The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Sabina Carp

1 cup
Basic Formatting

I would appreciate it if text could maintain the original, basic formatting as displayed on the writing page once a writing day ends.

I like to make outlines and lists and other schematic writing activities, but in trying to re-read those entries, I am faced with the difficulty of losing that spatial arrangement. Indentation is obliterated, list items that were typed on separate lines are merged into a continuous paragraph format. I appreciate the simplicity of display and the lack of formatting tools with which to fidget, but I also would like a sliver more of control over how the final text is displayed once it is saved as a past entry.

Also, I love 750words. Obviously. Every single word. 750 words worth of love here. :)

New Feature Request Note from Sabina Carp on Sun, Oct 26

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