The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Ty Barbary

1 cup
Sections for Today's Writing

I’d love to be able to separate types of writing in a single day’s entry. For example, if I write 500 words of fiction, then 300 words of random journal-like babbling in the same day, I’d love to be able to put them in separate categories so that they aren’t lumped together on the same page. Even better if categories can get their stats analyzed independently of other categories, so I can see stats on “fiction” versus “journal”. If the user can define the category (or choose to have only the default single category), so much the better – one could manage various writing projects (short story anthology, ongoing novel, nonfiction project, journal, etc) that way.

New Feature Request Note from Ty Barbary on Thu, Sep 01

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