The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

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Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup
Improve the writing page

maybe offer a prompts for directed writing as an option

New Feature Vote from Ryan O'heron on Sat, Mar 21
1 cup
Donate pages for historical research

An opt in feature that after a preditermined amount of idle time on the account (years?) or contact from family members on the user’s death that all of their writing is compiled and given to a library or historical society for the use of research.

It recently came to my attention that historians love detailed accounts of events or common activities like what may be in journals or books. This seems like it may be a good source for that, as long as it’s an opt in feature.

New Feature Request Note from Margaret Williams on Fri, Mar 20
1 cup

750 Words has helped me write more, more often, and most importantly helped me not feel alone. I love that we earn Cups of Patronage, because it does have a bit of that coffee shop flavor – alone, but not lonely, alone, but others online also writing, alone, but together. Very glad I have found this. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Sharon Small on Thu, Mar 19
10 cups

I’m keeping my diary of self isolation here on 750 Words, as I suspect many of us are. The changes in the world can really shake things up, and they keep changing. I feel so luck to have this place to pour out my feelings, emotions, reactions, and observations as our country—and the world—face this crisis! Thank you to Buster and KelliAnne for giving us this space. <3

Testimonial Note from Rebecca Rose on Wed, Mar 18
2 cups

Wonderful idea, how come I never thought of it? Great to get you started with your writing career or if you just need to clear your mind of any negative or hostile thoughts, it’s a release, however, it’s also great for anything positive you want to release or even read back. I don’t use it as often as I should but have made the pact with myself to do so in future as it makes me feel good, as though I am working toward something, even if it is just getting rid of toxic waste from my mind – better out than in as “they” say!

Testimonial Note from Barb McGuire on Wed, Mar 18
4 cups
Time Travel

Once upon a time, it was possible – if you ran out of time at midnight without having QUITE finished your words – to sneakily time travel by changing your time zone and thus continuing to write in a magically extended day, a la Louis Wu in the opening chapter of Ringworld, only more fun. Sadly it apears that rather welcome buglet has been tidily removed. Please bring it back!

New Feature Request Note from Yonmei onIJ on Wed, Mar 18
1 cup

750Words has helped me tremendously through this tough time. In a time of deep uncertainty (March ‘20) we are all in need of compassion for each other but also for ourselves. I am often too critical of myself and yet I’ve been trying to really practice gratitude through my writing over the last few trying days.

I give everyone the permission to be kinder and more gentle to themselves during this difficult time. Habit formation and writing is a fantastic method to maintain your sanity in this time and I encourage everyone to stay optimistic.

Testimonial Note from Eric Roseman on Wed, Mar 18
1 cup

This is the best writing space I have found. I am so grateful to have a place to log in and type to clear my mind. I usually try to do it first thing in the morning, but I’ve had a few days where it was so freeing to type right before bed. Thank you for this place <3

Testimonial Note from Stacy York on Tue, Mar 17
1 cup

I have never been more consistent with writing than with this site! So grateful for the ingenuity here and the support!

Testimonial Note from Amber Davis on Tue, Mar 17
1 cup

Эти 750 слов помогли мне самому себе доказать, что я способен из себя, так сказать, излить все что накопилось, что должно быть сказано как им, мне, всем. Огромное мое спасибо придумавшим этот тренажер я буду стараться не пропускать ни единого дня

Testimonial Note from BorisKodilenkov on Mon, Mar 16
1 cup
Badge Stickers

It would be fun if you guys sold stickers of the badges, but only after you earn them.

New Feature Request Note from Anonymous on Sat, Mar 14
1 cup

This site has really helped me. I use the “brain dump” method and simply type whatever is in my head until I get to 750 words. I’ve been astonished how helpful it is for me to start my day – I’m much clearer, much less weighed down by uncertainty, and if I have any unconscious worries they are sure to come up so I can deal with them. Sometimes I just type the species of birds at my feeder or what my dog looks like as she naps at my feet, but even this, being present in the moment, is a great way to start the day. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this site out there and helping people. I hope it has blessed you as it has me.

