The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Andrew Raimist

1 cup
Mobile-friendly website

I sometimes compose my words in the Notes app on my iPhone using voice recognition while I’m taking a walk. I then select all then copy and paste.

The problem I’ve had is that there doesn’t appear to be a way to trigger a “Force Save” like I can on my iPad by using Command-S. I’ve tried lots of different tricks. Sometimes it appears that the words have registered and been counted but they haven’t actually be “saved”. In a few cases, I’ve lost what I put in which impacted my continuous streak of writing.

In the past, I thought perhaps I could use voice-recognition directly into the site from my iPhone. In some of those cases, I lost my text/writing altogether. That’s why I at least use the Notes app to hold my writing so if inputting it into doesn’t take, then I’ll still have a copy.

Perhaps there could be a “Save Now” button that appears on mobile devices.

New Feature Request Note from Andrew Raimist on Tue, Mar 01

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