainly hope this site helps. Thanks for what you do.

Testimonial Note from Vincent E Brown on Sun, Apr 16
5 cups

This website is like coming home to a good friend. I have been away from it for months, and suddenly felt the pull to return today. I am a writer, and will publish my first book (memoir) this fall — Yay! But my manuscript is with my editor, leaving me feel aimless, like a ship with no rudder. And that has made me feel increasingly grumpy. Yuck! Enough already … I am coming back to 750 Words to get back into alignment: mind, body, spirit. I am grateful for this website and it consistent presence!

Testimonial Note from Simone on Sun, Apr 16
1 cup

It’s very handy. :)

Testimonial Note from Marius Riley on Thu, Apr 13
1 cup

I would like names to be listed in alphabetical order on the members list, wall of awesomeness and wall of shame and the month’s challengers.

New Feature Request Note from Jessica Goldhammer on Sat, Apr 01
1 cup

I’ve been writing here since 2018 but never daily. Then I signed up and just completed the March challenge and wrote everyday and I’ve been transformed! I love the daily practice especially before bed when I dump out the day’s racing thoughts followed by a good nights sleep. Maybe they don’t have to be morning pages, evening pages work too. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Jessica Goldhammer on Sat, Apr 01
1 cup
A better mobile site

I’d love to have an app where I could write on the go

New Feature Vote from Jessica Goldhammer on Sat, Apr 01
8 cups

This site has not only kept me in the daily writing game, but it has also kept my nose about water throughout my recent challenges. Merci beaucoup with much gratitude!

Testimonial Note from JuneAnn Kellogg on Sat, Apr 01
5 cups

I’ve used 750 Words to not only find out what’s going on in my conscious and subconscious, but I’ve come up with stories, essays, and even books from writing rapidly on this site.
Thank you so much, Buster and Kellianne, for helping me to continue being the writer that I am.

Testimonial Note from Joseph Sutton on Fri, Mar 31
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app

Having a local backup, in addition to the site connection would be helpful when traveling around the world. Sometimes, the internet connections are iffy, so an app that saved locally would be great.

New Feature Vote from Ria Loader on Fri, Mar 31
1 cup

750words is my favorite way to get a start on my day. I record dreams, keep track of energy levels, health, and projects, and I write the first 750 words of a day. I started using it during NaNoWriMo a few years back.

Testimonial Note from Ria Loader on Fri, Mar 31
1 cup

i used 750 long ago as a teen and fledgling writer.. i’m actually not sure what made me think of it again, but it was just in time to commit to a monthly challenge. here i am, one month later! building daily routines is a big part of my life right now and what a wonderful and low-stakes addition to my morning. it’s so encouraging to watch the stats stack up !

Testimonial Note from batty oakes on Fri, Mar 31
16 cups
More badges for accomplishments
New Feature Vote from Jo Hornsey on Thu, Mar 30
3 cups

After using 750 words for almost 2yrs and getting some really good streaks going, I just stopped. But, I am back now and in a completely different set of life circumstances that leaves me needing to get the stuff in my head out, even if it’s just talking about daily plans or what I did for the day, etc. When you live alone after having the true love of your life with you all the time for more than 20yrs. You need to be able to share your mundane stuff and serious thoughts … somewhere. And this is how 750 Words is helping me this time around. I don’t mind living alone, but I definitely need to just vent and let out my thoughts from the day – it really makes my evenings so much better if I sit down and write just before dinner. THANK YOU.

Testimonial Note from Gaelyne Gasson on Thu, Mar 30
20 cups
More badges for accomplishments

It’s so motivating!! I’ve just finished a year, and now the badges are going to be pretty few and far between.

New Feature Vote from Emily McDermott on Wed, Mar 29
1 cup

Hi all! I’ve been able to succeed at the March challenge of writing daily. It’s been tough at times, I’m not gonna lie and say I’m loving it, but I’ve been here since 2018 and haven’t been consistent and this has helped. To my surprise, I just signed up for the April challenge because I guess not seeing my name on the wall of shame is a motivator enough to keep me writing everyday, despite all the temptations that attempt to tear me from my writing practice like naps, going to sleep at 9pm and cuddle time with my dog. Thanks for being here, even though I don’t know or read anything you’ve written, I’m pretty sure we’re in this together.

Testimonial Note from Jessica Goldhammer on Sat, Mar 25
1 cup

Thank you750! I had things on my mind this evening and I need to share some of this with my talk therapy I have. I was cleaning up and thought to myself about how unorganized I I have been. This is the first place I knew I could come and write.

Testimonial Note from Mary Rainwater on Tue, Mar 14
1 cup

Wow, I was going through my password manager and thought hey I wonder if 750Words is still there? It is, and I wrote 687 words and … the clock changed! LOL! But it was great and my fingers are all nice and warmed up so I think I’ll keep logging in and dumping my thoughts down as I did way back in 2010. And when I was here last, it was just Buster! Congrats to everyone! And kids too! Wow! Cheers and really thank you for being here.

Testimonial Note from Gaelyne Gasson on Tue, Mar 14
1 cup

I’ve been using this on and off for over a decade, but have recently found it really useful for starting out the day and setting out my intentions for it. Working through all the things I need and want to do during it, and then using my writing here to work out how I can achieve them. It gives me great focus, and has definitely aided my creativity and productivity over the past year.

Testimonial Note from Nick Barlow on Mon, Mar 13
1 cup

750 words has helped me get a great routine for resetting my mind before I go to bed. I know the pages are supposed to be used in the morning, but writing everything out about my day and processing the things that came u for me helps me prepare for a restful night and feel like my day has ended. It’s a great investment in myself and my wellbeing. I recommend giving it a try, even if you don’t write every day.

Testimonial Note from Barbara Gilchrist on Wed, Mar 01
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from Anonymous on Wed, Mar 01
30 cups

Many years ago I read Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. The one exercise from that book that stuck for me was Morning Pages. I have written 3 pages, or 750 words almost every day for about 30 years. When a friend told me about this site, it was a smooth transition for me from long-hand to keyboard. I use it to clear my mind, to dump my life issues without censorship. It is my therapeutic Practice. Writing every morning is essential for me to get the deep stuff up and out into the light. I am so grateful for 750 Words!

Testimonial Note from Pat McNutt on Sun, Feb 26