The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Claudine Mai

1 cup

Thank so much for this platform….before coming on here, I had many thoughts and fears trapped in my mind….I had no where to go where I could release those thoughts safely….I felt if I talk to my friends or family, I would be judged harshly and without any compassion….I was just stuck with no where to go….but one day as I was search for a journal….your website populated…I was intrigued so I continued to navigate through your site….I then decided to take advantage of the free trial and see if this would help me….and it did….I was able to write down all my thoughts, dreams and even my fears without being judged or treated differently….I was able to write in a safe environment….Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I truly appreciate each and everyone who monitors and keep the site going. Thank you! ❤️

Testimonial Note from Claudine Mai on Thu, Nov 02

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