Testimonial Note from Carrie Smith on Fri, Mar 13
32 cups

750words is like my morning coffee. I have tried to write here at other times of the day, but for me, the morning is best. I dump out yesterday’s worries and my desires for today. I have found some of my best writing gold here on the page. I am grateful for the daily encouragement of knowing I have written today with my writing streak tally. I am grateful for this space and three years later I am a better writer because of it.

Testimonial Note from Jaimee Walls on Thu, Mar 12
1 cup

750 words he has motivated me to do a short writing every day, even though I actually speak my writing. Thanks so much.

Testimonial Note from Robin Roseth on Wed, Mar 11
1 cup
Improve the writing page

I think this is a fabulous site. Small improvements like being able to bold certain words, use numbering and bullets, change font color when I want to would help me find nuggets I want to use in the future easier.

New Feature Vote from Jan on Tue, Mar 10
1 cup
Improve the writing page

I think this is a fabulous site. Small improvements like being able to bold certain words, use numbering and bullets, change font color when I want to would help me find nuggets I want to use in the future easier.

New Feature Vote from Jan on Tue, Mar 10
64 cups

I am amazed to see that I have hit a million words. When I started using this site the idea of writing that many words did not seem possible. We throw around YouTube views and athlete’s salaries and a million can feel small, but typing words on a screen, every day, just 750 at a time? That is a very tall mountain to move. But yesterday I did it and now I am going to use a bunch of my coffee cups to share three thoughts about how this site has changed me. The primary way that I am a different writer today is that I do not fear writing tasks in my work. I know that I will turn to this blank page and generate a draft. Then those drafts go into Evernote for editing and polishing. Now those parts of the writing process I still do not enjoy, but what a difference it is to know that I can clear the first hurdle in the process, and there is a universe between no draft and a first draft. I am on my way.

Second, this is the strongest habit I have ever formed. My day’s list of tasks is not finished until my words are done. I often write at night rather than the morning, but I write. My longest streak was over 500 days, interrupted by a trip to Australia, and I am currently on another 300 day run. Like the best of habits, my mindset has flipped. Where it once felt odd to write daily, it now feels strange not to. It’s an unsettled feeling in my gut that has to be addressed.

Lastly, my proudest writing accomplishment in these million words is writing the toast I gave for my daughter and her new husband at their wedding six weeks ago. They announced their engagement last May, and I had a draft done in June. I even remember writing it in a Princi bakery in Seattle on a warm June afternoon, the patio windows open as I typed away on my Surface. With each draft my message became clearer. In the fall the groom’s father asked if I would toast both the bride and groom. More drafts, more emerging clarity. Sometimes I revised drafts in Evernote, other times I would just start over again here. I finished the final version at 2:00 in the morning of their wedding day. It was the most important speech of my life and I know in my heart I gave it the best effort I possibly could. Many people have told me how much they liked it, which feels great, but more importantly for me is that I think it revealed the heart of the newlyweds’ relationship as I saw it. It is the best thing I have ever written, and it became that because I rewrote it several times, and I did that because of this site.

Testimonial Note from Bob Stocking on Mon, Mar 09
1 cup

Mel Robbins mentioned this site and I had to check it out for myself. I’ve been here ever since. I used to love to write, but set it aside as frivolous when in fact it’s a necessity. As I move through this journey of building positive, daily habits, this has been the easiest to stick to and the most enjoyable. I love having this time and space just for me and I highly recommend it. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Lurasmind on Mon, Mar 09
1 cup

750 words help me brain dump every night, I’m using it to discipline myself and create a habit of writing everynight, then spill this discipline into ot.her areas, i notice i sleep better and my mind is clearer everyday. tonight i had to decide if i wanted to pay and remain a member, after thinking about how much this has been helping me , its a no brainer.

