The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Jeff Waggett

1 cup

I’m sure this may have already been requested in some form, but I’d like to tag my daily entries and be able to pull up all entries by tag. If I am musing about a book or short story idea, I’d love to tag it as such. Multiple tags would also be nice, because Lord knows I’ve rambled through several topics during one sitting. You could then create individual tag clouds or daily clouds or tag clouds based on different types of people, etc. I think that would be the coolest result of instituting a tagging system.

Thanks for your hard work. I have just recently found 750 words and it’s been wonderful for my focus and just as a reminder that I do indeed really want to be a write someday! :)


New Feature Request Note from Jeff Waggett on Tue, Feb 15

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