Write privately, with a group

Thanks for testing this new feature!

This is just a test for a couple people... please use it and send us feedback, but don't talk publicly or link to it just yet since we still want to make it a lot better before more people start using it.

Writing groups are a new experiment at 750 Words based on a lot of requests over the years. People love the idea of writing privately, but they want to do it with other people! For something so solitary, it sure does love company.

The idea behind writing groups is simple. One person (who creates the group) is the group organizer and can do things like name the group, and even pay for people in the group (though that's not required). They can also choose a separate word count goal... either more or less than 750 words per day.

Every day, the writing happens as usual, but now there's a new link in the top nav that links to your group page and allows you to see how everyone else in the group is doing with their writing.

This is just the first version, so lots of things aren't quite fully functional yet (please let us know if you run into bugs of any kind), and I'm sure it'll grow and improve over time based on your feedback (please send us your ideas!).

Know the secret knock?

To create a new group, or to join an existing group, create an account and log in (it's free). Then, reload this page.