The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Helen Kaelin

1 cup

I was a fan of the Morning Pages when I first read The Artist’s Way as a college student, but between my schedule and the rampant ADHD (yes, we’re blaming that) I could never find time or remember that i needed to do it. Upon discovering your site I realized I could type 90billion times faster than I write, and this would help me to do the morning pages. The excitement I felt was wonderful.
One month later and I find that by doing my morning “brain dump”, I have become far more creative. I use far more eloquent language when talking to others and I’m more descriptive, as the mono-syllabic clutter has been swept out of the way. I write more, I paint more and I create more, and it’s wonderful. Thank you so much for setting this site up and offering it to others for its use. It’s been invaluable in helping keep my head clear to focus on other things.

Testimonial Note from Helen Kaelin on Fri, Apr 02

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