The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

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Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup
Offline Mode

I would love for there to be an offline mode. I travel a lot and sometimes don’t have access to internet or would like the ability to write my words while in commute, on an airplane, train, etc., and the ability to be able to write offline and have it save would be wonderful. Right now, I copy and paste things over from Google Docs or Scrivener or Byword, but would love to just write directly into 750words!

New Feature Request Note from Renee C on Sat, Mar 16
1 cup
Improved export ability

I’d like to be able to export all my writing at once, not just month by month.

New Feature Request Note from Joanie on Mon, Mar 11
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I’d like to see badges for different word counts. Maybe a badge for writing 50k in a month, not just NaNo. There could be other word count goals as well.

New Feature Vote from Joanie on Mon, Mar 11
1 cup
Create a clear list of features

I’d like to see a page with a list of suggested features and their explanations. People could comment and elaborate on the idea, and it could show the current votes up or down for the ideas.

It’s tough to know what I’ve voting for from just the drop-down, unless I’m just missing something.

New Feature Request Note from Joanie on Mon, Mar 11
2 cups

I rediscovered this site after an absence of nearly 8 years and I can’t even begin to express how much it means to me. Since joining, I’ve graduated college, moved away from home, started a career, broken my heart and then fell in love…I’ve changed so much that taking a step back to take it all in…is overwhelming. But then I come here. 750words preserved a piece of me and she’s been waiting all these years for me to return. I am so blessed to be able to come back to her.

Testimonial Note from Mel CD on Mon, Mar 11
1 cup

I’ve avoided writing for sometime. I used to journal all the time as a kid. I would just write anything and everything that was going on. It takes courage to write. As an adult, I would come back sporadically but never consistently. Life got painful. I wanted to forget. But like everything else you try to push down, the force grows and resurfaces stronger than you intend. 750 words has provided space for me and so many others to process our truths in a consistent way. And it is so so fun! Thanks Buster and Kellianne!

Testimonial Note from Angela on Mon, Mar 11
1 cup

I experienced a really traumatic event in the beginning of the year and I hadn’t been able to write anything since, but I woke up and wrote this morning and I was feeling really proud of that so I bought a cup of coffee. thank you for giving me the space to do this.

Testimonial Note from Eva on Sun, Mar 10
3 cups

I have come back to 750 Words after a two year absence. Writing, in all its forms – essays, paragraphs, lists, notes, poems, fragmented thoughts, important and non-important ideas – is shaping me into the person I want to be. This is the best therapy I have undergone. The blank page is always here for me, anytime, anywhere. I fill it with what matters to me. My pages aren’t blog posts, or social media cries for attention. This daily process isn’t selfish – it’s grounding. It’s given me fresh perspective, reminding me that each day is a new change to DO BETTER. I’m very grateful. Thank you.

Testimonial Note from Ingrid Lindstrom on Sun, Mar 10
10 cups

365 days in a row. One whole year completed! Wow! I didn’t have any plans when I started to write my 750 words a year ago. I am not a writer, I don’t do diaries. I just decided to give it a try. I didn’t really have expectations from myself, from the process of writing. I just did it. Every morning. Day after day. Often still very drowsy, with my first morning coffee, just me and my words. For the 95% of time I felt just like I was wasting my time as I didn’t really have anything to say. But from time to time, something would happen while writing my 750 words for the day. I would realize something big about myself, or about life in general, I would come to an answer to the question that I never even said out loud, I would suddenly understand some part of me just a bit better. So, after a year of writing, yes, I can say that this is cool. And yes, it looks like time-wasting for the most of the days, but because of these rare and wonderful days when something important comes out in the process of writing, it’s just still so much worth it!
Hello new year of writing!