Testimonial Note from Cheryl on Sun, Mar 08
15 cups

I love it! I love the tracking and the badges and especially the one-month challenges. Which I did not complete. Hence this pot of coffee. Thank you so much!

Testimonial Note from LeAnne McDaniel on Sun, Mar 08
1 cup
Ability to upload profile photo

I’ve been a member for two months now. And I still cannot upload my profile photo. I contacted you guys about it and there was a reply that it was a known issue but with no ETA on a fix. This should be something simple to get fixed. I would donate $ or $10 – IF – I knew for sure that it would promise this would get fixed. I plan to continue being a member because I love your website. But it’s hard to sell others on it when something this simple has this glitch.

New Feature Request Note from Cindy Bahl on Fri, Mar 06
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I would love to see more badges-I haven’t had one for ages despite writing every day for 65 days!

New Feature Vote from Lucia Gannon on Fri, Mar 06
3 cups

Since discovering 750 words, I have written every day and am currently on a 65-day streak. I am not too concerned at this point about the quality of the writing as I know that I can review the writing any time and edit and combine the words into whatever I need them to be, an opinion article, a flash fiction piece or even a short story. I am so grateful for having stumbled upon this brilliant writing tool and have been telling everyone about it since I joined. A fantastic idea, especially for someone like me who needs a little external motivation to complete the things I really want to do.

Testimonial Note from Lucia Gannon on Fri, Mar 06
1 cup
Extended/Annual Streak View

I love the streak measuring function of the month but I would love to see a broader view of the full streak or something like an annual view so I could see my whole streak in those beautiful satisfying tick boxes. Kind of keeping in line with Jerry Seinfeld’s use of the calendar with his Don’t Break the Chain habit

New Feature Request Note from James Cussen on Fri, Mar 06
1 cup

I’m glad I found this place. I have tried to do a journal for a long time. But my mind is quicker then I can write long hand. Maybe that is a good thing in terms of expressing myself but when you write stream of conscious it is best to do it here quickly and let the fingers type the thoughts. It allows for me to go as fast as I get the thought. Much of what I write doesn’t make sense to the stranger and I am ok with that and even I don’t understand. However, to get it out of me instead of floating in my head 24/7 is a good thing. I miss days on occasion. Just too caught up in the early morning and I forget. So I try not to take this as a competition but more a habit a very good habit. I would like to do a challenge one day but I know myself I will make it like a job and then the purpose of writing will be about the challenge and not about getting the gunk out. So for now I just do it as much as possible with the belief that it helps me organize my thoughts better. I love this site. It has helped me to write better and think better. Bravo to the creators. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from carolina marquez-sterling on Wed, Mar 04
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

Still love this site. Am going to take a break for a while because I feel out of words. And now that I have written 100 days in a row, there are few badges left, except marathon ones. I think I’d be tempted to continue writing if there were more mid-range badges available.

And I’m still hoping for an iPad app so I can write when I don’t have internet connection! Thank you for creating this site.

New Feature Vote from Michele Gill on Wed, Mar 04
1 cup

I would be grand if we could go back and highlight some of the profound ideas that come out during morning pages. (admittedly mine don’t come till the end of a post) Yellow highlighter would make these thoughts stand out. Thanks

New Feature Request Note from James Leach on Tue, Mar 03
1 cup
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Minseung Kim on Mon, Mar 02
1 cup

I owe you 20.00 for failing the February Challenge. The extra 3.00 is for a cuppa mud or a cold brew for you guys. Thx

Testimonial Note from rich graham on Mon, Mar 02
1 cup

750 words is a practical and useful way to find out how you feel about something. For instance I just learned a few hours ago that my son-in-law has kidney cancer and the prognosis is that he will have less than 12 months to live. Well of course I feel sad and achey, but what does that mean in my relationship with him and with my daughter. The feelings are more, though. The physical part as well as the emotional part of being healing and supportive…well I will figure that out by writing 750 words. Probably I will revisit this thread often.

Testimonial Note from Nancy Swaim on Mon, Mar 02