The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Andrew Raimist

1 cup

Thank you very much for 750 words! I’ve been writing using the site off and on periodically for a few years and have recently surpassed 100,000 words (for whatever that is worth).

I have used this site in a variety of ways.

• It has functioned for me as a way to journal and dump a lot of material from my mind which is clogging me up emotionally.

• I’ve used it to explore private thoughts of an imaginative, fictional nature which I’ve been collecting together with the notion of publishing an ebook.

• I’ve been using it as a way to compose emails when I have something substantive to say. I enjoy getting the feedback from the analysis of my language afterward. While it seems like a small thing, it is a motivator and it gives me something to share with others to let them know (via social media) that I’m indeed writing without revealing its entire contents.

• The deadline of getting the writing done by a certain time (midnight) has definitely been a positive motivator and has caused me to see just how fast I can possibly write. I’ve found that I’ve been able to write 750 words in less than 20 minutes. (Is there a way for me to compare my fastest speed with other people’s speed?)

• I’ve used 750 words to develop and work on my non-fiction writing. I’m working to complete a monograph of a local architect and this has been a good way to help keep me on track.

• The very hardest thing of all for me is GETTING STARTED WRITING. Once I’m writing, there’s almost no end to how far I can go. Usually my fingers and wrist will start to hurt. It makes me pay much greater attention to whether or not my finger nails clipped.

• A possible suggestion: Would it be feasible to allow each user to set their own time for the deadline to complete the writing for the day? Perhaps this would be a feature that would be available for supporting patrons or people who have otherwise earned that feature. Incentives like that might help to encourage more people to support the site.

Testimonial Note from Andrew Raimist on Wed, Jan 01

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