The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

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Notes of inspiration from members

1 cup
Suggestion: Make it free to use, but with advertisements

I’m not speaking out of a place of personal experience, though I have done a marketing degree at university.
But I believe by making the site completely free to use it would receive more publicity.
I realise you offer a free month, however the cost at the end might be a mental hurdle for some people, which might stop them from signing up in the first place. And I believe if they tried it they would definitely recommend it to others.
Just an idea, you guys probably have everything under control :)!
I was recommended to use 750 words and I love it :).

New Feature Request Note from Jesse Raiz on Mon, Apr 06
1 cup
Improve the writing page
New Feature Vote from Marisa Brandt on Sat, Apr 04
1 cup
Dual use for metadata

This is more of an observation than a new feature, but you guys can totally use the metadata as an organization tool for entries. In my pursuits of creative writing, I have tried out a number of writing apps and sites. A different site had the ability of organizing entries so that if I were working on more than one story, I could organize my entries. I have migrated to this app more because of the encouragement and challenges, but I missed that organization tool until I discovered your metadata.

Not only can your metadata tool be used to track habits, it can be used to organize ideas. If I put STORYNAME: chapter along with each entry, the metadata tool will give me my metadata STORYNAME along with an organized list of all of the entries that included that story and keep track of the chapter or scene I was on.

This is really just pointing something out. I know you already have a whole spiel on how metadata works, but it would have been nice if there had been a note, so I could have figured this out earlier.

New Feature Request Note from Anonymous on Sat, Apr 04
1 cup

Today is only my third day on this site, but already I look forward to the daily dose of writing. It’s having a wonderful, stress-relieving effect. Thanks Buster & Kellianne!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Fri, Apr 03
1 cup

Recently, I started getting serious about writing my creative ideas. Sure, I jotted some nonsense notes, maps, and flowcharts in journals, but I could never get a draft down. Even after all the research and seminars on how to write, I struggled to make a draft. 750 has forced me to write something even if I wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen next. Is it good? No, but it’s a draft, and that is farther than I’ve ever gotten before. Who knew that birds were exactly what I needed? Thank you, 750!

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Thu, Apr 02
1 cup

For the first few years when i logged onto this site i was playing around, just not taking it very seriously. Turning up on the page for a week or a day or so, here and there, and then forgetting about it completely. i was reminded by the site to write my words but didn’t always listen.. Then this year i decided to join up again and do it properly this time, and i’m so glad I did. Not only have i been writing most days of most months, but i’ve just now challenged myself to write each day in April. i know i can do this. And why? well, to be kind to my writer self. Because, this 750 is more than just writing, it’s respecting yourself enough to allow yourself the time to sit down and write, it’s realising how important writing is to you, it’s giving yourself a refreshing oasis in a sometimes creative desert of a day, it’s a broad smile inside as your feeling so good putting words down on the page. thank you 750 words for helping rekindle the fun in writing again. loving it.

Testimonial Note from Sue Newgas on Thu, Apr 02
1 cup

In these past anxious weeks, everything about my routine has felt broken. Yesterday, I noticed it was the first and thought I’d get back to my first light pages. Only two days in, and already I remember the great unburdening I feel when I can spill and process everything upon waking. I am better able to move on and be better for myself and others.

Testimonial Note from Ashley Frazier on Thu, Apr 02
1 cup
Fix day page download

I’m using this for story writing. I write whatever I’m working on currently here then transfer to whatever writing program I’m using to organize it. Sometimes, I don’t have time to do the organizing on the same day so I download the previous day’s pdf. On the web page, it removes the new lines I set in the writing, and on the printer friendly page, it adds them to the end of every line. Could you fix either one or the other so that I can copy and paste easier?

New Feature Request Note from Anonymous on Thu, Apr 02
1 cup

Its been said that it takes about 21 days to form a habit. That sounds about right. When March 1st rolled around, I felt confident that I could crush the March challenge – writing every day – and I did. I think I truly understand what a habit feels like. It feels weird not to have done “that thing”. This writing habit has helped clear my mind so that I can deal with the anxiety of today’s uncertain times, of being furloughed from a job, of figuring out what to do with my days. Each morning, I write out the possibilities. I’m very grateful to have this judgment-free outlet for everything that I’m going through right now. My personal soap box.

Testimonial Note from Mary Calloway on Wed, Apr 01
2 cups

I’ve been part of 750 words for almost two months, and I just completed my first monthly challenge. It was a pleasure to see that turquoise horse arrive in my inbox. I’ve been really grateful to have 750 words as a place to gather thoughts, inspire writing, or just vent about these totally weird times in which we find ourselves. Participating in this site has become a welcome daily ritual. Thank you!

