The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Micky Vale

3 cups

I have just purchased these 3 cups of patronage as a consequence for not completing my December challenge. Only 9 days in to December (and only 2 weeks in to using the site) I realised at 12:10 a.m. that I had not yet written my words. I seriously considered stopping the use of the site (I’d only started on a whim during AcWriMo) but instead found myself signing up for membership and promising myself that I would complete the rest of the challenge in any case. And I did! Although I don’t often write the kind of academic writing that I had set out to do originally, 750 words is helping me to plan the rest of the day’s work, reflect on what I’ve read, and act as a personal diary too. Getting all that out of the way clears a path for better academic writing in turn. I’ve signed up for the January challenge as well – one day, that Turquoise Horse badge will be mine :-)

Testimonial Note from Micky Vale on Thu, Dec 31

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