The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Patron Warwick Paul Onyeama

1 cup

I find it hard to believe what a difference this site and the exercise of daily writing has made to my life. I have always found writing a chore and as such, have customarily procrastinated over doing any until the last possible minute. Not a good strategy when I had to write Court Reports against a deadline! But since staring on this site I now find I actually look forward to the exercise and have started to find that I can always think of something to write even when at first my mind seems blank. I have now completed thiry consecutive days and expect to see an Albatross come up against my name when I log in. Napoleon was right: men will die for ribbons! And then who knows? Maybe a phoenix at some future date. Unfortunately I shall be ashram-ing in India for much of January and won’t be able to log in to write at that time. However I shall resume upon my return. Thank you Buster, for maintaining this amazing site. It could yet make a “proper” writer of me.

Testimonial Note from Warwick Paul Onyeama on Sun, Dec 04

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