The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Jack Fleischer

1 cup

For the last 15 years or so I’ve said that what I want to do is “be a writer.” I’ve run a tiny magazine, did a short stint as a small town reporter, and spent the last year as a “professional blogger.” Yet I still haven’t been able to actually write the stories that I actually care about. On day 11 of using 750, I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t do a day’s work without first putting in my 750, and suddenly I’m also giving the same time to my own legit projects. It’s been a “high colonic” for what’s really been a decade and a half blockage… it’s replaced my morning cig & coffee, as the jump start to my day. Thanks for this.

Testimonial Note from Jack Fleischer on Tue, Mar 16

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