The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Jamie Perez

1 cup
Rollovers on the stars and badges and things

I see all these cool little notations next to names… Blue stars, green stars, little pie charts variously filled, and of course the badges… but I can’t rollover them and see what they mean. I know they are there to inspire, and goad progress, but they are cryptic. I’d add rollovers to them to at least say what they represent / why they are there (lack of them = particularly frustrating when they are next to my own name… though “frustrating” certainly over-states the issue). Bonus-better would be to be able to click-through on them to a description of what they are (for each… or a lightbox with the description or whatever). Of course… I got over-curious and used “inspect element” to see what the stars were about… but I still don’t know what the pie charts are. (((All that said, keep up the awesome.)))

New Feature Request Note from Jamie Perez on Sat, Oct 25

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