The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Member elms

1 cup
Better export formats

1) Add entry text/metadata etc to txt exports with Markdown formatting, like marking Entry date as header or something so that if I import it into an editor outside for editing later the entries are distinct.

2) Offer HTML as an export option, make it easier to import into, say, google docs for editing. Right now my workflow involves pulling the document into notepad++, using regexp find and replace to mark headers, using a markdown plugin to preview the HTML, and the copy pasting into a google doc all marked up and everything.

Being able to just directly copy paste and keep formatting would be great.

(As a note, commenters — you can preserve a paragraph break by being sure to leave two returns in your original typing. It’s a little weird for me, but I’ve gotten used to it. It has to do with Markdown – because it’s intended for use in situations where you might have forced line-breaks at a certain character count, you need two line-breaks to REALLY indicate a new paragraph.)

New Feature Request Note from elms on Tue, Mar 05

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