The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Barton Sanger Woodside, BS/cdp

1 cup

OK. It works and I finally got a big bird! Operates well despite my old PC/LT, and seems to keep pretty good statistics & indicators by which I have been scanning for improvement clues! My only ‘beef’ is that EVERYBODY in the WORLD seems to be Faster, more productive, and Happier than MY criteria show! But, their obvious YOUTH & energy gaurantees their higher output, I guess? But, I wonder how I would compare to others within my own AGE & SEX demographic statistic? Anyway, I will have a cup of Coffee for a couple more months before I draw stronger conclusions!
Thanks for Boosting me out of my lethargy, Buster!

Testimonial Note from Barton Sanger Woodside, BS/cdp on Wed, Jan 16

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