The Friends & Members of 750 Words

750 Words exists because of mutual good will between the people that run this site (Buster & Kellianne) and the people who use it (you). The site wouldn't exist without the generosity, patience, and humor of everyone involved. For the first 3+ years that the site was running (Dec 2009 to May 2013), the site was free to use but with some encouragement to donate. That served us well (and most importantly, generated enough income to keep the site up), but as the site grew the need for support also grew.

On June 12th 2013, all existing users of the site were given lifetime free accounts (we hope you'll continue to donate when you can). New accounts created after June 12th, 2013 are now required to become members within 30 days after signing up in order to keep writing. Everyone will always have access to previous writings, stats, etc, even if they choose not to become members.

We're listening to your feedback and want to make sure that first and foremost, we offer a friendly and safe place for people to dump their private thoughts. I expect that we'll continue to adjust the way this all works for the near term. Thanks for being an awesome community!

Who runs this site?

Our names are Buster and Kellianne, we live in Berkeley, California with our two sons (Niko and Louie) and this is something we've built and run in our spare time.

Badge.latte<a href="">Sign up or log in</a> to buy Cups of Patronage

Our Good Members

Naomi Brown
David B.
Joshua Burnett
Seth Benton
Emily Rooker
shelia jones
Valerie Whiting
David H
laura flett
Holly Taylor
Pascal Bergeron
Charles Strickland
Donald Bassett
Simone V
Sarah Cunningham
Shannon McDonough
MaryAlice Kelly
Brenda Joyce Patterson
Tatiana E.
Anna Kiley
J. Hamlet
Karen Gygli
Becky Jackson
Christin Zenker
Juliet Parrott-Merrell
Eli Mann
Kimber Lockhart
Eliza HH
alithea seemann
Ilya Kiselyuk
Maria Z
Cindy Giles
Tracey Lundell
Travis Lee Michael
Amy Williams
Lisa Perrine Brown
Daniel Ice
Lina Boatman
Marie Beck
Cristina Williams
Alec Zopf
Dylan Thomas
Grace Garwood
Michael Bell
Alana Reynolds
Bill Hartnett
Niki M
Autumn Kent
Brendt Reil
Andrew Jeffery
Jennifer Duran
Shane Metcalf
Karl Ahlrichs
Claire Hattie
Suzanne Fox
Annette Turducken
Rob Cosh
Elisa van Dam
Devin Dearing Preston
Stitch Philips
Marissa Lyndon
Christophe Egret
Sophie Gamwell
Janet Rae-Dupree
David Hoff
Susan Dryden
Kellie Nuss
Nikol G. Alexander-Floyd
Billy Vaisberg
Audrey Gurock
Pam Neely
Tyler Bachelder
K Siu
Angela Hartwig
Cameron Byrd
Rob Steinberger
Chris Warner-Carey
Todd Barr
Tonya Kropp
Gwen Jorgensen
Sonya Harrell

Notes of inspiration from members

2 cups
Improve the writing page
New Feature Vote from Nora Ozolanta on Sat, Oct 31
5 cups
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from Nora Ozolanta on Sat, Oct 31
5 cups

This website has honestly helped me so much. I’m still not doing my 750 words a day, but I’m working towards it. My depression has been getting the best of me during this pandemic and it hasn’t helped my anxiety either. But every day I do finish my words, it leaves me feeling accomplished and helps me push on. Thank you so much for this wonderful site!

Testimonial Note from Cynthia Ehnes-McElroy on Fri, Oct 30
1 cup

I just started and this is awesome I haven’t wrote 750 yet but I’m working my way up. I feel this is a way to get back in to art of writing.

Testimonial Note from John J Kocan on Wed, Oct 28
1 cup
Secure server for writing

I would love to have a secure site.

New Feature Vote from Suresh Khemka on Tue, Oct 27
3 cups

I love this site!! No matter how I’m feeling or how bad the morning has gong so far, I can always write the 750 words and feel good about myself. I’m using this feature as a way to gather my thoughts on a daily basis, and I’ve been able to see the trends in my thoughts and even track how the way I write in the morning will carry itself through the day.