Testimonial Note from N K on Sat, Mar 09
26 cups

I’ve been writing every day for 2.5 years or 872 days. I’ve learned much about myself and this writing has helped me to dump out the crap in my head so I could write cleanly for my business. It really helped to empty me in the mornings. I meditate for 20 minutes then I write 750 words which takes 15 minutes and all of the gratitude I’m feeling would pour out on to the page. I’ve written over 678,000 words since I started and I just published my first book in December of 2018. I don’t think I could have done that if I hadn’t had the discipline of writing everyday and pouring my heart out on these pages. Lately I’ve been writing my words, then going back to review this same day last year and then the previous year to see what I was doing and what has changed. My life is different in SO many ways and yet the 2 things that I struggle with, still are in my face. I’m still dealing with losing 10 pounds (WTH?) and trying to get out from under debt. So, because of this awareness, I’ve taken steps, drastic steps, to eliminate the debt and when it comes to the 10 pounds, I’ve decided to simply stop thinking I need to lose it. I reached out for help with the debt and I’m reprogramming my beliefs about my body. I feel really good. It’s amazing what you can learn by going back and reviewing your entries from the prior year(s). Thanks to 750 words for helping me raise my level of consciousness by providing this space for writing. We are all miracles unfolding. Keep going you guys! Peace and blessings, Maureen

Testimonial Note from Maureen Ross Gemme on Fri, Mar 08
1 cup

750 words is a great resource for any writer! I was slogging around, thinking about writing and stumbled on 750 words. Writing since last July and it keeps me going. Next on my agenda: Write my book on adopting pets. Love collecting those fun badges, too! Thanks K & B for this great writing resource!

Testimonial Note from Dr. Bessie on Fri, Mar 08
5 cups
Dark mode

a switch or icon to toggle the entire site between the current mode and dark mode

New Feature Request Note from Kairi Gray on Fri, Mar 08
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from Kairi Gray on Fri, Mar 08
1 cup
Is this a monthly subscription?

I did a one time donation expecting full access to the site but after some time passed the site asked me to purchase a membership. Can it be made more clear if this is a service only accessible by monthly payments and how much access a one-time payment will get you?

New Feature Request Note from Minseung Kim on Fri, Mar 08
1 cup

Helps me keep my mind and thoughts in check, thanks :)

Testimonial Note from Minseung Kim on Fri, Mar 08
1 cup

750 words has helped me in ways I didn’t know I needed. By writing whatever pops into my head every morning, I’ve been able to open up to new aspects of my creativity, overcome writer’s block, and move forward on the book I’ve been writing. So grateful for this fun and helpful platform.

Testimonial Note from Melanie McKinnon on Thu, Mar 07
3 cups

Love the site – kept me motivated to finish my first script of the year. I just want to know, why am I always 9 points behind the leaders in the monthly challenge? What are they doing that I’m not??

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Wed, Mar 06
1 cup
Better export formats

1) Add entry text/metadata etc to txt exports with Markdown formatting, like marking Entry date as header or something so that if I import it into an editor outside for editing later the entries are distinct.

2) Offer HTML as an export option, make it easier to import into, say, google docs for editing. Right now my workflow involves pulling the document into notepad++, using regexp find and replace to mark headers, using a markdown plugin to preview the HTML, and the copy pasting into a google doc all marked up and everything.

Being able to just directly copy paste and keep formatting would be great.

(As a note, commenters — you can preserve a paragraph break by being sure to leave two returns in your original typing. It’s a little weird for me, but I’ve gotten used to it. It has to do with Markdown – because it’s intended for use in situations where you might have forced line-breaks at a certain character count, you need two line-breaks to REALLY indicate a new paragraph.)

New Feature Request Note from elms on Tue, Mar 05
1 cup

Thanks for giving me this space to write, where no one has to see my words if I don’t want them to, and I can just get the day out of my head when I have nowhere else to put it. You make my daily writing experience fun and it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I need it the most. Thank you for bringing 750 Words to the world! <3

Testimonial Note from Sarah Griffin on Mon, Mar 04
1 cup

I’ve been a member here since 2011. A long time. I’ve always tried to use it as a NaNoWriMo boost, but it never really stuck. Starting in 2019, I started writing every day. In the beginning, not 750 words, but I’m now in a very good streak, and I am thankful that this place is here to brain dump my day. Thank you being here.

