The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Dennis Martinez

4 cups

When I started writing this, I was in what I felt was a rough patch in my life. I have just recently moved by myself to California, leaving all my family and friends behind thousands of miles away. Being homesick and lonely, I decided to give 750 Words a shot, so I could have something to distract me every day, even if it was for a little while.

I’m just 10 days in, but I have already started to notice that my mental clarity has grown exponentially. Putting all these thoughts down somewhere were a way to clean my mind of all this useless stuff that has been bogging me down. This are going smoother for me nowadays, both at work and in my personal life. I truly believe that 750 Words has helped make things better in my life. Thank you so much!

Testimonial Note from Dennis Martinez on Fri, Nov 12

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