The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Nivair

1 cup
Turn off comparisons and analysis

The stats that compare “Me” with “The World” are interesting, but they can also be incredibly demotivating. I loved this site because it enabled me to write without anxiety, but the more I see my performance, mood, and achievements compared to everyone else, the more anxious I get. They’re also imperfect metrics; a script can make a good mathematical guess that I am “uncertain” or “concerned with death,” but the inaccuracy inherent in the formula makes that a hurtful value judgment. I also took a very long hiatus before the “schedule time off” feature was available, so now I have no way to build my stats to anything respectable. For those of us who are freakishly anxious, it would be nice to hide these comparisons and judgments.

New Feature Request Note from Nivair on Wed, Jan 09

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