The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Clark Sirl

3 cups

It is currently exam season at University and the last thing anyone wants to do is revise. We are all looking for ways to motivate ourselves and with two jobs and a very busy life, this is especially true for me.

I have always been a great believer in self improvement and this site, which I found early last year, sounded like a fantastic concept to me. I try and write every day, however when I forget I get very annoyed at myself and don’t write for a week or so.

In those few days I don’t write though, there is a noticable difference. A large mind cloud lurching over me day and night that I never noticed was there before 750words, and now every morning before a lecture or before hours of studying, I log onto 750 words and clear all the junk out of my head. Then I am ready to fill it up again!

Testimonial Note from Clark Sirl on Tue, May 24

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