The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Alex Dweezy Dwyer

1 cup

Buster, this bounty is dedicated to you, old chap.

People forget that sometimes journals and word ramblings can get as illegible on a computer screen (despite font restrictions) as they used-to-could via the pen & pad method. But there is something about 750 words and its structure that prevents things from getting out of control. Which, for freewriting, is a hidden requirement.

So yes, let us freewrite-away here on 750 words, but let us also toast Buster for constructing a movable fence, a summit, a challenge, a word math system, and of course, a bounty for consistency.

This cup’s for you, Buster.

One Month Challenge Bounty from Alex Dweezy Dwyer on Wed, Jun 02

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