The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Nancy Swaim

1 cup

I am a newbie and just found the stats site. How revealing that is! Word frequency, word intent…I hope that finding this doesn’t influence my future content. I want to be compassionate and universe-oriented naturally so I must shut off any intent to shape my word stats. The number of men who use the site is encouraging too, written by an old woman who is too experienced in the male power structure. Of course all of you guys could be writing about preserving your dominion but I think you are likely writing about dreams and feelings and gaining understanding of the universe; )

I may be my usual erratic self about writing daily but I am definitely joining. I have the intent to use it daily and to follow my word statistics with curiousity.

Peace and all good, fellow writers. (btw, that is from St. Francis of Assisi, not original)

Testimonial Note from Nancy Swaim on Sat, Jan 18

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