The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Sandra Chiles

1 cup

Most people that get to know me say “You should write!” “You have so many stories!” and I should. I have always written pieces and a little of our family history and have some great letters that expressed the time, situation and place, but these were scattered, in drawers, lost or whatever. Since starting with, I use it to tell a story, or a chapter, or an event, and I have been using the ALL CAPS: TO MAKE TITLES that organize. Not everyday, some days I just muse and talk about the day. But I am writing, and collecting pieces. Pieces could make a book. So I am closer than I have ever been to collecting the stories of my life. The everyday necessity of it is good discipline for me, an undisciplined person. My typing has gotten more flow to it, getting my thoughts down is easy. I have used diaries and other things, but this is getting it done for me. I am excited about the future with this!
I am in my 70’s. My time to write is now!

Testimonial Note from Sandra Chiles on Sat, Mar 03

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