The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Janet Morrison

3 cups
On-going writing

I would love to see a feature of some sort for those of us who want to do continuous and edited writing. I would love to have the accountability of 750words to work on my book, but instead of having to write something in 750words that is disconnected from the writing in my word document and that saves and is un-editable the next day, I’d like to have my entire book (word doc) loaded in the site and be able to edit and write on it each day…then have 750words track the changes, additions, and progress each day so I know how much time I spent on my writing, how many words I added, and things like that. For whatever reason, the badges in 750 really work as great little incentives. An additional component for editable writing…or maybe it’s a different site…I believe would help those of us writers who want/need to do more than journaling (even though I love that and will definitely continue that as well!) Thanks so much for creating this site!! (I’ve just started on as well)

New Feature Request Note from Janet Morrison on Fri, Sep 02

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