The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Patron Joseph Mayer

50 cups

5 million. No, those five million words aren’t often a story, they’re often just the day-to-day blather of someone just trying to get his word count higher, or the somewhat incoherent ramblings brought on by trying to make sense of my day, or venting about the day. But, somehow, over these past ten-ish years, I’ve managed to string together what would be the equivalent of 100 NaNoWriMo novels. Thank you, Buster and Kellianne, for giving me the room in which to do so. I hope I grow in the future, and I hope that 750 words is right there with me to help me grow further.

Testimonial Note from Joseph Mayer on Mon, Nov 04

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