Testimonial Note from Nicole F. on Thu, Feb 28
1 cup

I have been using 750words on and off for past few years. Since last week though, I have been consistent and determined to clear my brain and free up the memory for tasks that matter. Journaling here has been such a freeing experience. thank you for everything – simple yet beautiful editor, stats, badges, encouraging emails and for the amazing community feel.

Testimonial Note from Siri P on Thu, Feb 28
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from Alisia Chiara on Tue, Feb 26
1 cup

750words has helped me tremendously on my self-exploration and -development journey. Something about reaching that 750 mark really gets your brain activated! Almost every day, I start writing thinking that it’s pointless and that I’m just jabbering, but then by the end of my entry, I’ve come out with a better understanding of myself or my situation. I was originally doing my 750 on paper, but because I was using paper and pen in a journal that’s not notebook size (the original idea behind 750 words is that you fill 3 pieces of notebook paper), I could never be sure if I was hitting the goal or not. Since they are generous enough to give a whole free month, there really is no harm in trying to see if 750words works for you too!

Testimonial Note from Camille Dent on Mon, Feb 25
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments
New Feature Vote from Rebecca Little on Fri, Feb 22
1 cup
Secure server for writing

this is important

New Feature Vote from Sara Kelsey McKethan on Thu, Feb 21
5 cups

Writing is sometimes like a meditation for me. I breathe easier after a lovely writing session on 750 Words. I’m smiling and completely relaxed. I missed 1 day this month, and I was on the next day as if this is where I need to be. I was a little shocked and didn’t remember missing my entry for that day, but no matter. Everything is fine. There is a thrill of starting over right away. Flushed with gratitude. I wonder if we can sense each other’s fingers tapping through our keyboards.

Testimonial Note from LaFemmeEnRouge on Thu, Feb 21
5 cups

Tomorrow I will pass 500K words written here on the site. It is not an exaggeration to say that 750words got me out of a multi-year writers block. I am now back on track with several nonfiction book projects that are under contract. Along the way I have also written a significant part of a novel and several short stories. I am so incredibly thankful for the site, and for the many folks around me who have encourage me and joined me in creating things. Just thankful tonight, and lots more good work to do.

Testimonial Note from David Dault on Wed, Feb 20
5 cups

Thank you to Kellianne and Buster for running such an amazing site for writers of all kinds (and for responding to our help requests!) :-) I LOVE 750WORDS!

Testimonial Note from Cheney Meaghan on Tue, Feb 19
5 cups

I began a “manifestation/activation” program, and part of the program is choosing a daily activity done for 15 minutes. I chose writing in my journal. It was a bit rough at first with some stops and starts and without an intent, but after a few weeks I developed an approach that is working well for me. As the creator of this site wrote, writing can be an act of meditation. Hah, I wrote “medication.” That too! My writing is mining the depths of my thoughts and bringing up good information. And I don’t have to share it with a soul. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Grace Seidel on Mon, Feb 18
9 cups
To be able to bold words & keep paragraph spacing

I often come up with some of my most brilliant ideas in my morning words and deeply wish that it was possible to be able to bold words and keep the paragraph spacing. I struggle a lot when I go back to read previous days’ entries and spend an unnecessary amount of time sifting through my words because the paragraph spacing gets deleted and the inability to bold words makes it harder to quickly find what I am looking for in the huge block paragraph. I heavily dislike that the lack of these features makes me lazy to go back and read my words. I strongly feel that the incorporation of these features would very much appeal to new and existing members and would very much entice writers to look forward to writing. I love 750 words a lot and do not mind investing in the monthly $5 charge; it would be very much appreciated if you please consider these, thank you!

New Feature Request Note from Stephanie on Mon, Feb 18