The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Patron Eric Nentrup

1 cup

What can I say? I’m less than 24 hours into my completion of my first ever attempt at writing a novel, thanks to, but after hearing all the sob stories from those who came up shy or—tragically—got halfway into the 50K word challenge and bonked.

It was a dedicated effort, I kid you not, but winning was WAY within reason for me, and I have figured out why.

Kellianne and Buster have given me wings. You two are my RedBull. Sure, I can give a few cups of patronage to the brilliant Julia Cameron, but what’s she done for me lately? The honor, gratitude, and full respect for my 50K piece of shit first draft of a first novel goes to you two, The Bensons.

In all seriousness, I am convinced that it is the discipline accomplishable best for me on YOUR site that has made achieving this feat a possibility. You’ve given me FLOW. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi would raise a glass to you as would I.

Thank you for this gift and I hope to use it for good. Whether in the day job as a passionate English teacher, hoping to create a writing life for some of Indianapolis’s most under-served kids, or in the evening, chunking out swill that some damn publisher might want to put into circulation, your work has made my work…well….WORK.

Thanks for making me WORK!


Testimonial Note from Eric Nentrup on Sat, Nov 30

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