The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Nan Ciele Ansfird

1 cup

This site has helped to focus my thoughts, expel my anxiety and energize my other projects. For awhile I was beginning each entry with a haiku, which was sometimes annoying when I wanted to just jump in and vent, but the enforced focus actually became a calming process that unplugged me from the world before entering the world of 750 words. I set a goal of writing a thousand haikus and after a few years I think I surpassed that number. Maybe there are only 15 good ones but hey! the act of writing a daily haiku was facilitated by my daily journal habit. I also LOVE the little compressed word data from each entry that is like some freaky distilled poem in and of itself. Thank you for this wonderful site. If I were super rich I would pay you guys to make it free again and get high school kids everywhere started on it. Thank you thank you thank you.

Testimonial Note from Nan Ciele Ansfird on Sat, Jan 07

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