The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from grave

1 cup

750 words really and truly motivates me to write. Writing here does not just come “when inspiration strikes me”, it comes every day, or else I break your streak and that just isn’t fun. And since I write more, I am at least slightly more inspired. And I love that. I love being able to look at my “total words written” and go WOW! I almost never write that much. 3 pages a day is a new high for me, and I’m not sure I could do it without 750. I admit, once I break my streak I am more likely to blow off 750 words even more, but if I start writing, I commit to it. There has not been a day where I start writing and don’t get to 750. It’s less “oh yeah I wrote a page, that’s good when it comes to me!” now, and more “gotta be 750 or nothing.” Maybe I should at least try to squeeze in any words at all, even if I don’t get to 750, but in any case, this has gotten me to write a lot more than anything else. And for that, I gladly donated $4, so that I and others like me can write and keep on writing.

Testimonial Note from grave on Sun, Sep 09

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