The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Reidun Saxerud

2 cups

This site was suggested to me by a good writer friend of mine. Using Livejournal or social networks never quite worked for some of the writing I wanted to do. Always verbose, I always have something to say, and now I can feed my ego and psychoanalyze myself by writing whatever craziness comes out of my noodle. The word counter, always pushing to make it green, always striving for higher WPMs and seeing yet another entry without a distraction, or even trying to write in under ten minutes…it helps. When I have a thought stuck in my head and it won’t come out; I come here, and it’s like magic. I focus less on whatever is on my mind and more about just getting words out and achieving a goal (I’m a determined, goal-oriented person), and I get both done. Over the summer I was incredibly busy and went an entire month or more without writing, but now I shall be striving for more streak badges. The turquoise horse is a nice pet, but I’d like to add to the menagerie. Thanks, Buster! This site has truly changed a lot for me. If I can write 750 words every day for a month; imagine what else I can do?!

Testimonial Note from Reidun Saxerud on Thu, Sep 22

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