Testimonial Note from Derritt Mason on Wed, Apr 01
1 cup


Today when we took a short walk ( only 30 min) We started out with the sun shining, I even wore a windbreaker! Soon the sun hid and sent out the wind. then the dark black threatening clouds. I wanted to go down to the water for pictures.I only took a picture walking on or almost running behind Mr Longlegs who I finally caught up to “It feels like snow.” I’m murmering tightening a scarf over my hat. My mind told me I was feeling a snow flake as we reached our driveway It was only a big raindrop Mother Nature is playing April Fools Day tricks. I did snap a little bit of color down the street. Spring please come back.
Thank you for inspiring me over the years. You are here always even when I do not feel like writing.

Testimonial Note from Julia Crane on Wed, Apr 01
1 cup

I did not believe I could do it consistently. I would fight myself, thinking it would take too much time or I wouldn’t know what to write. I chose to go straight stream of consciousness style, not worrying about even punctuation or grammar. Today, I finished 31 days straight. I don’t think I have ever gone even 4 days straight before. I usually meditate right afterwards and this has caused tremendous growth in my ability to clear my mind. The biggest benefit to 750 words for me was seeing how long it takes me to arrive at the number, and now I find myself finding that amount sprinkled throughout the day. I would have never arrived here if I didn’t have that simple piece of knowledge. I am going to aim to add 250 words a month to my goal until I get to a point where it is too difficult for me to maintain. All this is thanks to a simple website with a simple concept… and badges. You got to love the badges.

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Tue, Mar 31
10 cups

Today marks 10 years of writing every day. Winter, Summer, Spring, and the other season whose name i forget due to staring at my screen every day for 10 years (did I mention?) to get this work done. Some days its a joy: allowing my brain to roam free and touch the clouds above me and the world all around me and the words just flow out of me so fast that my fingers yelp at how hard they’re being pushed to catch up. And, other days it’s a drag: work and family and the world crush down and the very last thing that I want to do is write and maybe this will be the day that I stop and why am I doing this and I’ll be there in a bit I forgot to write.

And, yet, I cannot stop. Not that I’ve tried, but the few nights that I realize late toward midnight that I have somehow forgotten this work push me eversoslightly toward taking a day off.

And, yet, I cannot stop.

Sickness? Write about your symptoms! Pressure at work? Use me as a place to scream. Trouble at home? Tell me all about it.

For most of the last 10 years, it’s not been whether I want to write, it’s that I need to. Sometimes early, sometimes late. Sometimes with great imagination, sometimes just the mundane. Sometimes easily, sometimes with great difficulty (how the hell can the counter still be in the 200s?!?!).

It’s been a joy and it’s been lovely. And, even though this it no where near the end of my daily entries, this is the one that says, “I did it!”. Not the only one, by the way. The first year and the first 1,000,000 and multiples of each have been grand, but there is something about the decimal level that I – as a mathematician – cannot deny, even if I try with both hands.

So, thank you, 750 words, for having given me this opportunity and I’ll end here for today, but I will not end here.

Testimonial Note from Hal Tepfer on Tue, Mar 31
1 cup
15 min/day challenge option

I think that when just starting out, the prospect of the time commitment required to reach 750 words can be a bit daunting for many. I propose a 15 minutes per day option that would allow users to keep their daily writing promise even if they lead a busy lifestyle. I realize this is harder to enforce digitally, perhaps a minimum word amount could also be associated. I was fortunate that the quarantine came along to gift me the time to get to 750 words every day, but I feel that by and large people drop out of the challenge because time gets in the way. If the goal is to get and keep more people writing, this feature seems like a complete no-brainer to me. The concept shows up time and time again in habit-formation readings including James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits. I think it would really push the daily writing cause forward and keep more folks engaged. Not that I have completed my challenge that is how I intend to use this service for the remainder of my subscription. I want to keep the habit alive and I know I will eventually quit if I have this pressure to get to 750 words every. single. day. Thanks for creating this platform and keep up the good work!

New Feature Request Note from Patrick Randall on Tue, Mar 31
10 cups
An iPhone/iPad app
New Feature Vote from Grace Onorato on Sun, Mar 29
5 cups

During this time of crisis, I wanted to send love to everyone who is struggling or has struggled with this pandemic. Writing every day seems to be keeping me somewhat sane (I’m never going to be totally sane, lets be honest!) and having this daily practice helps me to organise my otherwise jumbled thoughts. To everyone writing or struggling to write. Keep going. Keep safe. This shall pass.

Testimonial Note from Rayven Dawn on Sun, Mar 29
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

Intermediate badges between the albatross and phoenix (50 and 75 words)

New Feature Vote from Robin Tanamachi on Sun, Mar 29
1 cup

I bombed out of the March challenge – so close to the end! Oh well. There’s always April. It has been a challenging month for me in terms of writing productivity, but 750 words has helped keep me in the habit of daily writing!

Testimonial Note from Robin Tanamachi on Sun, Mar 29
1 cup

750 Words got me started writing a couple of years ago after I’d read some great books on creativity. (Elizabeth Gilbert, Questlove, and Julia Cameron.) And, because I needed a way to turn the corner with some of my healing and recovery.