Thank you guys for this wonderful creation.

Testimonial Note from Mustang Patty on Tue, Oct 27
1 cup

I’d really like to thank Buster and Kellianne for their initiative. I ran into this website by sheer chance but ever since then I haven’t missed a single day of writing because of the joy it brings, the clarity it gives me for the day, and how it allows me to reflect on myself in a systematic manner. I’ve been recommending people to try this out left, right and centre and will continue doing so in the future too.

Testimonial Note from Abhi on Tue, Oct 27
15 cups

I wrote my first journal entry in October of 2010, and over the last decade, 750words has been a constant in my life. Looking back at the data, there were only four months where I didn’t complete a single journal entry, the last time being in October of 2016. Thank you for helping me make sense of my life – it’s made all the difference in the world.

Testimonial Note from Rosanna Casper on Mon, Oct 26
1 cup
More stats on the Eternity page
New Feature Vote from Jane K on Mon, Oct 26
1 cup
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from Jane K on Mon, Oct 26
9 cups

Hi, Been here forever. Love the place. BUT for the life of me WHERE is the sexual content in my today’s writing???
Maude’s Farm 9

A happy place to live for everyone did happen down on the farm.
Marni and Kevin’s home was a kit so it went up fast. They now were about to move into that home.

Linda and Carla were both in Mr McCone’s class. Busy girls they were two of the top teacher helpers.

It was obvious that Ray and Susan were becoming closer. Their pain from his loss of his wife, Her loss of a marriage was slowly mending.

No one noticed Harold and Maude becoming closer. It was thought at their ages they were just seeking companionship. That was fine with them because they would announce on the night before Christmas their love for each other.

Christmas school vacation came with many festivities. The locals yearly had sleigh rides. This year was no exception. Bundled up in their warmest the whole crew went on the rides. Carols were sung, hot chocolate and cookies was consumed.

Christmas Eve was celebrated at Grannie Maude’s house. This Christmas Eve everyone told of an event happening in their life. They were to write it on a paper, fold and write their name then place it in Harold’s new cowboy hat. Harold was oldest so he got to pick. He swirled the papers around then chose.

“Marni, you are first.” said Harold.
“ Linda remember last month when we asked you to stay with Carla instead of coming home after school?”
“Yes, Mama.”
“Your Dad and I were at the doctors office. In six months there will be a brother or sister addition to our family.”

Harold swirled the papers around then chose.
“Linda is next”

“ I am now helping other students with American Sign Language.”

Harold swirled the papers around then chose another name.

“ I was offered a part time job at the bakery in town. I am seriously thinking of taking it. With Carla in school and Grannie Maude not really needing me at the farm I’m thinking it’s about time I get out and meet some new people.”

Harold swirled the papers around then chose a name.

“I’m getting married next year. Not sure of the month but it will happen.”

What everyone shouted. Harold set his hat down and put his arms around Maude saying: “It’s about time we were wed. I’m over here everyday for coffee and most meals. We belong together.”

Picking up his hat he swirled the notes again.

“I have a two part announcement. I have been offered the position of Principal at the school. I may or may not take it.
My other announcement is a mutual agreement between Susan and I to be married.
Darling your engagement ring in under the tree.”
He went over to the tree, picked up a small box and presented the ring to Susan.

“The ring was Mothers and Dad and I agreed you should be wearing it. Hugs and congratulations went all around the room.

Picking up his hat Harold swirled the notes again.
“Kevin, you’re up next.”

“I have a permit from the city to renovate that old run down farmhouse into an office. It seems it was originally well constructed. Next Spring we will start the remake of our Real Estate Office.”

“Carla you are next to last.”

“I am pleased to say our school has a collection of give-a-books for our library. We also have started a collection of give-a-books for other schools.”

“OK that’s it lets sing now.” said Harold.

“Oh no you don’t get away without telling your message.” cried Maude.

