The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Syuha

1 cup

Thank you 750words for being here.

I have been here on and off since 2016. At first it was really hard just to say what was on my mind. Everything I wrote was still filtered and I couldn’t say everything I had to say. I was too afraid. But the more I wrote the more confident I felt about letting out that jumbled mess of thoughts and emotions I kept tightly held inside. They were things that still choke me up which I can’t tell anyone else about.

Just having them out there, out of my head has helped me to calm down and start living instead of reacting. I always come back when I have to work out something in life. Maybe this time around I’ll beat my 44 day streak.

Testimonial Note from Syuha on Wed, Oct 02

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