The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Breeann

1 cup

I love the intentionality with which Buster and Kellianne designed and run this site. Yes, I could say that badges are silly and that I am intrinsically motivated. But honestly, there is a great extrinsic push with getting “rewards” for doing something that often feels thankless. There is a certain level of pride I get when I see a month full of green Xs. Yes, I write everyday because I have to, but I get that extra incentive to write even when I might feel I don’t want to because I also know that I have a record to maintain or a badge to earn. Sometimes those “silly” things are the tipping point in my choosing to engage in my craft on a day when I really just don’t want to put words down. And often, once I start writing, the words begin to come and 750 words then turns into a productive day of writing. Thank you.

Testimonial Note from Breeann on Thu, Jul 06

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