“OK,OK. I’m next. I also had a doctor visit. I was a bit worried about some itchy skin patches on the back of my neck. Doc Quinlin had them examined and I was told I am well. He told me to wear a hat that covered my neck. Maude got me this hat for Christmas.
Ain’t it a dandy?” hooted Harold.

The year came and went again it was Christmas Eve. Linda had a new little brother. Her parents were doing well.

Maude and Harold were married and living in Harold’s house.

Ray and Susan were also married and living in Grannies farm.

Carla got up and started singing then everyone joined in:

Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la la la la la
’Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la la la la la
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa la la la la la la la la
Troll the ancient yuletide carol
Fa la la la la la la la la
See the blazing yule before us
Fa la la la la la la la la
Strike the harp and join the chorus
Fa la la la la la la la la
Follow me in merry measure
Fa la la la la la la la la
While I tell of yuletide treasure
Fa la la la la la la la la
Sing we joyous all together
Fa la la la la la la la la
Heedless of the wind and weather
Fa la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la

Ending the Beginning.

©Julia A Knaake

Testimonial Note from Julia Crane on Sat, Oct 24
3 cups
More badges for accomplishments
New Feature Vote from Matthew Martin on Sat, Oct 24
1 cup
More text analysis
New Feature Vote from Virak Ngauv on Wed, Oct 21
1 cup
I missed two days in October. TWO days. Yesterday I just completely forgot amidst the rest of life, so I decided I better fess up to the Wall of Shame commitment because yes, 750 words has made me a more dedicated writer. I still write by hand as a writing practice, but writing on my keyboard with 750 words has made a difference which I know will get better and better and better. Wall of shame debt paid and I will continue to write, to carry on, and know November will be a complete month. And there are only 30 days so there is that, too. :-)
Testimonial Note from Julie JordanScott on Wed, Oct 21
10 cups

Yesterday, I got a 2 million word badge and today I got my 2000 day badge: The Great Griffin. That represents a lot of complaining and clearing my head before getting started. And sure, it involves some vacation days and cheating. But I am forever grateful for the habit of 750 Words and the $$ it has saved me in therapy. Every day, if you show up and do the words, you add to your numbers. That’s the only trick. Seat of the pants to seat of the chair. Best of luck to my fellow writers and thanks to Buster and Kelianne for this great site.

Testimonial Note from Douglas Moe on Tue, Oct 20
9 cups

750 words seems just enough to sort through my thoughts to then move forward with what I want to be doing in the day. This site has helped me tremendously. :)

Testimonial Note from Johanna And on Tue, Oct 20
2 cups

A ‘thank you’ is in order.
I have been using this page on and off for several years. I have never been the one who managed to write every day. Too much life. But writing have always been part of me and in this page I find a system, where I can put that need for text. For that conversation with myself. Most of my writings are like this – conversations I have with myself.
However, it is also an important engine to keep writing on longer projects. Lige so many others here I was always wanting to write a book. This page actually helped me keeping at it and breaking it into so many small portions of text that it actually ended up being a book. And actually – yes – becoming a book. I just signed my contract with the publisher. So thanks for that!
And I will continue, with the conversations and the next book…

Testimonial Note from Andreas Matjulski on Mon, Oct 19
50 cups

I use all my cups, because I’ve lost them all. Since January 2018 I’d only missed one full day of writing— the day my Dad died. Until October 12, 2020. I don’t know if it was the trip and scheduled time off, or that we were off schedule a bit, but somehow I managed to go to bed and didn’t even remember I had not written. That has never happened. My streak came to an end and I didn’t even know it until the next day and there wasn’t an X in the box. Here I am, starting over again. The silver lining of this? I no longer have a precise day count since the day my Dad died. My streak was the count of how many days I’ve lived without him. It is freeing really, to not really know how long of forever it’s been since I heard his voice, since that last day. It’s okay and I’ve paid my $10 and will forgo my treat. I’ll spend November getting my name off the Wall of Shame and I’ll start to earn my cups again.

