The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Drew Taylor

1 cup

I’ve been doing morning pages since the 80’s and it’s always off and on. I’m so grateful to my mother for getting me to take typing lessons in Junior High so when I started writing three pages with a keyboard it didn’t detract from my process. This site was a treat to discover and in the early days, glitches would sometimes cause problems, but when I wrote longhand sometimes I’d lose an entire book and that would really throw me off. I worked on a movie with Mark Harmon and he gave all the crew backpacks which was great, except the top was a loose fitting strap down affair and my notebook flew out while I was running for the bus once. I believe it rained for days afterwards and retracing my steps did not turn up the record of all my ideas, doodles…etc. Hey, there’s an idea. A function to allow doodling on the page along with the writing. Then it would be much like the long hand process. I love all the restrictions on this site. I also love the freedom and the information it provides. My father recently died and looking at my stats not surprisingly my outlook has been negative and I have been thinking about death. Knowing that is useful when I shift from doing my purge of words to dealing with others. Thank you 750 words. When I started, paying for anything was difficult. I had been gifted old computers from friends who had money, and my access to the internet was something I could barely cover. So, today, here’s to you and more to come.

Testimonial Note from Drew Taylor on Sat, Nov 26

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