The Good Patrons of 750 Words

A Note of Inspiration from Lex Brauns

5 cups

A 48-hour blackout has cut my first streak off. How disappointed I was when I realised I wasn’t going to get power back in time to put out some words. But at the same time, it drove a fire under me to start again once I got my power back on and it made me realise that the act of sitting down and writing not only helps me dump whatever I am feeling, and sometimes discover the true cause of a reaction or emotion, but also just helps to create that one predictable element in my day that helps to cement me in days where sometimes anything goes. Can I write words any time anywhere with a pen and paper, yes. Do I find this site, with its cute badges, auto word counter and little checkboxes more motivating? Yes.

Testimonial Note from Lex Brauns on Thu, Aug 30

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