The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Tori L

2 cups

I only start 750words a little more than a month ago, but I have yet to miss a single day. It’s a great, fantastic site that I seriously wonder why I haven’t used it before. Sure, I write plenty in a day, but I never get to sit down and just write something I want to write, or write to get something off of my chest. That’s what I use this site for. It’s like a journal, but different. It’s a way for me to keep track of myself and work my thoughts out. I can sit down and write however I want and know that no one will see it and judge me on it, because in the end it doesn’t matter. This is my de-stresser and without it my life would be a lot more complicated.

Testimonial Note from Tori L on Tue, Mar 01

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