The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from N K

10 cups

365 days in a row. One whole year completed! Wow! I didn’t have any plans when I started to write my 750 words a year ago. I am not a writer, I don’t do diaries. I just decided to give it a try. I didn’t really have expectations from myself, from the process of writing. I just did it. Every morning. Day after day. Often still very drowsy, with my first morning coffee, just me and my words. For the 95% of time I felt just like I was wasting my time as I didn’t really have anything to say. But from time to time, something would happen while writing my 750 words for the day. I would realize something big about myself, or about life in general, I would come to an answer to the question that I never even said out loud, I would suddenly understand some part of me just a bit better. So, after a year of writing, yes, I can say that this is cool. And yes, it looks like time-wasting for the most of the days, but because of these rare and wonderful days when something important comes out in the process of writing, it’s just still so much worth it!
Hello new year of writing!

Testimonial Note from N K on Sat, Mar 09

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