The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

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Notes of inspiration from members

25 cups

It seems an appropriate time to say just how Thankful I am to have found 750 Words and made it a part of my daily life! Thank you so much to Buster and KelliAnn for giving us all such an awesome place to write, every day. My life is much better when I write everyday, but it’s also nice to be able to schedule a few days off for travel and holidays too.

Testimonial Note from Rebecca Rose on Tue, Nov 26
25 cups

Just reached 2500 days of consistent writing on this site. Long ago now writing here became simply part of my life. I don’t let anything interfere with getting my Words in every night. There is probably nothing publishable in those Words, but it has been profoundly helpful in my other writing—and in my life in general where this practice has strengthened other practices I pursue. I’m extremely grateful to Buster and Kellianne—and to all my fellow writers—for this space to simply be me every day.

Testimonial Note from Bhavani on Mon, Nov 25
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I work harder when there is a goal I can reach. I think this would be helpful.

New Feature Vote from Amanda Kelley on Sun, Nov 24
1 cup

750 words has helped me process my thoughts and discuss things I can’t discuss with anyone else. It is my private sanctuary. I usually use it as a brain dump rather than developing my stories, but in this way it helps me develop my stories. I am grateful that this site exists. It keeps me writing every day, even when I can’t find the energy to work on my novel/short stories. Thank you for existing.

Testimonial Note from Amanda Kelley on Sun, Nov 24
1 cup
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from Renee Hills on Sun, Nov 24
15 cups

This is such a great site. I have used 750words for well over two years. It is what helped me discover I could write every day. I know my thought processes have been clearer and my life calmer because of it. Thank you for creating and maintaining the site.

Testimonial Note from Becky Wilson on Sat, Nov 23
1 cup

Pay is not a Pal

Testimonial Note from John A Ingham on Sat, Nov 23
1 cup

Pay is not a Pal

Testimonial Note from John A Ingham on Sat, Nov 23
1 cup

Trying to pay
Paypal isn’t working
Thanks for everything

Testimonial Note from John A Ingham on Sat, Nov 23
5 cups

I was getting close to a 190 day streak and it just slipped my mind to write on two occasions. It would be great to be able to set some sort of reminder so that if you don’t write by say, 10pm at night it triggers an email or an alert to remind you.

New Feature Request Note from Helen Hawken on Wed, Nov 20
7 cups
A way to change the number of days for my daily target.

Specifically, to 1500 words.

New Feature Request Note from Pam Neely on Tue, Nov 19
30 cups
A way to write and log words when I have no internet connection

Sometimes I get to go into the wilderness for a few days. There is no wifi up there. ;) But I would like to still write and log my words for the day, then have 750 words update as soon as I hit wifi.
If the app you’re building/planning would also do this, please allocate my cups of patronage towards that. I just want to be able to continue to use this when I have no wifi access.

New Feature Request Note from Pam Neely on Tue, Nov 19
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from Pam Neely on Tue, Nov 19
1 cup

This site has given me the accountability I need to write more regularly. I look forward to the day when I can say that I write every day. As of now, I’m still inconsistent but I keep wanting to come back and clear my head on this site. Thanks 750 words for helping to keep me on target!

Testimonial Note from Kari Kerby on Mon, Nov 18
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

Just love badges! Thank you for all your hard work!

New Feature Vote from Jenna Jaep Rentzel on Sat, Nov 16
1 cup

Ich liebe 750w, finde die Badges wundervoll und hab hier die Möglichkeit, jeden Morgen gegen mich selbst anzutreten, den inneren Schweinehund zu überwinden und einfach mal zu schreiben! Es sollte eigentlich das natürlichste von der Welt sein, dass ein Schreiber eben auch etwas schreibt und das JEDEN verdammten Tag, Herrgott!!! :-D aber so ist es eben nicht. Mit 750w kann ich sehen, was ich bisher geleistet hab, wenn ich meine Statistiken anschaue und ich kann mir eine Routine erarbeiten, die mir Hilft, Material zu schaffen, an dem ich dann arbeiten kann.
Ich danke den Machern hinter dieser Seite und werde 750w allen empfehlen, die auf dem Weg sind, ein grandioser Schreiber zu werden. Vielen Dank.

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Sat, Nov 16
1 cup

I have been continuing to make my way back here for 9 years, on and off. It’s how I make sense of the world. Thanks, guys.

Testimonial Note from Patrick Liam on Thu, Nov 14
1 cup
More text analysis

I think it will be exciting for more analysis of the text written into the pages, especially for languages other than English.

New Feature Vote from Anung Ariwibowo on Thu, Nov 14
1 cup

I discovered this site about a month ago and I am really enjoying it. It really helps me get my thoughts out, and I have been learning a lot about myself. I love the incentives to write every day, to do it early, and to stay on task. This keeps me motivated. I have already recommended 750words to a few friends!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Wed, Nov 13
5 cups

I am very grateful for this site. Mornings are pretty much when all of my insecurities and fears about the day – as well as the mysteries and hopes – are looming large. This site helps me to identify and become more aware of patterns of thinking that gets me to grow and change as a person. It is also good to have a healthy commitment and use of technology – this is so low tech and fun to use. I like that it is just writing and nothing else. Just did 100 days in a row through all sorts of things in my life – good, bad and everything in between. Try it, it will change the way you see yourself and help you with habits, awareness and to see how your mind works. Or you can write the great American novel here all for yourself. Peace, friends!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Wed, Nov 13
1 cup
Streak Badges on 'Write' Page

I love that we earn badges for streaks, but currently the only way to see your streak badge is to view your name on the “today’s writers” page. I’d love to be able to see my pretty bird right at the top of the page, next to my name. It would add an extra boost of motivation to keep on to the next phase.

New Feature Request Note from Juliette Jacobs on Mon, Nov 11
3 cups
Improve the monthly stats page

It would be really great to have monthly stats in a similar way that we have the text analysis; like ‘this month you focused particularly on relationships’ etc.

New Feature Vote from Jo Hornsey on Sun, Nov 10
4 cups
More text analysis

The text analysis sometimes highlights things that I haven’t even mentioned.

New Feature Vote from Jo Hornsey on Sun, Nov 10
1 cup

I absolutely agree. If I hadn’t of been writing 750 words every day and gotten in the habit, I certainly wouldn’t be doing NaNoWriMo right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Thu, Nov 07
1 cup
A better mobile site

I haven’t been a member long, but I am in favor of anything that benefits 750 words. What a wonderful site! And such an encouragement for writers. It has really given me inspiration, so I am behind any decision.

New Feature Vote from Charlene Marolf on Thu, Nov 07
3 cups

Since I’ve started using this site in July, I’ve written for 124 days (with a couple of scheduled days off – thank you for this feature!). It’s helped me clear my head in the morning, tease my thoughts out onto the page, and improve my writing skills. Thank you 750words!

Testimonial Note from Kerrie Ray on Thu, Nov 07
6 cups

750 words has changed my life. I use it for ALL my writing needs, not just NANOWRIMO…but I tell ya, you guys are the absolute best :)

Testimonial Note from Shanna Martin on Wed, Nov 06
5 cups
An iPhone/iPad app

An iPhone app would be a GAME CHANGER!!!

New Feature Vote from Shanna Martin on Wed, Nov 06
3 cups
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from Stephen Brownell on Tue, Nov 05
5 cups
Improve the monthly stats page
New Feature Vote from Stephen Brownell on Tue, Nov 05