My inspiration to really get writing was Julia Cameron and her practice of morning pages. I’ve kept up with that practice and have also attempted to write about some life experiences, which is more of a challenge for me. I write better when I think there’s no audience. But isn’t there always an audience? I think so, even if the audience is me.

More recently, I’ve been writing longhand in my favorite decomposition notebooks but I do appreciate this option of writing online, saving it all in one location, and finding inspiration in a community of writers. I’ve subscribed again and with our collective COVID-19 experience, I thought I might document some of mine. I’ll write about other things too. Thankfully, there is more to life than our current challenge. There has to be.

Writing is such a great way to process life and tell our stories. I look forward to digging in again.

Testimonial Note from Jill Dianne Taylor on Sat, Mar 28
3 cups

750 words helps me reflect on my day and with covid-19 I need all the reflection I can get

Testimonial Note from James Fletcher on Fri, Mar 27
5 cups

As my routines have shifted with shelter-in-place rules, 750words has provided a way to have some consistency. Thanks!

Testimonial Note from Anne-Marie Strohman on Fri, Mar 27
3 cups

This daily writing goal has allowed me to open up while remaining private. Introverts. We like our privacy, but can become anxious with no outlet. Thank You for this service and encouragement.
Little lift ideas: Fresh cut flowers in your space. Kite flying! It’s the ultimate “together but with distance” activity. Bake something delicious for a DIY home scent. Groom your animals. Win/Win. Eyes shut/ears open music appreciation. Or story podcasts… Read aloud to one another. Sort your photos. Write letters to the elderly. There are so many ways to engage your mind and hands that don’t involve screens. Explore some.

Testimonial Note from Karen Besser. on Fri, Mar 27
2 cups

750words has been a lifesaver for me. As I’ve been going through a lot of personal turmoil, writing here is a part of my day that grounds me and forces me to stop, relax, think a bit, and write.

It’s not the first time that I’ve come to the site to write, but this time it has stuck. Previously my longest streak was maybe 30 days of writing. Today I have passed one hundred days and I’m still going strong.

Writing here has helped me to quell anxiety, to write faster, and has taught me to censor myself less. All of this, I believe, has may be a better writer and a better person.

In this era of pandemic coronavirus which is sweeping the globe, you have provided a valuable service to the world.

Thank you for making this a better place.


Testimonial Note from L Duperval on Wed, Mar 25
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from Corné on Tue, Mar 24
1 cup

more focus writing more days

Testimonial Note from Robert langdon on Mon, Mar 23
1 cup
Testimonial Note from Shahin on Mon, Mar 23
10 cups

I have been writing on 750 words for roughly 4 to 5 years now. It has been an incredible experience, and I have gained a lot and struggled a lot as well. There have been years where I would barely write, but this year I vowed to become consistent with my writing once again.

At the beginning of the year, I decided that I would write every single day for one month no matter what. This has now extended into 83 days of writing, which is my longest streak so far.

I wanted to write this post to bring some positivity into the world, given everyone’s fears about Covid-19.

During this time where most of us are (hopefully) self-isolating, I realised there is plenty we can do with all this time on our hands to better ourselves, and come out of this experienced transformed and renewed.

Here are some things I’ve been doing to boost my mental health, physical health and general well-being:

1. Writing 750 words every mornings (obviously)
2. Increasing my meditation practice by meditating twice a day.
3. Keeping a gratitude journal (on 750 words)
4. Going for walks in nature by myself (washing my hands before and after leaving the house!).
5. Push-ups, Sit-ups, Squats and Pull-ups.
6. Reading books that I’ve wanted to read for a long time, usually 30-60 minutes a day.
7. Facetiming with friends who I haven’t spoken to for a while.

This list is not intended as a brag or to shame others who have inevitably felt anxiety, depression and other mental health issues regarding our current times.

Rather, I wanted to highlight that since so much has been stripped away, we have been left with only the essentials: our bodies and our minds.

If like me you are currently unable to work, perhaps you can use this time to heal, grow and better yourself.

And if that seems like a little too much right now, just spill out your worries, concerns and anything else that is on your mind on 750words :)

Stay healthy. Stay safe.

Testimonial Note from Shahin on Mon, Mar 23
1 cup
Testimonial Note from Shahin on Mon, Mar 23
1 cup
Star a day you want to remember

Sometimes you write ideas or things you want to remember. There’s not one word that describes it, and you want to remember to go back to that day later and implement your ideas or read your thoughts again. I’d love to have an option like that! So once you finished your words, you could click a star or any other mark. Just like “liked songs” on spotify, or “save for later” on youtube. That kind of thing :-) Thank you so much for this place. I’m so happy to be here.

New Feature Request Note from Nina Pi on Sun, Mar 22
1 cup
Secure server for writing
New Feature Vote from PS on Sat, Mar 21