Testimonial Note from Anonymous on Sun, Oct 18
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

I like the ones that aren’t just about days-written-in-a-row. Like, the speed typing one. Maybe a badge is needed for flowery speech, or good spelling or for the mood of the writing.

New Feature Vote from Joline Olson on Sun, Oct 18
1 cup

I never believed that a daily journal would add much value. I started on this site to become a better writer. What I’ve discovered is different. Writing every day is relaxing and allows me to think through and process through things that are important to me. It is invigorating and helps me start my day feeling refreshed and ready to go. The badges and monthly challenge are motivators. I’m now on a sixty day streak and have formed a positive daily habit. While others are commenting on new functions or badges, I like the site as is. Simple and easy. Thank you for creating a way that helps me start my day off right!

Testimonial Note from Lewis Flax on Mon, Oct 12
2 cups
Improve the homepage

A dark mode setting for the entire website to help reduce eyestrain when using the site in early morning or late at night.

New Feature Vote from Chi V on Sun, Oct 11
1 cup
More badges for accomplishments

Maybe people who are returning to write after missing a day, to encourage them for their progress. Special badges for people who have been members for at least a year or so. People who are writing insanely long entries. People who are significant donators. Maybe a referral code for other people to get an additional free month of use from 750 Words, so that the both of them can each get a free month’s use (the badge can exist for people who have been successful at referring others to use 750 Words).

New Feature Vote from Chi V on Sun, Oct 11
2 cups
More badges for accomplishments

It would be cool to see how many times I’ve earned a particular badge so that I can understand my habits better. I know that my highest streak badges is the 30 days one, but how many times do I only get to 15 days before that? This could be done by just adding a x# icon on the corner of the badges (for example, if I have reached the 30 day badge 5 times, then it would display a little (x5) note on the badge)

New Feature Vote from Camille Dent on Sun, Oct 11
1 cup

It has helped me calm my mind and organize my thoughts in this time of great anxiety and uncertainty. Thank you so so much for what you do

Testimonial Note from Will on Sat, Oct 10
15 cups

I love this website, but I am in mourning today. I wrote last night, and I write in Pages then transfer to the site, but I forgot to transfer it last night and my 897 day streak ended. Ah, well, back to it today. Stay safe, everyone.

Testimonial Note from James O'Donnell on Fri, Oct 09
4 cups

750 Words has motivated me to start a daily writing habit again. I’ve signed up for two months of challenges and flubbed both of them! But I am undeterred! Just because I missed a day or two and owe money doesn’t mean that my quest to write 750 Words a day is over! Whatever happens during the month, I still will show up and write.

Testimonial Note from Erlinda Legaspi on Tue, Oct 06
2 cups
Customizable Badges and Goals

I love this site. I also know that as soon as there is a pressure for me to do something everyday, I freeze a bit. This is great for getting me past that, but I’d also like to be able to set my own goals. Right now, 3x a week is my goal. I understand the goals for everyone need to be uniform but it would be nice to be able to measure my own goal privately – or even publicly!

New Feature Request Note from Lesley Thacker on Sun, Oct 04
1 cup
Creative journalling options

I love the clean simplicity of this site but I often wish I could have italics or bold. Like not a million things where one would get carried away with formatting and distracted from the task but enough so that a writer could feel expressive as I did when I wrote long hand. I tire of ALL CAPS. Also I’d love to be able to incorporate the occasional photo or drawing.

New Feature Request Note from Jennifer Frida on Sun, Oct 04
1 cup
Creative journalling options

I love the clean simplicity of this site but I often wish I could have italics or bold. Like not a million things where one would get carried away with formatting and distracted from the task but enough so that a writer could feel expressive as I did when I wrote long hand. I tire of ALL CAPS. Also I’d love to be able to incorporate the occasional photo or drawing.

New Feature Request Note from Jennifer Frida on Sun, Oct 04
1 cup

Thank you, Buster & Kellianne!.
Even though I joined long back, I started using from last month. I see lot of changes in myself because of self reflection. Thank you again Buster & Kellianne!

Testimonial Note from Reddy on Sat, Oct 03