The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from mkpladsen

5 cups

This is more of a suggestion note. Funny how I never fit into categories. Story of my life.
Anyway I’m back after being gone for quite a while and I’m really happy to find my old writing and my old badges waiting for me. It’ s a comfort in this uncertain world.
Since I’ve been back I’ve been doing something that makes my writing easier and better too. At the end of the day’s 750 words, when I have some writing flow and feel good about myself and the place, I write the first sentence for the next day. It’s a prompt of sorts.
Then the next day I go back to the previous day’s entry and pick up the last sentence to be the first sentence of the new day.
Works for me!

Testimonial Note from mkpladsen on Sat, Oct 10

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