The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Viridian Sea

1 cup

I just made it to a 30 day streak, 50,000 words and 63 days total. Thank you Buster for putting this out there. Consistency is not one of my strong points so this exercise in discipline has revealed some surprising things to me. Sometimes the things that I write feel creative and inspired. Other times it feels like a total struggle just to do it at all and the things I write are just a lot of the random meaningless snowflakes from the blizzard of thoughts whirling around in my head. The thing that I always get from writing every single time is that it makes a little bit of space for new inspirations, ideas and creativity to come into being and that is what I love about it the most. Again, thanks Buster. I love this thing you made.

Testimonial Note from Viridian Sea on Mon, Jun 13

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